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The Saker Podcast No 4 – Q&A with readers

(You can download this file directly by following the links at this source.)   Transcript of podcast no. 4 Provided by the kind help of a wonderful lady “A”   Dear friends, welcome to the Saker podcast #4. Today, we’ve got alot of questions. I think its 69 total. And I look forward to this one, some of them are very very interesting. Indeed, other questions, I have to tell

Fourth Saker Podcast now available for download and streaming

Dear friends,I invite you to go to the (temporary) Saker Podcast page: where you download the transcripts of the first two podcasts and then to the Fourth Saker Podcast page: you can download the fourth and last Saker podcast of the year.  I will record the next podcast sometime after the Orthodox Nativity (January 7th).  This is also the planned time for the launching of the “2nd new

Ruble, Oil, Shale Gas, Derivatives and American Hegemony

by Federico PieracciniThere are two central issues related to the devaluation of the ruble and the dollar depreciation to keep in mind: the preservation of American hegemony and the speculative bubble of derivatives linked to industry of Shale Gas. Without these elements, it is impossible to understand what are the reasons and the consequences of these artificial economic actions. This case must therefore necessarily be addressed from different perspectives, a

Vineyard of the Saker White Paper: the China-Russia Double Helix

Dear friends, Today I sharing with you a document which I personally consider as absolutely crucial: an in-depth analysis of the China-Russia Strategic Alliance (RCSA) written by somebody who looks at it from the “Chinese side”.   I want to tell you a few words about how this document came into existence.I was talking with Larchmonter 445 about the development in Russia when I realized that a lot of his arguments

US Embassy in Havana – The Cuba Caper

by Peter Koenig The lame duck, Obama, extending a conciliatory hand to Cuba by opening an embassy in Havana, by reopening, after 54 years of a criminal and crippling embargo, diplomatic relations? – At the same time Obama is making not a single concession in terms of lifting the blockade. This smells like a trap. Cuba beware! Imagine – a US Embassy in Havana – it would open the floodgates

Upcoming Saker Podcast & transcripts

Dear friends,Next week I plan to record my 4th podcast.  As always, I invite questions, but also comments.  Please post them here until Sunday evening 6PM UTC/GMT time.  Please do not email me but only post your questions in the comments section (in English, French, Russian, German, Italian or Spanish – I can translate them into English during the recording).  Any and all topics, from very serious to totally non-serious

Crouching sanctions, hidden revenues

by Lev Igorevich  Dollars for borsch There is a lot of speculation about the economic health of Russia in the light of tougher sanctions, falling oil prices and tumbling ruble. Concerns are raised whether Russia can afford it’s existence. However, those concerns are paper thin and are presented in more of a mocking spirit, because in most prediction acrobatics, actual revenues of Russian state are not considered at all. Many

Putin on the defensive forced to invest a lot of his personal political capital

Let’s begin by what I personally consider bad news: either Putin really believes in liberal market economics or he has to say he does.  He began his Q&A and ended it with a categorical expression of full support for the policies of the Central Bank and its Chairwoman, Nabiulina, and a no less categorical expression of support for the Government and its Prime Minister, Medvedev.  Worse, Putin declared that he

Free Fall of the Ruble – A brilliant ploy of Russian economic Wizards? Who’s chess game?

by Peter Koenig The world is still hell-bent for hydrocarbon-based energy. Russia is the world’s largest producer of energy. Russia has recently announced that in the future she will no longer trade energy in US dollars, but in rubles and currencies of the trading partners. In fact, this rule will apply to all trading. Russia and China are detaching their economies from that of the West. To confirm this decision,

The Bankster International

by Mark Hackard Geopolitical analysis, the art of explaining power relationships through the prism of impersonal geography, can be a helpful tool for observers of the Great Game – but it also has its limitations. A case in point is the renewed US-Russia confrontation. Think tanks and policy insiders easily sell the narrative that from the dark days of the Cold War to our own time, Russia and the United

Important appeal for help to all Russian speakers!

