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Breaking Articles

Sanctioned Terrorism

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich Who is a terrorist? Undoubtedly, what comes to mind is Daesh (ISIL), al-Qaeda, MKO, Boko Haram, etc. What is terrorism? The events of 9/11 and the gruesome beheadings carried out by Daesh shape our visual perception of terrorism. What is left unmentioned and unrecognized in our collective psyche is the kind of terrorism that has been deliberately obfuscated: sanctioned terrorism or terrorism with a license – sanctions.

Poroshenko’s address to Ukrainian people and people of the World in connection of 70th Anniversary of the end of World War II.

Note: the text below was posted on the official website of Poroshenko, but only in Ukrainian, not in English or Russian.  Which is especially interesting since it it addressed not only to the Ukrainian people, but also to the “world community”.  Thanks to “AA” who translated this from Ukrainian into English I can share with you this most interesting speech.  As you will see, Poroshenko wants to create an international

The Capitulation of “Grand Liban”

Foreword by the Saker: It is my pleasure to share with you an exceptionally well written and interesting report by Ghassan Kadi about the situation in Lebanon and the dynamics in the region.  I am also happy to report that Kadi will now regularly write for the Saker blog and share his insights and analyses with us.  I have also agreed with him to follow up today’s article with an

The Moscow-Beijing Express: From May 9th in Moscow to September 3rd in Beijing, the Anti-West Order Comes Full Circle

By: Jeff J. Brown, 44 Days Radio Sinoland Cross linked with 44 Days and Sound Cloud: Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) was the only person during the entire Beijing V-Day parade who got face time with Chinese President Xi Jinping (right). This speaks volumes about China’s intended message to its people and the world. (Image by 44 Days Radio Sinoland) On May 9th, 2015, in Moscow, Chinese President

What if there won’t be any war, or the second referendum in Donetsk

Source Author Rostislav Ishchenko (Ростислав Ищенко) Translation Seva A sensible politician always respects his opponent and assumes that if to him (sensible politician) something appears obvious, his opponent took this possibility into account, and, if that option is undesirable for him (an opponent), he is looking for (or possibly has already found) an alternative non-obvious solution. Americans have lost several geopolitical rounds to Russia for the simple reason that

Will Stepan Bandera III Allow Kiev to Destroy the Bandera Legacy?

by GH Eliason In a bizarre twist of fate, this article maybe the only warning Stepan Bandera III receives that he really needs to get a running head-start. Part of the Ukrainian Diaspora is trying to cast the crowning achievement of his grandfather “the real Stepan Bandera” to the ash-heap of history. This move is geared to crush the hope for freedom of generations of Bandera supporters. In an effort

Poroshenko: New Military Doctrine is based on the duration of threat from Russia and demands full compatibility of the Armed Forces with NATO standards

(Note: I don’t have the time to turn this pidgin English into something better, sorry.  So I have left this text “as is”.  The Saker) The new Military Doctrine of Ukraine officially states that the Russian Federation is a military adversary of Ukraine and sets a task to redeploy military units and formations and establish proper military infrastructure in eastern and southern regions,” Petro Poroshenko said opening the discussion of

On Russian military interventions (or lack thereof)

My recent article about a possible Russian military intervention in the Syrian conflict triggered, amongst mostly rational reactions, a few angry and frustrated one from folks who were apparently disgusted with the Russian refusal to get militarily involved in Novorussia and Syria.  Since such angry protests are also often echoed on other supposedly pro-Russian blogs and websites I think that it is worthwhile to address the substance of these criticisms

Ukraine SITREP September 2nd, 2015 by Scott

The Russians have been so successful in gathering their country together because they come to other people and ask them about their needs, wants and dreams. Preferably in their own languages. Americans come to other nations and dictate what they want, need, and dream all in the English language. The West is not far behind. Here are the Russian anonymous person’s commentary on the “commentary” of the EU institution, not

President Putin’s interview to TASS and Xinhua news agencies

Ahead of his visit to the People’s Republic of China to attend celebrations of the 70th anniversary of China’s victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan and the end of World War II, Vladimir Putin gave an interview to the Russian news agency TASS and the Chinese news agency Xinhua. Question: This year marks 70 years since the victory over Nazism in World War II. Both your father and the father of China’s President Xi Jinping fought in that war. Your memories of the war are both your personal, family memories and the memories of the whole nation. After Xi

SITREP: grenade attack in Kiev – a US PSYOP?

