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Breaking Articles

Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia SitRep 27 Oct – 09 Nov

by “Y” Whilst the situations in Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia remain essentially stable, the $5 billion bomb detonated at the Ukraine Maidan has set off shock waves that ripple and reflect off pre-existing dormant conflicts and tensions. These have expanded to Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, the Baltic States, Moldova and Romania in the immediate vicinity, let alone the major states at the heart of Europe. Given these effects, I hope the

Ukraine SITREP November 9th, 22:25 UTC/Zulu: A creeping conflict

There is an interesting word in Russian: вялотекущий.  It can be translated as “creeping” or “sluggish”.  It is composed of the word вяло which means “lethargically”, or “torpidly” or “apathetic” and текущий which means to flow, to progress.  This word comes to my mind when looking at the war in the Ukraine, it is progressing towards some kind of worsening, but it does so in a slouching, slowly creeping way.Novorussian

Saker Podcast #2 in preparations – please post your questions now!

Dear friends,In a week or so I plan to record my second podcast.  So now is the time for you to post your questions right here, in the comments section under this post.Please do not email or post these questions elsewhere, only here, okay?If you have emailed me before or if you have posted a question elsewhere, please do repost it again here.If it ain’t here by Friday 1800UTC I

The European Central Bank – ECB – invented yet another tool to hold Europe hostage vis-à-vis Russia

by Peter Koenig The ECB has just launched – effective 4 November 2014 – a new watchdog to control and regulate the European banking system. It is called the Single Supervisory Mechanism – SSM. It is supposed to monitor and reign in European banks that do not ‘behave’ in terms of overstretching their investment and risk lending as compared to their capital base. In fact, the SSM is one pillar

Mini Post: use the Vineyardsaker IRC channel

Friends,I want to remind you that since 2008 I have opened my own Internet Relay Chat channel.  At the time I wrote: For those of you familiar with the concept here is the info: server: channel: The_Vineyard full URL: irc:// For those of you who are no familiar with IRC, this is a virtual place were people can chat (via keyboard) with each other very informally and, unlike a

One more thing (mini-post)

I have go to work for the rest of the afternoon, but I want to remind you all of the following: when the real Ukie offensive materializes (maybe later tonight, maybe not) the Novorussians will most definitely retreat along certain axes.  This does not mean that they will be “defeated”, only that they are retreating which is a defensive tactical maneuver.  So, please, let’s not have a repeat of the

Discovering Iran: a travelogue

by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich Marcel Proust once said: “The voyage of discovery is not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes.” During the past two decades, I visited Iran on numerous occasions staying 10-14 days at a time. This time around, I stayed for 2 months and heeding Proust, I carried with me a fresh pair of eyes. I discarded both my Western lenses as well as my Iranian

Igor Strelkov : War Awaits Russia

Note:  Since the issue of Russian monarchy is, judging by the pre and post podcast questions and comments, clearly of interest to many of you I think that I need to explain something important here. The movie which Strelkov and host Krutov are mentioning at the beginning of the interview is about a very interesting Russian author named Ivan Solonevich and who was the chief ideologue of a movement originally

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on Nov 4th, the 2014 Ashura’a commemoration

  I take refuge in Allah from the stoned devil. In the Name of Allah, The Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be on the Seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi Al Qassem Mohammad and on his chaste and pure Household and on his chosen companions and on all messengers and prophets.  Peace be on you, my master and lord Abi Abdullah, and on all the souls gathering around

Soundcloud “Go Unlimited” plan purchased!!

Dear friends,I just wanted to let you know that a member of our community – palmtoptiger – sent me the full sum to pay for the Soundcloud “Go Unlimited” plan!  Before that, Larchmonter445 also made a donation towards the same goal.  So we got it!  Full Soundcloud for a year :-)Thanks a lot to both of you – this will certainly provide the best and most flexible option for the

The Saker Podcast No 1 – Q&A with readers

(You can download this file directly by following the links at this source.)   Transcript of podcast no. 1 Provided by the kind help of a wonderful lady “A”   Dear friends thank you so much for downloading this first podcast, this is the Saker speaking. Let me tell you immediately that this first podcast will be very much a trial and error thing, I’m trying out lots of things,

Podcast options – the choice is yours

Dear friends,I wanted to give you a heads-up on my response to your numerous comments and give you a choice of where to go from here.First, thanks a lot for all your comments.  And, no, no, no, no, no – I do not sound like Bibi Netanyahu!  Or do I?  :-)Seriously, your comments were useful and I will follow your suggestions:Technical:1) I will increase the microphone gain2) I will decrease

A few more hyper-short items + open thread (IMPORTANT UPDATE!!)

Dear friends,I am exhausted.  Badly.  Had to spend many hours on the road this week-end so here is my schedule:Today I will, insha’allah, answer the most (all?) the emails I have to answer.  Then I will write a bunch of emails to try to get a few apparently stuck “balls” rolling again. Tomorrow I should be back with an analysis of what happened in Novorussia.Thanks a lot for all the

Three hyper-short items + open thread

Dear friends,There hyper-short items: I will be gone all day on Monday (this is why I did the podcast on Sunday). Winter (especially early winter) does not at all prevent military operations in the Ukraine (forget that Jack Forst nonsense).  Voentorg might. Looks like Zakharchenko won the elections in Novorussia by a large margin (“hurray-patriots” will be enraged). The SakerPS: the open thread is yours for the day :-)

First Saker Podcast now available for download and streaming

Dear friends,It is with some (a lot, really!) trepidation and nervousness that I am announcing to you that my first podcast ever is now available for download and streaming.  Please simply to to the following page to access is: you will be able to download the podcast in mp3 format from Google Drive or download and stream it from Mediafire and 4Shared.  The reason why I am not posting the

Something very, very interesting has happened in Novorussia

Something fantastically interesting has happened in Novorussia: two senior Novorussian commanders, Igor Bezler and Alexei Mozgovoi have attempted to communicate with those Ukrainians who are on the other side.Though I am not sure about the exact dates of the events (all I have is the dates of the posting on YouTube), this apparently began when Igor Bezler agreed to be interviewed by three TV crews at the same time: a

Podcast project – let’s give it a first try, okay?

Dear friends,Since several of you have expressed interest for this, let’s give it a try.I invite you post your questions in the comments section below (on any topic) and I will try to record a podcast with my replies.  Please do not send me questions by email (I have way too many emails to answer already!).  Also – and just to make clear – I don’t promise to necessarily reply

“Ebola is a Big Lie”

Note: I am submitting the following article to your attention “for your information”.  While I personally do not have the knowledge to have an opinion about this topic, I think that leaving the MSM a monopoly of information on Ebloa is dangerous.  As always, your comments are invited.The Saker——- “Ebola is a Big Lie” — “Nana Kwame” from Ghana speaks out – and a new False Flag of horror dimensions in
