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Breaking Articles

Q&A with the Saker by Controinformazione in Italy

Dear friends, I was recently contacted by Anacronista from the website Controinformazione in Italy and we agreed to do a short Q&A which was published today here in Italian. I am posting the original English text of our exchange below. Cheers, The Saker Anacronista: Today the contrast between Russian and US foreign policies is striking: on one side moderation, common sense, respect for sovereign states; on the other side coups

Observations on President Putin’s call upon US not to meddle in Russia affairs

by Peter Koenig Press TV reports on 22 November 2014 that President Putin, speaking at a forum of the All-Russia Peoples’ Front in Moscow on 17 November, said “They [the US] want to subdue us, want to solve their problems at our expense. No one in history ever managed to do this to Russia, and no one ever will.” This is certainly no exaggeration. Russia has not only a solid

Official – China Recognises Crimean Referendum

by Alexander Mercouris “OFFICIAL – CHINA RECOGNISES CRIMEAN REFERENDUM” This is the clear meaning of the statement TASS reports that a senior official of the Chinese Foreign Ministry has made.  The fact that China recognises the Crimean referendum means that de facto (and surely before long de jure) China has recognised Crimea’s unification with Russia.  Note also that the official has expressed support for Russia’s Ukrainian policy. This is

Before hitting the road :-)

Dear friends,I am about to hit the road and do what I like most: jump in the car with my wife, leave everything behind, and spend a couple of days in the Florida wilderness.  God willing, we will be back on Friday.In the meantime, I want to leave you with a few short notes:1) Podcast: there definitely was some kind of glitch in the 2nd part of the podcast and

The Trial Of Radovan Karadžić Enters The Final Phase

Note from the Saker: I have recently posted an excellent analysis by Stephen Karganovic of the legal farce or “judicial persecution” of Vojislav Šešelj by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia at the Hague. I was so impressed by this article, that I asked Karganovic if he would agree to update me, and my readers, about the situation of Radovan Karadžić. Karganovic kindly agreed and he sent me

The Resistance in France – suppressed, but not broken

It has been a very long while since I have written about the popular resistance movement in France embodied by the philosopher Alain Soral and the humorist Dieudonne.   [Sidebar: for those who have missed these articles, they can be found here: Israel lobby commits major blunder in France: tries to silence a comedian Dieudonne’s anti-Zionist campaign in full swing in France Is a new revolution quietly brewing in France? “Quenelle

Saker Podcast #2 on YouTube

Dear friends,Since some of you have requested it, here is the YouTube upload of the 2nd Saker Podcast.  By the way, there are a couple of instances (4 I think?) of a kind of echo in the latter part of the podcast.  This is already the case in the original audio track and I am not sure whether my microphone (Zoom H2n) or my software (Audacity) is to blame.  Sorry

Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia SitRep 10 Nov – 16 Nov

(Note: some urls in the links are prefixed with ‘’. This form provides the reader with a Yandex translated version of the source. The original article can be reached by removing this prefix.) Transcarpathia ATO Only two individuals from Transcarpathia have been reported as killed at the front. The first served volunteered in AUgust and received two weeks training. He joined the 128 Mechanised Infantry Brigade and was killed by

The Saker Podcast No 2 – Q&A with readers

(You can download this file directly by following the links at this source.)   Transcript of podcast no. 2 Provided by the kind help of a wonderful lady “A”   Dear friends, welcome back to my podcast series. This is the Saker speaking. And its my second podcast. The first one was great fun to do, and thank you so much for all the kind support and encouragement I got,

Second Saker Podcast available for download and streaming

Dear friends, I just finished recording the 2nd podast.  You can grab it here: always, I look forward to hearing your comments, suggestions and criticisms.  Please let me know how I can do better.As I might have mentioned it in the past, the long term solution I have chosen is to have the future podcasts embedded in the new website (which is still being worked on by volunteers).  For the

The AngloZionist Empire has truly become an “Empire of Illusions”

This is bizarre.  The recent two summits (APEC and G20) have, I would argue, ended up as a disaster for the US and its allies (see here, here and here) while Russia, China and the rest of the BRICS are clearly in control of the situation, yet there are still those who believe the western corporate media which wants to portray Putin are Russia as “weak”.   I suppose in our

Obama in retreat on MH17

by Alexander Mercouris Amidst all the hysteria about what western leaders said to Putin during the Brisbane G20 summit (answer: nothing new or important), the media has entirely ignored certain very interesting comments about MH17 that Obama made in his speech at the University of Queensland. His precise words (taken from the White House website) were as follows: “We’re leading the international community in the fight to destroy the terrorist

New MH17 satellite photos – a warning

by Alexander Mercouris I have deliberately helped back on the story about the satellite photos that supposedly show a Ukrainian fighter shooting down MH17 to see what the response would be, whether any more evidence would come to light and what the Russian government and military would say about them . In the event the Russian government and military have ignored them as I notice to a great extent have

The Šešelj Case: Justice At Last?

by Stephen Karganovic After almost twelve years of extra-judicial agony at the Detention Unit of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia at the Hague, on November 12 Serbian political leader Vojislav Šešelj returned home to Belgrade. True, the circumstances of his release (regarded as “provisional” in the terminology of the Tribunal which incarcerated him) leave quite a few more questions than they provide answers. To state just a

Mini post off the road

I am quite sure that the photo of the MH-17 being shot down is fake.  The military aircraft appears to be a SU-27, the angle is wrong, as is the side of the attack, and this is not a satellite picture.  To Pen Gun, the 68 year old offended hippie: in the Russian context “liberal” means something very different from what it means in the USA.Now I hit the road again.Next

Ukraine mini-SITREP: still expecting an attack

Novorussia is still expecting a Ukrainian attack.  First, according to RT, “Kiev is not fully committed to the ceasefire in eastern Ukraine, Russian deputy UN ambassador Aleksandr Pankin said during Wednesday’s UN Security Council meeting. He added that the Ukrainian military is amassing forces along the front line“.  Then from the Novorussian front lines, we have the blogger Colonel Cassad who reports that a friend of his has just visited

The West: the most sexually dysfunctional society on the planet

The blame probably should (yet again) go first to the Papacy with its unhealthy repression of everything sexual, which itself originates in a most unfortunate misunderstanding of the Christian dogma of the primordial sin by Saint Augustine of Hippo who, at least, never insisted that this interpretation was the correct one (traditional Christianity does not believe that per se sex is bad, but only that it has to be appropriately

Various news updates and housekeeping issues

Dear friends, A boring but important post today about housekeeping issues along with a news update. First the housekeeping: 1) We are working on the new blog and we will display most of the logos/pictures you have sent me. These are the ones selected so far: Can I ask each one of you who sent me these pictures to please email my webmasters at and say which picture you

Weird problems with Blogger

Today I posted two more items: a warning about a blogger disruption and a post about “Various news updates and housekeeping issues”.  Now I either see these two and miss the rest of the blog, or the rest, but without these two.  The weird thing is that the blogger disruption should be over by now.I will give blogger a few hours to get its act together and I will try
