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Breaking Articles

Ukraine SITREP April 29. 2015 by Scott

Ladies and Gents, true democracy is patented by the U.S. Every nation has to buy this patented democracy from the U.S. Your country has to have a PCD (politically correct democracy) issued by the US State Department. If your country refuses to pay for the patent and attempts to use a pirated copy of homegrown democracy, your people will be punished. You are being informed that, judging by your browser’s

Banning Bikers: The Double Standards Of NGOs

by Andrew Korybko Germany and Poland’s rejection of visa issuance for the Night Wolves patriotic bikers is politically motivated and speaks loudly about the West’s double standards towards NGOs. The group wanted to partake in a commemorative pilgrimage across Eastern Europe en route to Berlin in order to commemorate the 70th anniversary of Victory Day, and they were entirely transparent about their routes and itinerary. In the context of the

Msg from Webmaster — Removal of ‘Avatar’ Feature

  Avatar On Monday I removed the ‘avatar’ feature from web site. This was done for security reasons. The commentators that choose to have a custom ‘avatar’ are required to register their email address with Gravatar. Gravatar encrypts the provided email address, uses the encrypted data to provide the same ‘avatar’ to whatever other Gravator supported site the commentator visits on the web. The end result is that the

Nuclear Special Forces Only BRICS countries will survive

Foreword by the Saker: Today I am posting an article with great reluctance but with a sense that what this article conveys must be made public in the West.  I will tell you immediately that I am sickened by the idea that Russia might simply completely destroy the entire USA, be it by “regular” nuclear strikes, by blowing up the Yellowstone caldera or triggering a tsunami.  In my years as

Ukraine SITREP April 28th, by Raskolnikova

1)Pushkov: the Summit in Kiev showed that Ukraine is living with illusions.“The summit in Kiev had a symbolic character. He brought nothing Ukraine, except common words, and showed that Kiev lives with illusions about the EU,” the politician said. Пушков: Саммит в Киеве показал, что Украина живет иллюзиями.   2)Poroshenko: War in Donbass may begin at any time. “War may break out any moment, but we are ready to

If this isn’t fascism and a junta then what is it?

by Nikolai Starikov translated by “KA” source: The coup in Ukraine, which the West shamefully calls “the transfer of power” and the victorious “opposition” calls “the revolution of dignity” took place over a year ago. Not so much time has passed since then but that time has been filled to the brim with torrents of horrific information. The territory of Ukraine has not known so much blood, violence, suffering

From Cyber To Psycho: How NATO Info Wars Kill In Ukraine

by Andrew Korybko It’s common knowledge and public record that the West has intensified its anti-Russian information operations over the past year, but up until now, no direct link could be proven between its cyber warriors abroad and its assassins in Ukraine. That all changed due to the latest revelation by RT, which showed that the Mirotvorets online hit list was unsurprisingly registered by a Ukrainian agent of NATO’s Cooperative

The Saker now *officially* on Facebook and Twitter (and possibly ВКонтаке next?)

Good news!! The Saker blog will now have an existence on the social media, specifically on Facebook and on Twitter.  In the near future, we also have plans for a presence on VKontakte (the Russian Facebook).  I personally do not have the time or inclination to deal with the social media, but others have done so on my behalf in the past, and there are a few “Saker” pages in

France to pay over one billion Euros to Russia – quel gâchis!

Unreal.  But true.  It appears that France will really not deliver the Mistrals to Russia and will pay 1.1 billion Euros in refunds and fines..  I was pretty sure that this was all bluff and that the French would hand them over within *weeks* of declaring that they would not.  Not even I could imagine the Hollande government so terminally stupid.  But then, they are hardly alone. In this case,

Ukrainian analysis by the Saker: no hope for peace left

Today I will begin by quoting in full two posts from the blog of Colonel Cassad (we owe this translation to “SA” who has done it especially for this analysis literally overnight!): About the intensity of the western “Voentorg” Instructors from Canada have arrived to train Ukrainian security officers The authorities of the Donetsk National Republic announce an increase in the number of foreign military instructors in the territory controlled

South Front Youtube account was deleted

Hello Our channel was illegal deleted by Youtube. Our new channel is Help disseminate our uppeal, please: WARNING: SOUTH FRONT YOUTUBE CHANNEL WAS DELETED YouTube has deleted South Front channel The official reason is for copyright violating in the our old video “Stand with Ukraine” ( because of the claim of Nordic Films LTD. This company makes video propaganda for NATO. BUT FEW MONTH AGO YOUTUBE ALREADY DELETED “Stand with

Ukraine SITREP April 24, 2015 by Raskolnikova

1)DWN: Poroshenko will reimburse France for the damage of the “Mistral” DWN: Порошенко возместит Франции ущерб за «Мистрали» The damage done to France as a result of failure to deliver Russia “Mistral” will fall on the shoulders of Ukraine and Poland   2)Yatsenyuk: I’ll go, when I will fulfill all my promises. Яценюк: Я уйду, когда выполню все свои обещания. “You’ve never hit me from the path on which

Saudi Arabia Does a Gaza in Yemen

by Soraya-Sepehrpour-Ulrich ‘Shared Values’: The Washington – Wahhabi Alliance Shortly after 911, Washington declared ‘war on terror’ – a war with a death toll of over 2 million innocent lives (not counting America’s drone hunts), the maimed, the refugees, as well as the environmental effects of America’s war on terror. Washington declared al-Qaeda as its number one enemy, a trend continued by Obama who declared ‘war on al-Qaeda’. Yet Washington

Ukraine SITREP April 23, 2015 by Scott

Ukraine War on Novorossia 1. LPR Military Leader: “The Biggest Victory Is to Create Authorities That Will Think About People” [Source] The famous Donbass militia leader Alexei Mozgovoi is now part of the People’s Militia (army) of the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR). Despite this official position, today he is one of the main critics of the LPR leadership. 2. Fights In Donbass 23.04.2014 [Source] April 22, 2015 /Donbass/ – UPDATE

Ukraine SITREP April 22, 2015 by Scott

As President Putin and the patriotic part of the Russian government emphasize, Russia won’t be involved in any wars or military conflicts, unless there is a direct attack on Russia itself. The whole world can go up in flames, but as long as no one attacks Russia, she won’t let her military to move a finger. Of course, designing, producing and selling weapons, along with allowing the volunteers to go

What does Putin want? A major analysis by Rostislav Ishchenko (must read!)

Foreword by the Saker: The analysis below is, by far, the best I have seen since the beginning of the conflict in the Ukraine.  I have regularly posted analyses by Ishchenko on this blog before, because I considered him as one of the best analysts in Russia.  This time, however, Ishchenko has truly produced a masterpiece: a comprehensive analysis of the geostrategic position of Russia and a clear and, I

Ukraine SITREP April 21th, by Raskolnikova

1)Ukraine’s parliament has defined the start date of the “Russian aggression” Парламент Украины определил дату начала «российской агрессии» Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a resolution which demanded Russia immediately withdraw its troops from the Ukraine and to stop supporting the “people’s republic”. The document defines the date of commencement of aggression – February 20. 2)The number of refugees from Ukraine exceeded 800 thousands. Число беженцев из Украины превысило 800
