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Breaking Articles

Zakharchenko, Deinego and Pushilin have set a trap for Poroshenko

Top Novorussian officials from the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics (Zakharchenko, Deinego and Pushilin) have held a joint press conference and officially announced that they had taken the unilateral decision to withdraw by no less than 3km from the line of contact all their weapons up to a 100mm caliber (weapons of a heavier caliber were supposed to have already been withdrawn according to the Minsk-2 Agreement (M2A); the Novorussians complied,

Ukraine SITREP July 16th, 2015 by Scott

Ukraine I must admit that my trusted sources of information on the situation in Novorossia and Ukraine suddenly stopped functioning, or got shutdown by FB, twitter, and VK. It might be due to lack of funding. I’m in a process of searching for new sources. 1. Israeli-made air-to-air missile may have downed MH17 – report [Source] However, the legal assault on Russia continues with the $900mil lawsuit filed in the

Victoria Nuland buries Minsk-2 and visits a musical zoo in Kiev

Oh the grandeur of the Empire’s foreign policy!  Victoria Nuland flew to Kiev and, immediately, the impact of her presence was felt. First, Poroshenko presented a law which really gave no special autonomy for the Donbass and which was never discussed with the representatives of the DNR and LNR.  In other words, the USA gave its imprimatur to the official and finally burial of Minsk-2. Then Victoria Nuland visited the

Ukrainian Myths and Ukrainian Lies

by GH Elisason Why “the Ukrainians” Lie- Prof. A. Moytl Says the West Shouldn’t Freak Out! In an article published  at the New Atlanticist, Political Science Professor Alexander Moytl  of Rutgers University wrote the strongest justification a Ukrainian Nationalist scholar can mount in defense of the Ukraine”s love affair with the nationalism of Stepan Bandera. Bandera, a mass murderer, torturer, and assassinated former leader of Ukraine’s ultra-nationalist emigre political movement is the Ukrainian equivalent to

Ukraine SITREP July 15th, 2015 by Scott

Russia’s Constitutional Court takes first step toward achieving a full sovereignty of the country by stating that the decisions of the Western supra-national organizations like the European Court of Human Rights won’t have power if they violate the Constitution of Russia. This is the first recognition of an unlawful grip that the US government, political, and financial institutions hold over Russia for the past twenty five years Russia may in

Hassan Nasrallah: Israel is the ultimate terrorist, Iran is its only enemy

(please press the ‘cc’ button to see the English subtitles) Transcript: […] During this conference (of the Israeli High Command), the impudence of Israelis went as far as calling for an Arab-Israeli alliance to confront terrorism. Conceive of it: Israel calling for an Arab-Israeli alliance to confront terrorism! And what is terrorism for them? Iran and the Resistance movements. Now, so that the imposture not be too blatant, they put

The Saker Podcast No 8 (The Origins of Daesh)

Dear friends, Here is my 8th podcast.  This one is short and deal with one topic only: the origins of the group known today as ISIS/IS/Daesh/etc.  Please let me know if you find some short(er) single-topic podcasts useful or not, or if you prefer to previous Q&A format. Note about the music: The music for this show are two compositions of the wonderful Florida guitarist Walter Parks.  The tunes are

Geopolitical War Against Venezuela (part 2)

by Andrew Korybko PART II: The US’ Geopolitical War Against Venezuela (Please read Part I before this article) The Military-Political Game In Guyana The US is exploiting its latest proxy client, Guyana, in order to open up a second ground front in the containment of Venezuela. Franco Vielma, in a translated article for The Saker, brilliantly explains how this came to be. To summarize his detailed research (which the reader

Special Report: The Truth about Srebrenica 20 years later

This past week the world was reminded that it has been 20 years since the events following the Bosnian Serb Army’s entry into Srebrenica and today I am posting a special report about this event which I personally consider of absolutely crucial importance in world history not only because of the large number of people who died in this event, but also because it served as the pretext for the

The problem of Greece is not only a tragedy. It is a lie.

by John Pilger original article: An historic betrayal has consumed Greece. Having set aside the mandate of the Greek electorate, the Syriza government has willfully ignored last week’s landslide “No” vote and secretly agreed a raft of repressive, impoverishing measures in return for a “bailout” that means sinister foreign control and a warning to the world. Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has pushed through parliament a proposal to cut at

Geopolitical War Against Venezuela (part 1)

by Andrew Korybko PART I: The US’ Geopolitical War Against Venezuela Ever since the presidency of the late Hugo Chavez, Venezuela has been the brightest multipolar beacon in the Western Hemisphere. Although Brazil is much larger and wealthier, some Latin American states have expressed fear about its future intentions, believing that ‘multipolarity’ is simply a slogan to justify Brasilia’s soft expansion into regional markets and resource reserves and replace Washington’s

July 12th Weekly World and Ukraine SITREP by Baaz

Russian Media (Ukraine/Russia) Китайцы сняли мультфильм о саммитах ШОС и БРИКС в Уфе (Source) (Video Source) Командующий ВМС Украины подтвердил превращение Одессы в базу НАТО (Source) Американский генерал: Украинцы передают военным инструкторам США опыт борьбы с русскими (Source) Украина превратится в большой радиоактивный могильник (Source) Украина легализуют рынок торговли человеческими органами (Source) Саакашвили играет роль «великого комбинатора (Source) Генсек Совета Европы: Особый статус Донбасса нужно закрепить в Конституции Украины (Source)

BRICS and SCO – to replace PACE and OSCE

by Vasilii Ivanenko translated by “K” In the Capital of Bashkiria one of the key events in global politics of 2015 is taking shape Historic summits of two organisations – BRICS and SCO – which are providing the framework of the emerging “Eurasian” world order opened at the same time in Ufa. Moreover it is the first time they take place in the same location. In both structures Russia-China is

A Tale of Two World Orders (Unz Review column)

Dear friends, I was recently contacted by Ron Unz who asked me if I would be willing to write a column for the Unz Review.  I replied that I was, of course, interested but I wrote to him to warm him that I have a very strong propensity for “crimethink” and that I needed to know if there were any topics he would want me to stay away from.  His

Ukraine SITREP July 10th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)UN: Five million Ukrainians in need of humanitarian assistance  The most vulnerable are people living in the Donbass Western media noted that humanitarian organizations since the beginning of this year has assisted more than 450 thousand people in Ukraine. About its plan to increase the support until the end of the year to Ukrainians has reported the world food programme of the United Nations. 2)Poroshenko has appointed new Ambassador

Ukraine SITREP July 09th, 2015 by Scott

Two main trends this week: very rapid rise of a badly bruised European Left back to robust health; and a sprint of non-Western countries away from the West. A dash to get away and decouple from the West is gaining momentum. More nations are joining in and those who can’t, watch with a certain degree of envy. Today, Russia’s city of Ufa is hosting the seventh annual BRICS summit [Source]

I need an Arabic->English translator (UPDATE: NOBODY FOUND YET!)

Dear friends, I need somebody to translate a fairly short (but important) text from Arabic into English. If you can help, please email me at or Thanks a lot! The Saker UPDATE: As of July 20th, THREE people have offered to help and all three have then defaulted.  So I STILL have not found anybody willing to help with this (relatively short) translation.

When fear is not enough

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. In his book 1984, George Orwell wrote the following on how to rule over people: He paused, and for a moment assumed again his air of a schoolmaster questioning a promising pupil: ‘How does one man assert his power over another, Winston?’ Winston thought. ‘By making him suffer,’ he said. ‘Exactly. By making him suffer. Obedience is not enough. Unless he