It did not take the Ukrainian security services, which are usually not known for their competence, very long to identify the person who tossed the combat grenade at the security forces guarding the Duma: his name is Igor Gumeniuk. The official version goes like this: Igor Gumeniuk is a member of the Svoboda Party of Oleg Tiagnibok and a solider of the “Sech” death squad. This proud Ukrainian patriot had

A Russian military intervention in Syria? I very much doubt it

The Internet is flooded with rumors about a Russian military intervention in Syria.  It all began with an article by Thierry Meyssan in Voltaire Net and now this rumor made it to Zero Hedge.  Finally, the Israeli website Ynet also joined the rumor mill.  Here are the two main assertions made by these sources: Russia has just created a Russo-Syrian Commission and has begun supplying weapons, sharing intelligence, and sending

The Saker interviews Peter Koenig

Western Sanctions on Russia – Russia-China Cooperation and a Tectonic Shift of World Economics – World Power The Saker: How is Russia coping with sanctions so far and what are the prospects for the future? Peter Koenig: Let’s begin with what are ‘sanctions’? – Sanctions are (economic) punishments by the self-proclaimed empire in Washington and its European minions on any country that does not follow the dictate of the empire.

The Russian-Chinese-Indian Strategic Convergence In Myanmar: PART II

by Andrew Kroybko (Please read Part I before this article) Existing Unilateral Initiatives In their quest to stabilize Myanmar according to their long-term strategic visions, each of the three examined actors has unilaterally taken significant (and in most cases, counter-productive) strides in trying to achieve this. Here are the most impactful actions and their results: India: By far the most important thing that India has done in trying to stabilize

The Stock Shock And Economic Bipolarity

by Andrew Korybko “ Black Monday’s ” stock shock sent waves through the global economy, with all of Asia and most of the West experiencing some degree of market decline. The drop raised fears that the world is on the verge of yet another global recession, this time caused by China’s “ new normal ” phase of moderate growth and currency correction . The transition of the world’s largest economy

Europe in free fall

(Note: this column was written for the Unz Review Europe is in free fall. Nobody can doubt that any more. In fact, the is EU simultaneous suffering from several crucial problems and any one of them could potentially become catastrophic. Let’s look at them one by one. The 28 member EU makes no economic sense The most obvious problem for the EU is that it makes absolutely no economic

Tons of thanks!! (and a short update) + Update 2 + Update 3 + Last update

Dear friends, First and foremost, I want to thank you all for your donations!  Your response as been tremendous and the sense of support I get from you guys is amazing! Thanks so much! Then, a short update from ‘my’ hurricane.  The good news is that Erika is about to run unto some atmospheric shear and some dry air, which means that there is a good chance that she might

I might soon get a most unwelcome visitor: Hurricane Erika

Dear friends, It looks like next week East-Central Florida might get a most unwelcome visitor: Hurricane Erika.  At this point in time, this is by no means certain, the system might weaken and peter out and it might turn into another direction, but so far it looks like it is coming directly towards yours truly: So far there is definitely no reason to panic, but this is a good time

President Bashar Al-Assad’s al-Manar August 25, 2015 Interview

source: DAMASCUS, (ST)_ The terrorists are the most important real tool in the ongoing aggression against Syria, outlined H.E. President Bashar Al-Assad . In an exclusive interview with the Lebanese al-Manar Satellite TV, aired Tuesday evening at 6:30 p.m. (GMT), President Al-Assad pointed out that encountering Israel deems it necessary for us to encounter its tools in the interior, asserting that Israel from time to time carries out acts

Ukraine SITREP August 26th, 2015 by Scott

On Monday night I was up watching in stunned amazement a meltdown of the almighty market the likes of which has not been seen in years. Even if you never held or traded stocks, you couldn’t miss the corporate media talking heads blubbering something incomprehensible, like “it’s a garden verity market adjustment.” I want to share with you two very useful links. These graphics give you a full world markets