Dear friends and readers,Today I am writing to you to appeal for your help.  By now it must be clear to everybody that what is taking place today is not just some “Cold War v2” or some “East-West tensions”, but a full-scale total war between not only Russia and the USA, but  between the entire AngloZionist Empire and the Resistance (lead by Russia and the BRICS).  Make no mistake, this

The illegal arrest of Giulietto Chiesa – yet another example of European hypocrisy

by LeonardoOn December 15, 2014 the Italian reporter Giulietto Chiesa, who had been invited to take part in a conference in Tallinn on Russian-European relations, was detained by the Estonian authorities for a few hours after being declared “persona non grata“. Facts appear to point to a deliberate move on the part of the Estonian authorities meant to prevent the journalist from attending the conference, thus censoring the speech he

Letter from Diogenes on Interest Rate and Russian Central Bank

by “Diogenes” Preamble: First of all, when I heard of Central Bank decision to increase the rate, I have to admit that number looks suspiciously familiar to me. Yes, I knew Central Bankers manual. If you wish I can send you this That number 17% was used by my professor of macroeconomics who was lectured Central Bank staff consequently. It was in all American books on Macroeconomics, from 80s –

Ruble Exchange Rate Fluctuations and the Economic War

by Aleksei Kettunen Translation to English: Petri Krohn Russian ruble exchange rate changes have all the ingredients of success detective story. On Monday, 15.12. 2014 ruble weakened to a record low since 1998: the dollar cost 64 rubles and 79 rubles to the euro. In recent years, the price of an euro has been hanging around 50 rubles, or 5 000 rubles withdrawn from an ATM for a night of

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on the biggest distortion of Islam in history

The horrible events in Pakistan immediately brought to my mind the barbaric attack by Wahabi Chechens against the school in Beslan.  It is amazing for me to see that, apparently, attacking schools and taking children hostage is a God-pleasing action in the sick minds of the human reptiles known as Wahabis.  They also love to slit throats, torture and, occasionally, eat livers.  Truly, this ideology which we can call Wahabism

Ukraine As Seen Through The Eyes Of A Geologist

by Vadim Zolotaryev, via translated by Eugenia (thanks so much!!) A matter-of-fact view backed by numbers 07-12-2014: By profession, I am a geologist, not a fortune teller or a psychic. I have no way of knowing what Putin is currently thinking of or what Poroshenko and Obama talked about yesterday. I am not on intimate terms with oligarchs of different countries involved in the events in Ukraine and

Request for help with Sheikh Imran N. Hosein

Dear friends,I would like to ask for your assistance in the following two matters:First, I was asked by the Russian Saker Team to get an English transcript of the presentation of Sheikh Imran N. Hosein I have recently posted entitled “Islam and Russia’s Tryst with Destiny“. If somebody could write such a transcript and send it to the Russian Saker Team Leader at we could then make a translation

Big and good news!! The Latin-American Saker blog is now officially active!

I had been waiting for this one with great anticipation and finally it has happened!  The Latin American Saker blog is now officially online, up and running at the following URL: is nothing short of fantastic as it bring in not just a language, but an entire culture, one of the most diverse and dynamic ones on the planet.  Furthermore, Latin America is, for sure, one of the main poles

The EU and the Ukraine stand to lose the most from the current US policies against Russia

Dear friends,I just received an email from  Larchmonter 445 who is raising a very important question.  With his permission, I have decided to share my reply with all of you.Kind regards,The Saker——- QUESTION:Ukraine is becoming an American/NATO platform with no viable economy, a thoroughly corrupt junta-criminal government.  It has lost most characteristics of a state. We know its economy is no longer functioning. It is on economic life-support.Q: What in

Following the Chinese example, India decides on a strategic partnership with Russia

by Avarachan President Putin visited India on December 11th for the 15th annual Indo-Russian Bilateral Summit. Some interesting agreements were signed, and there are very interesting agreements in the works. According to The Hindu, The highlight of the meeting — part of an annual summit between the two countries — was the unveiling of a vision statement on atomic energy cooperation, where Russian nuclear agency ROSATOM and the Department of
