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Breaking Articles

Vladimir Putin, a providential man

By Cédric Bernelas translation by Brahim source: Vetche and Mir have long been able to combine their egalitarian agrarian tropism with autocrats’ designs of kingdoms and Russian Tsars. But this unusual chemistry between princely regimes and democratic systems inevitably engendered some revolutions which then gave birth to a transvestite communism. That Bolshevism was the dictatorial tendencies and do not fall of Marxian sky. History is more complex than some

Ukraine & China SITREP September 27th, 2015 by Scott and Serbian Girl

First of all, I want to express my gratitude to all of you who responded to our call for research assistants. No one can embrace unembraceable, said famous Russian satirical character Kozma Prutkov. Solitary, one can’t; but together we just might. Human Flood in the Land of “We’re always right”: Europe should expect up to 35 million refugees. Apparently, the Ayn Rand Institute, a neo conservative ultra Liberal pro-Israel think

SouthFront Call Volunteers, Bloggers and Media: Don’t succumb to illusions

The ongoing events show that many of the Russia-focused web sites and blogosphere don’t have a clear-eyed view on the situation around the world. For example, one can find articles arguing Russia strictly adheres to the Minsk agreements. That in turn is offered as the reason Russia has the ability and the military resources to come to grips with the Syrian issue and even to embark on a military build-up

Russia’s “Civilizational Choice”

(Note: this column was written for the Unz Review: This week, Vladimir Putin and a large number of national and foreign dignitaries and guests have inaugurated the biggest mosque in Europe: the new Moscow Cathedral Mosque. This was a big event, much awaited by the many tens of thousands of Russian Muslims who live in the Russian capital and who, in the past, have had to pray in the streets

How SouthFront changes the world

If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at SouthFront, Analysis & Intelligence is a public analytical project maintained by an independent  team of experts from the four corners of the Earth focusing on international relations issues and crises and working through a number of media platforms with a special emphasis on social networks. We focus on analysis and intelligence of the ongoing crises

The Serbian Demographic Crisis

by Wolfson A couple of weeks ago there was a stir in the Serbian media as a UN World Population Prospect report was released.[1] Today there are 8.851.000 people inhabiting Serbia. In 2030 there will be 8.218.000, in 2050 there will be 7.331.000 and finally in 2100 there will be a measly 5.334.000 people living there. These numbers include Kosovo and Metohija which is now predominantly Albanian, meaning they are

War on Syria; Not Quite According to Plan Part 3: A USA Unable To Bomb Syria

by Ghassan Kadi With all the different components of the “Anti-Syrian Cocktail”, the most lethal is undoubtedly the USA. We should therefore take a deeper look at the military hopes and gambles that the USA took, in desperate attempts, to be able to bomb Syria in order to understand why those several attempts have failed for more than two decades. In Part 2, we saw how the USA was hoping

Saker appeal for help: do you want to actually *do* something to resist?!

Dear friends, I need your help. Specifically, I are looking for two kinds of volunteers: MODERATORS: I need at least two, ideally three, moderators to help moderate the comments in this blog.  Several of our moderators are currently unable to help us due to their personal, real life, issues.  We especially need moderators to fill the following time slots: 5PM/1700 to 9PM/2100 GMT 12AM/0000 to 4AM/0400 GMT If you can

The Mideast As Explained By Ideology: Past, Present, And Future – PART I

by Andrew Korybko The politics of the Mideast are intimidatingly complex, with many observers struggling to understand its dynamics and instead falling victim to false simplifications of “Sunni vs. Shiite”. The reality is a lot different than surface stereotypes let on, as the region’s processes are actually determined by the interplay between four official ideologies – Israeli Exceptionalism, Secular Republicanism, Islamic Republicanism, and Monarchic Absolutism – which divide themselves into

Russia is constructing a military base in Syria

Foreword by the Saker: I am delighted to post an article which, unlike all the nonsense we have been fed by Ynet, Debka and the rest of them, actually makes sense and outlines what appears to me a very likely description of the rationale behind the military component of the overall Russian strategy towards the war against Syria.  This article also confirms my guess that Latakia (and not Damascus) will

Russia’s ultimate lethal weapon

by Pepe Escobar for RT Let’s start with some classic Russian politics. Finance Minister Anton Siluanov is drawing up Russia’s economic strategy for 2016, including the government budget. Siluanov – essentially a liberal, in favor of foreign investment – will present his proposals to the Kremlin by the end of this month. So far, nothing spectacular. But then, a few days ago, Kommersant leaked that Russia’s Security Council asked presidential

Pinocchio in Tehran: A response to Tehran Bureau/The Guardian’s Propaganda

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich Virtually everyone is familiar with Pinocchio’s story __ a wooden puppet carved by Gepetto brought to life by a fairy that instructed him to be “brave, truthful, and unselfish” in order to remain a real boy. What I remember the most about Pinocchio was his failure to heed the fairy, his nose growing longer with every lie. This seems to be the case with Tehran Bureau’s unnamed

Listening to Bashar al-Assad

Like most of you, I spent 1 hour listening to Bashar al-Assad’s interview with the Russian media yesterday.  I have to tell you that I am impressed.  But before I discuss this in more detail, let me confess something which old-time readers of this blog might remember: I used to be very opposed to secular Arab nationalists, especially Baathists.  Not only did I have an extremely bad opinion of Saddam

Ukraine SITREP September 17th, 2015 by Scott

1001 Arabian nights of Germany. Merkel, assuming Scheherazade’s pose, has been telling everyone how hospitable and generous Germans are being towards refugees. [source] Poles , on guard to never let Germans look remotely human, shoot from all their mass media artillery accusing Germans in bringing refugees to fix demographic situation, to work to support the aging German population, and to enslave all other European nations using a special Muslim-German army.

The Saker interviews Ghassan Kadi

The Saker: I will begin with a historical question.  Many years ago I had the privilege to work with a most interesting Syrian lawyer whose father had been an influential Syrian personality.  Here is what this friend of mine told me one day: Arab nationalism in general, and Baathism in particular, was the creation of the European Masonic elites who used their local Masonic brethren to stir up various kinds

Integration of Donbass and re-Russification of Russia – opinion

by Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by N_V Source   Political columnist of “Russia Today” Rostislav Ishchenko talks about the attractiveness of the Donbass for modern Russia, the possibility of increasing Russian population of the Russian Federation, and about how the historic reunification of the Russian people promises the Russian World all the advantages. The Russian state was built as multinational since the days of ancient (pre-Mongol) Rus. However, with the

A Russian-Syrian volunteer talks about his experience in the “Shabiha” pro-Assad paramilitary

translation: Tatzhit Mikhailovich In the media, we often see stories about people from all around the world joining ISIS, for one reason or another. At the same time, almost nothing is known about those who are fighting this plague. We talked to Michel Mizah, a 25-year-old citizen of Russia and Syria, who recently returned from Damascus, where he fought in the “Shabiha” pro-government paramilitary units. He told us what the
