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Breaking Articles

The Reason of Things

By Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog – plus a fundraiser for the Saker detailed in the video below The mythical average citizen probably believes that the universe is under the perpetual superintendence of uncontrollable forces. And that the hallucinating social changes currently occurring – and of which he is sometimes the victim – are akin to a force of nature. Meaning that the slings and arrows of outrageous prevarication,

´Rape Europe´ is next, stupid

By Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog useful European idiots “ Washington and London have drawn ´useful European idiots´ into an economic war against Russia ” – said former Russian president Dmitry Medvedev – adding that “the onset of a systemic crisis in the Eurozone is beginning to come true.” He added that Anglo-Saxons on both sides of the Atlantic conned EU members “like a couple of shell-game tricksters” by

Sitrep Operation Z0V: Back to Hot Steel Rain

By Saker Staff for the Saker Blog The Ukraine conflict is in fact already a world war, given that the West is fighting Russia via its proxies in Kiev, Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic told local media on Wednesday. Serbian President Vucic: “I know what awaits us. As soon as Vladimir Putin has done his work in Seversk, Bakhmut and Soledar, after reaching the second line Slaviansk-Kramatorsk-Avdeevka, he will come up

Old Way, New Way

By Dmitry Orlov and posted with permission The hardest part of living through a time of wrenching change is that nobody particularly bothers to inform you that the times have changed and that nothing will be the same again. Certainly not the talking heads on TV, who are often the last to know. You have to figure it out for yourself if you can. But I am here to help.

Russia and China haven’t even started to ratchet up the pain dial

by Pepe Escobar and posted with the author’s permission The Suicide Spectacular Summer Show, currently on screen across Europe, proceeds in full regalia, much to the astonishment of virtually the whole Global South: a trashy, woke Gotterdammerung remake, with Wagnerian grandeur replaced by twerking. Decadent Roman Emperors at least exhibited some degree of pathos. Here we’re just faced by a toxic mix of hubris, abhorrent mediocrity, delusion, crude ideological sheep-think

Letter from Faina Savenkova: To my friends from America

Faina Savenkova, Lugansk, Two events have recently occurred in the world. In America – in the suburbs of Chicago – people died during the celebration of Independence Day. And during these three days, 5 children died from artillery shelling of Ukraine in the Donbass – in Donetsk and Makeyevka. A 10-year-old girl was torn apart by an incoming Ukrainian shell. According to the data and evidence collected by the Russian

The international political debacle proves that the unipolar system is crumbling

by Guilherme Wilbert for the Saker Blog With the recent political events involving such different parts of the world, but usually for the same reasons: popular dissatisfaction, rising prices, and the like. And these causes arise with the decision-making errors of Western leaders, who end up suppressing popular opinion, in what generates a kind of democratic government in the archetype but doesn’t really care about its people. The most practical

Arms for victory over Russia? No, for their resale!

By Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog Hardly a day passes by without Europeans and Americans hearing about new statements coming from Ukrainian politicians. “We will win, we will stop Putin!” they say and start asking for more arms supplies. Ukraine has already received thousands of man-portable anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons, hundreds of armored vehicles and howitzers, but it keeps asking for more. The Ukrainian military loses something on the

Michael Hudson: The End of Western Civilization – Why It Lacks Resilience, and What Will Take Its Place

Michael Hudson’s Major Lecture at the Global University in China on July 11th, 2022 – and posted with Dr Hudson’s permission Why it lacks resilience, and What will take its place[1] The greatest challenge facing societies has always been how to conduct trade and credit without letting merchants and creditors make money by exploiting their customers and debtors. All antiquity recognized that the drive to acquire money is addictive and

The Judgement of the Nations

By Batiushka for the Saker Blog A frequent topic among both contributors and commentators on this site is the discussion as to whether the Special Military Operation in the Ukraine will take a few months or a few years. It is a common question and there are different opinions. Let me say now that I am not qualified even to speculate on this, let alone have an opinion. I do

Michael Hudson: Keynote speech at the David Graeber anthropology conference in France

Posted with permission from Michael Hudson From Junk Economics to a False View of History What are the real roots of Western Civilization? It may seem strange to invite an economist to give a keynote speech to a conference of the social sciences. Economists have been characterized as autistic and anti-social in the popular press for good reason.   They are trained to think abstractly and use a priori deduction –

Postscript: Looking back and looking forward with the Yellow Vests

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog (Now available! This book has just been published in paperback and E-book form, and in French too!) Western culture has been so prevalent for two centuries that I think much of the world assumes that they already intimately know a major European country like France. Many outside of the West may be saying, “We know the West, but the West doesn’t know us!”

Where to Start?

By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog When everybody talks of new eras – blissfully unaware of the fact that soon he will be talking of the hopeless failure of capitalism – an increasing volume of business is being done on the assumption that things will continue to boom. A superstructure of such transactions rises above what is substantially sound and comes down with a crash as soon as, under

Update about the site from Andrei

Dear friends We are back up, but we are still fixing/changing a few things.  Obviously, I cannot share what we have done and are still doing.  But the progress is real and I wanted to share that with you.  Still, two of our Saker blogs (Italian and Latin American) are down due to the changes we had to make.  We hope to get them back up next.  Please stay tuned.
