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Breaking Articles

Blog news (all of them good this time)

After a week of absolute horrors (more then I can publicly reveal), I can finally come back to report to you some very good news. First, the French Saker blog is back online, this time with a new domain name and a very good team with many (or possibly most) of those who worked for the original French Saker blog. Second, my appeal for IT help was heard and

Russia Leaves the European Commissioner for Energy Union out in the Cold

by Aleksei Kettunen   GAZPROM–EU: 6–0 Yesterday on Wednesday the EU negotiated with Gazprom in Moscow. The EU negotiators had three aims: Pressure Russia into extending the special winter pricing on gas supplies to Ukrainian due to end in March, Force Russia to further unilateral concessions by forcing all European energy purchases to happen through a new “European Energy Union”, Pressure Russia to resurrect the canceled South Stream gas pipeline

Why Charlie Hebdo offends me as much as the terrorists

by Jiwan Kshetry   It goes without saying that the new set of iconoclasts condemning the unjustified bravado of Charlie Hebdo, including this author, loathe the terrorists as much as anyone else and there is no question of justifying their grisly deeds. It is merely to remind the triumphant supporters of absolute ‘freedom of expression’ that if you sow poison, you cannot expect to harvest otherwise. ……………………..   Journalists using

To all my friends

Dear friends, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for the outpouring of support you have shown me over the past days: thanks for the numerous emails, comments and donations. Speaking about which, I am happy to report that I now have received enough money to cover my legal costs and to pay my webmaster – so no need to send more! I cannot discuss

Blog News: banned topics

Dear friends, Some of you might now that I have banned the topic of climate change. I did not do a very good job enforcing that. I have to now add two more topics to the banned list: any discussion about the former French Saker or former Serbian Saker blogs or anybody associated with them or any entity linked in any way with any of the persons associated with them

Brainwashed zombies and hypocrites

So up to 3 million people took to the streets of Paris, including 40 heads of state, to denounce the murders of 17 victims of a streak of Takfiri terror attacks this past week. Where were they? Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Afghanistan?  Nowhere. Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when

A follow-up to my Open Letter

Dear friends, First, the words “thank you” don’t even begin to cover the gratitude I feel for the outpouring of support from all of you.  You have apparently also drowned out the haters who have suddenly turned very shy :-) The crisis is far from over, but here are a few rapid items I need to share with you: a) If you want to contact me to help with technical

Open Letter to the Saker Community and all our friends

Dear friends, What is happening right now is huge, we are dealing with nothing less than a full-scale “French September 11th“, no less.  At this point, I am not saying that the French state did it, or even let it happen.  But what is certain is that at the very least the French state and the corporate media are making maximal use of the various terrorist murders in France to

I am NOT Charlie

Okay, let’s be clear.  I am not Muslim.  I oppose terrorism.  I don’t even support the death penalty.  I loathe Takfirism.  I oppose violence as a means to make a political or ethical point.  I fully support freedom of speech, including critical speech and humor. But this morning I am most definitely NOT Charlie. In fact, I am disgusted and nauseated by the sick display of collective hypocrisy about the

Welcome to the new Saker blog!

Dear friends, Christ is Born! Welcome to my new blog! There still might be kinks here and there, especially in the archives before 2014, but generally it looks solid to me. Most of the work on the new blog was done by Gevorg from Armenia who did an absolutely *phenomenal* amount of work which included many, many hours of hard labor including patiently tutoring me on the capabilities of the

Saker schedule update + 2 open threads

Dear friends,Today Orthodox Christians like myself celebrate the Eve of the Nativity (aka “Christmas”) and tomorrow will be a major feast day for us (Orthodox feasts always begin on the previous evening). Icon of the Nativity On Thursday I will have to spend the day on the road to drive my daughter to college so, God willing, I will be back only on Friday.   I have a hotspot in the

Innocents Abroad

by MJ On New Year’s Eve, a true story of “babes in the woods” appeared in the news: two sweet, innocent-looking, and very young Italian women, had disappeared into Darkest Syria, and had reappeared, as prisoners of the al-Nusra Front, humbled, eyes turned to the ground, wrapped-up in black shrouds. It all started when Greta Ramelli and Vanessa Marzullo, 20 and 21-year-old university students, discovered Syria’s humanitarian crisis. They become

The US cannot start a major war in Ukraine

By Nikolai Starikov Translated by Val from Osa How long the West is willing to pay for the crumbling economy of Ukraine without guarantees of the beginning of its war with Russia? The Western strategy rule says: lost control over the territory – create the Antithesis. It is possible to understand what is happening in Ukraine, it is much more difficult to evaluate and forecast the development of events.

2014 “End of Year” report and a look into what 2015 might bring

Introduction: By any measure 2014 has been a truly historic year which saw huge, I would say, even tectonic developments. This year ends in very high instability, and the future looks hard to guess. I don’t think that anybody can confidently predict what might happen next year. So what I propose to do today is something far more modest. I want to look into some of the key events of

Rewarding the criminals: how global capitalism preys upon the poor

by Jiwan Kshetry Corporations wiping out large chunks of biodiversity and killing people with impunity in Honduras and Brazil in collusion with the corrupt state machinery, are being rewarded for their contribution to ‘clean development’ as are those throwing hundreds into abject poverty and total unemployment in India. At the end, however, their projects are not ‘clean’ with no net gain for environment in terms of carbon emission. In its

Europe Beware! – WWIII could destroy Europe for the third time in a Century

by Peter Koenig Washington is hell-bent on a war with Russia. It is part of the PNAC (Plan for a New American Century) to take over the world. After Russia, China would follow. That’s the plan. China is being encircled as we speak. Never mind that Russia and China have recently concluded a pact, a close financial and military alliance – which to defeat will be next to impossible. Unless

Why America Can’t Stop

by Mikhail Khazin Translated by Roobit Or an attempt to describe how US problems correlate with international security. On several past occasions I have written that the United States is deliberately destroying the entire system of international security, the same system that they had built together with the USSR. Why did they start dismantling the international security system is also understandable, in the 1990s the generation of “victors” came to

Blog news update: short break, BIG plans for 2015 and a small request

Dear friends,Over the next couple of days I am going to try to “life the foot off the gas pedal” and only concentrate on one thing: an “end of year report” combined with an assessment of possible events in 2015.  Other then that, I will not post anything written by me.I have high hopes that by the Orthodox Nativity (January 7th) the “new new blog” or “new blog v 2.0″

Rethinking Politics: The Irresistible Lure Of Socialism

Dear friends, Today I am posting a first article in what I hope will become a series about “re-thinking politics”.  By that I mean the following: we are told that communism is dead.  I am not so sure at all, but maybe.  I would argue that what we think of as “European social-democracy” has died this year after a long and painful agony.  The US is only a republic or

Is Russia the ideal enemy for western capitalists?

by Dagmar Henn ‘Taint evry day we have a war, I got to get stirring‘ Most people look at geopolitical interests and at the military-industrial complex, when they think about the economy of war. This might be right for the small ones, but it underestimates the impact of the big ones. Whole industrial empires rose from the profits of war, and not necessary in the areas of weapons production. The
