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Breaking Articles

Yesterday’s blog outage

Dear friends, As many of you have noticed, the blog had an outage yesterday.  Though I am not sure what happened, one of our IT specialists found the location of the problem and fixed it.  I am not sure whether this fix is permanent or temporary (I just woke up to a short email from him, we did not have the time to discuss this yet), but at least from

Ukraine SITREP June 12th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)In Rada suggest to forbid trade with Donbass and the Crimea  The relevant bill in the Ukrainian parliament was introduced by the extra fractional deputy Yury Levchenko “Temporarily occupied territories” official Kiev calls uncontrollable to the central authorities of the territory of Donetsk and Lugansk areas, and also the Crimea which became part of Russia following the results of a referendum. In November, 2014 Poroshenko signed the document which was

Beautiful Saker Community promotional video

Dear friends, This beautiful Saker Community promotional video was made by Fedor.  I hope that you will enjoy it.  Please circulate it. Kind regards, The Saker Other languages: Français : Italiano : Pусский : Português : Cрпски : Español : čeština :

Community input sought for a title and a logo!

Dear friends, Jeff J. Brown, whom I interviewed here and who contributed this to the blog, has agreed to write a monthly contribution to this blog.  I have high hopes for this as I believe that his “view from China” will be an ideal complement to what Andrew Korybko writes from Moscow and what I write from the USA. We need to things: a) a nice title to his column,

Putin, the Pope, the Schism, Franks and Romans (UPDATED)

So the Pope met with Putin.  And the media (corporate and free) is full of all sorts of opinions, analyses, interpretations, etc.  Frankly, I have no interest in commenting either on the visit (though I have an opinion about it, of course) or, even less, on the mostly sophomoric and ill-informed about it.  What I propose to do is to expose you to a dramatically different point of you to

Ukraine SITREP June 11th, 2015 by Scott

Vox of Populi: If Putin ran for President of the USA in 2016, on a platform of banishing all incumbent members of the house and senate to re-education camps in Outer Mongolia, he’d win by a landslide.. I would add that if Putin ran for President of Russia today on a platform of banishing all incumbent members of the Russian parliament and government and the Russia’s Central bank to re-education

American citizen tortured by Ukrainian government

by Tatzhit Mikhailovich (original here: As previously reported on LiveLeak  and RT (and completely ignored in Western mass media – hello “free and unbiased reporting”) there have been two protests against the regime in Kiev in the past few days: a large protest march and a smaller “Maidan 3.0” protest camp. On Sunday night, the protest camp has been dispersed by unknown masked assailants, apparently with the blessing from

The Saker interviews Michael Hudson

Dear friends It is my immense privilege and honor to submit to you my interview with Michael Hudson, whom I consider to be the best economist in the West.  The Saker The Saker: We hear that the Ukraine will have to declare a default, but that it will probably be a “technical” default as opposed to an official one. Some say that the decision of the Rada to allow Iatseniuk

Ukraine SITREP June 10th, 2015 by Scott

Europe. What Is It Good For? Vikings made their women to do all the finances because they thought math was witchcraft. Just recently Europe decidedly subjugated its entire political and economic life back to the Vikings a.k.a. military complex. Let them do the math. The EU and US economies are on the brink of collapse due to Quantitative Easing or printing money based on nothing. Unemployment soaring. Debt soaring. Petro

Ukraine SITREP June 9th, by Raskolnikova

1)Pogrebinsky: Poroshenko has surpassed all others with his lies. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko has cheated on the details of the Minsk agreements in his speech to the deputies of the Verkhovna Rada . “He said that, Matviyenko said that there would be an extraordinary session of the Federation Council with a known agenda on granting the President the right to send troops. He knows exactly what is he

Will Crimea be “returned” to the Ukraine (Hint: no!)

We are apparently living through “panic times”: first, we just had the “ Pentagon wants to nuke Russia ” canard and second, now we have the “Novorussians recognize Crimea as part of the Ukraine” panic. Here is what actually happened: The website of the Lugansk Information Center has just posted the official proposals of the Lugansk People’s Republic on how to amend the Ukrainian Constitution as, indeed, they were supposed

Karelia: The unknown hotspot of the new Cold War

by Sakari Linden Russia has tightened its grip from its North Western region of Republic of Karelia in 2015. After being a remote area of negligible strategic importance, Karelia’s growth in importance has been noticed by geopolitical observers in both Russia and the West. Final conclusions drawn about the means to be conducted in the region determine Karelia’s status as either opportunity or threat for Russian Federation. Even more importantly, it

If you were Lavrov or Putin – whom would you chose to talk to in the West?

G7 Joint Communique – yet another exercise in make-believe I won’t divulge into the full text (which you can read @, but here is the “foreign policy” segment, dealing with the Ukraine: (stress added) Finding a Solution to the Conflict in Ukraine We reiterate our condemnation of the illegal annexation of the Crimean peninsula by the Russian Federation and reaffirm our policy of its non-recognition. We reiterate our full

Battle Of The Summits: Schloss Elmau vs. Ufa

by Andrew Korybko The mainstream media is fawning over the G7 leaders and their latest summit, relishing in the fact that Russia was expectedly excluded. They’ve decided to overplay the ‘cool’ factor of the event by emphasizing how all the leaders are casually ‘ hanging out ’, making it seem as though Putin missed a friendly campfire with his pals and not one of the most pro-Western meetings of the

Is the Pentagon really preparing to nuke Russia? (Hint: no!)

The Internet is abuzz with articles claiming that the USA is preparing to nuke Russia.  Apparently, this all began with an article in the World Socialist Website entitled “US officials consider nuclear strikes against Russia“.  This article was then picked up by Global Research which “upgraded” the title to “Military Madness: US Officials Consider Nuclear Strikes against Russia“.  After that everybody else picked up the panic-inducing canard and ran with

Vladimir Putin Interview to the Italian newspaper Il Corriere della Sera

Ahead of his visit to Italy, Vladimir Putin gave an interview to the newspaper Il Corriere della Sera. President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good evening. Luciano Fontana: Good evening, Mr President. First of all, we would like to thank you for giving us this important opportunity to interview you today. Vladimir Putin: It is my pleasure. Luciano Fontana: My name is Luciano Fontana. I am the new head of Il Corriere della Sera, and here with me is my colleague, Paolo Valentino, who worked for a long time in Russia
