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Short update about the (very dangerous) Ukrainian situation

Dear friends, First, I just wanted to let you know that I am working on two interviews which I think you will find interesting: one with Michael Hudson and one with an expert on Syria, who prefers to remain anonymous.  Both should be very interesting.  Please give me a few more days to deliver these. Now, about the Ukraine.  Please read this report: and watch this one: Bottom

What really happened in Mar’inka: Truce not over yet, but getting eroded just like before

by Tatzhit Mihailovich original here: Yesterday, the Minsk-2 truce nearly collapsed amid heavy weapons fire and tank attacks in a suburb of Donetsk.==== Summary for our preschool readers: The fighting in Mar’inka wasn’t a general offensive by either side, but rather a series of small attacks/counter-attacks amid heavy artillery fire. In the end, both sides are pretty much where they started, losses seem comparable. Donetsk was randomly shelled by

Ukraine SITREP June 4s, 2015 by Scott

Rumor has it, Vladimir Putin sleeps with a pillow under his gun. McCain calls on Obama to bomb FIFA, and the US aircraft carrier enters FIFA’s territorial waters as we speak. All because the US adopted a new way to attack all other countries, including those landlocked, like Switzerland. A new strategy called Cooperative Strategy for 21st Century Seapower: Forward, Engaged, Ready (CS21R), not to be confused with the Cooperative

Ukraine SITREP June 3rd, 2015 by Scott

Graham Philips rebukes US Today slanderous article that portrayed Donetsk as a lawless city in Eastern Ukraine [Source] Calling out the Western Media #1 – USA Today Attempts to Do Over Donetsk Here is article that enraged many people, not just Graham Philips, “Donetsk has become eastern Ukraine’s lawless city” [Source] Here is yet another rebuttal of the same article, A Resident of Donetsk responds to bias USA Today Article

Ukraine SITREP June 2d, by Raskolnikova

1)Poroshenko announced an ultimatum to Russia  Ukraine has threatened a full-scale economic blockade of Lugansk and Donetsk “The President of Ukraine believes that the situation is subject to the embargo. The practice of the head of Luhansk regional administration of Mr Moskal, forbade any movement of transport from the occupied territories, recognized as valid and needs to be extended to the territory of Donetsk region”, — he said. “The middle

From Odessa to Transnistria – will Crazy Misha start another war?

While the situation in the Donbass appears to be currently “frozen” in something of a “violence during a ceasefire” situation, events in the southwestern Ukraine have taken a sharp turn for the worse. Odessa By now, you must have heard that Saakashvili has been appointed governor of the Odessa region and, like everybody else, you must have had the giggle when you read that.  So did I.  But besides the

ISIL, Kiev’s Nazis, And The Rage Against History

by Andrew Korybko The US’ regional proxies in the Mideast and Ukraine are on a rampage against history, doing whatever they can to bury their associated countries’ past so that they can more easily build their version of a ‘utopian’ future. This trend of ‘historical warfare’ is endemic of the militarization of historical memory that the US is rolling out all throughout Eurasia. With ISIL grabbing global headlines over its

SITREP For 31st May By Baaz

Is Novorossiya Dead? (Source) DNR foreign minister Alexander Kofman has confirmed that the Novorossiya “project” has been indefinitely suspended. Is this the end of an independent Donbass? Ukrainian troops deploy 1,000 artillery units in Donbass – DPR defence ministry (Source) The DPR’s Defense Ministry emphasized that the re-deployment of military hardware and Ukrainian army personnel to the disengagement line is evidence that Ukraine is building up its offensive group S-300 spotted near

Ukraine SITREP May 29th, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)The state border service of Ukraine: border guards never found weapons in the humanitarian convoy of the Russian Federation  Ukraine confirmed that Russia provides Donbass solely with humanitarian assistance “To this date, it has been 28 so-called escorts. Planned next. They carry different things. In recent times, mainly food products. It has never been the fact of transportation of arms and ammunition in those convoys we recorded,” he said.

Saker interview with “Ramzes” – a Spetsnaz GRU officer

The Saker: Please introduce yourself in a few words, tell us which Brigade you served in, what rank you achieved there and what your military speciality was? Ramzes: My GRU Spetsnaz call sign was Ramzes. I was born in Russia. I began service in 1994 and finished service in 1999. I was an airborne cadet for four years and served as an officer with the rank of lieutenant for one

Ukraine Labor Protests

Foreword by the Saker: I am absolutely delighted to submit to you today an article by Michael Hudson whom I consider to be the best and most visionary economic out there, bar none.  Michael has kindly agree to allow me to post this article and, even better, he also agreed for a Q&A interview with me.  To say that I am honored would be an understatement. The Saker Ukraine Labor

Voices from the Middle Kingdom

by Kakaouskia Greetings to the Saker community and readers. I am a rather frequent traveller to China, having family there. My journeys so far have took me to the provinces of Shanghai, Beijing, Sichuan, Zhejiang, Guangdong, Fujian, Macau and Jiangsu. This article is a collection of loosely organized personal observations about the country and its people and of comments from people I have met during my various stays in China.

Ukraine SITREP May 28th, 2015 by Scott

In the interview with the German magazine Focus Online, Saddam Hussein’s former double, General hans-Lothar Domrose, NATO Commander of the Brunssum Allied Joint Force Command admits that he sleeps well after his sergeant burps him. [Source] General: Putin is not like us. He is “tough-minded,” and we are all softheaded here. You know, Scheiße -köpfe. You have to be to make it in NATO. There is a test for this.

Ukraine SITREP May 27th, 2015 by Scott

Russia should have a standing proposal to all the former Soviet republics to come back and to become a part of Russia. Imagine that once you were a part of a big friendly, albeit, slightly dysfunctional family habituating on an enormous estate. One day, strangers came and gave you a slice of this estate and asked to stay out and survive on your own in the cold, cunning, soulless world.

For the first time the PRC publishes a white paper on China’s Military Strategy

  BEIJING, May 26 (Xinhua) — The Information Office of the State Council on Tuesday published a white paper on China’s military strategy.   Following is the full text:   China’s Military Strategy   The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China   May 2015, Beijing   Contents   Preface   I. National Security Situation   II. Missions and Strategic Tasks of China’s Armed Forces   III. Strategic Guideline of Active Defense   IV. Building and Development

Ukraine SITREP May 26th, by Raskolnikova

1)Poroshenko: All the talks about the second official language is nonsense  The Ukrainian language will be the only one. “Ukrainian was, is and always will be the only official language.And the revolution of dignity, and the struggle against the aggression showed a price of verbiage that took our state from this decision”, — said Poroshenko. “What now unites our nation, state, nation? Language. And this was not the result of

Saker interview with Jeff J. Brown

Foreword by the Saker:  Just as I was about to publish this interview with Jeff J. Brown, I got the following email for Larchmonter445: Yang, the man in glasses next to the woman interpreter, is top Councillor for Foreign Policy and often deals as a second Foreign Minister. They hide his importance by describing his portfolio as less than his actions and interactions. He is a brain on policy
