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Breaking Articles

I am drowning (in bills), SOS!

Dear friends, I have not been bringing up this topic since July 4th and instead I have posted appeals for others.  As a result, donations have, yet again, come to an almost complete fullstop (thanks to the few who did send them in!!!!).  In contrast, the bills have continued to come in with an enviable regularity.  As a result, I am again “drowning” in bills in struggling to make ends

Ivan Ilyin on Orthodoxy

Foreword by The Saker: Today the Nazi-occupied Ukraine is celebrating “independence day”.  The festivities will center on a military parade in which the Ukronazis will try to ape the Russian Victory Day parade, but will feature US Hummers, NATO style uniforms and the usual torrent of hate-filled russophobic statements.  The highlight of the parade will be the march of the Aidar death squad.  As for the regime in Kiev, it

The Russian-Chinese-Indian Strategic Convergence In Myanmar – PART I

by Andrew Korybko The Southeast Asian state of Myanmar is beleaguered by creeping threats that risk returning the country to the dark days of full-scale civil war. Neighboring powers India and China have no interest in seeing this scenario, as such an event would spoil the role that they expect a stable Myanmar to fill vis-à-vis their strategic vision for the country. In what makes for tragic irony, however, their

MH-17 one year later

This column was written for the Unz Review: Over a year has passed since Malaysian Airlines flight MH-17 has been shot out of the skies by somebody, but we still don’t know the truth and all sorts of hypotheses are circulating on the Internet. In the West, the Emperor Barak Ist decreed on the day after the actual shoot-down that the party responsible for this atrocity was, of course,

Minsk -2: A Rotting Corpse

by Christopher Black for the New Eastern Outlook The Minsk-2 ceasefire agreement is dead but no one wants to bury the rotting corpse. Since it was signed in February of this year the Donbas governments and Russia have bent over backward to comply with the terms of that agreement hoping against hope that the Kiev junta would do the same. They hoped in vain. Poroshenko and his fascist allies instead

A Network of Power: Gas Pipelines of the European Continent (Infographics)

by SouthFront: Natural gas has limited and expensive transport options. As a result, natural gas pipelines are constantly used as tool of the political pressure and bargaining. One of the most notable battlefields is the European continent, where Russia has exerted its influence through an intricate network of pipelines. Find the text with an additional information about the pipelines below the graphics. (for high resolution image go here: 1. NORD STREAM

Is an Ukronazi attack imminent? Yes! So what else is new?

Novorussian officials have called a press conference today to warn about the high risks of an Ukronazi assault on Novorussia in the very near future.  I have asked our translation team and friends to subtitle the video of this press conference and I hope to get it in the next 24 hours or less. The press conference was unique in that Edward Basurin, the Deputy Defense Minister and spokesman for

Ukraine SITREP August 20th, 2015 by Scott

About an article East Ukraine’s Donetsk Republic Will Hold Referendum To Join Russia Without going into intricacies of world affairs, I need to give to you, our readers and commentators, the same warning I give to our Research Assistants: Check Your Sources. First, ZeroHedge reposts a article that claims its source was “the Donetsk-based Ostrov news agency” Upon simple cross-reference, nothing is found that would confirm that the Referendum

The Saker interviews Omar Ma’arabouni

The Saker: Please introduce yourself to your readers, education, professional experience, military experience, political leanings, religion, etc. Omar Ma’arabouni: I am an ex officer in the popular liberation army of the Socialist Progressive Party (Jumblat).  During the Lebanese War I have undergone several high level military training sessions in the USSR (artillery and infantry).  Currently I don’t have any alignment with any particular party. I am secular and currently engaged

Is Ukraine On The Cusp Of A Real Uprising?

by Andrew Korybko It’s been discussed since the civil war first began last spring, but Ukraine might finally be on the verge of a legitimate people’s uprising against the government. The Color Revolutions in 2004 and 2014 were organized from abroad (despite the misleading mass media representation that they were popular movements) and aimed to achieve concrete geopolitical objectives on behalf of the West, thereby discrediting them as real grassroots

US Military Afraid It Can’t Fight Russia

by Shellback for Russia Insider Do you suppose people at the Pentagon read RI? I don’t mean read it in the sense that they have to know the Sewage Emitted by the Vast Army of Putin Trolls so they can Counter it with the Clear Water of NATO Bromides. I mean read it in the sense that they think they might learn something from the VAofPT ? We at RI have

Hybrid Wars: The Indirect Adaptive Approach To Regime Change

Dear friends, Our Saker blog contributor Andrew Korybko has just published his first book.  Here is the press release written by our friends at Oriental Review.  Check it out and make sure to grab a copy of the book! Cheers, The Saker ——- source: Sputnik International’s political analyst and journalist, Andrew Korybko, just published his first book on “Hybrid Wars: The Indirect Adaptive Approach To Regime Change”. It was

Will Russia finally agree to deliver S-300/S-400 to Iran? (UPDATED!)

It is often forgotten that what happened to Russia with the French Mistrals is very much a case of bad Karma coming back: just as Russia had already paid France for the Mistrals, so had Iran already paid Russia for the S-300 SAMs.  Both Russia and France reneged after the contracts were signed and finalized.  And just as France’s reputation will suffer from the Mistral fiasco, the Russian reputation will

Ukraine SITREP August 16th, 2015 by Scott & BAAZ

Donbass Donetsk Novorossia 1. Today again non-stopping Ukrainian artillery strikes on civilians in Makeevka [source] 2. Full list of shellings in Makeevka [source] 3. Town Zhovanka, Donetsk, after Ukranian Arned Forces shelled it overnight August 13 – 14 2015 Images of horrible obliteration [source] Жованка после обстрела со стороны ВСУ 4. Terrible tragedy in Gorlovka. Severe intentional shelling of Gorlovka by NATO and Kiev junta armed forces. Video Последствия обстрела

Public Law 86-90| The Vietnam War Shows the Strength of Donbas’ Rights!

by GH Eliason  Could US Senator John McCain find North Vietnam on a map during or before the period he spent 5 years as a POW in Hanoi? Could you? The answer is no. North Vietnam only existed in Public Law 86-90. Some of the other countries that we also recognize that are enshrined in the law did not exist concretely until 1991. The Vietnam War and Ukrainian war are

Russia moves to protect her Arctic interests

This column was written for the Unz Review: Russia has embarked on a massive and much publicized effort to secure the 6’200km of her northern border and to be ready to defend her interests in the Arctic shelf up to 500km from her border. This means that 3’100’000 square kilometers of extremely difficult and inhospitable terrain will have to be secured. Why such a huge effort? First and foremost,

Ukraine SITREP August 13th, 2015 by Scott

Ukraine 1. Ukraine resumes export of Russian electricity [source] Москва. 7 августа. INTERFAX.RU – Украина возобновила импорт электроэнергии из РФ по контракту между “Укринтерэнерго” и “Интер РАО”, сообщили в пятницу агентству “Интерфакс” в украинской Минэнергоугля. 2. Kiev Junta sanctioned 1300 Russian individuals and companies [source] Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk wrote on his Facebook page on August 12: “Yesterday the extended sanctions against Russia imposed by the US government came into

The Saker interviews General (Ret.) Amine Htaite of the Lebanese Armed Forces

(This interview was very kindly translated by Ghassan Kadi to whom I want to express my deepest gratitude.  The Saker) The Saker: Please introduce yourself to your readers, education, professional experience, military experience, political leanings, religion, etc. General Htaite:  My name is Amine Htaite, I am a retired general in the Lebanese Army, PhD in Law, a lecturer in the Lebanese University and Islamic University in Lebanon. I am the
