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Breaking Articles

Poroshenko’s speech in front of the Imperial Senate (MUST WATCH!)

I know, it is nauseating, but still, please do watch it.  What Poroshenko is saying is that which the US deep state is thinking and, as such, it deserves our utmost attention (even if that means grabbing a psychological barf bag).And for those of you who might get seriously distressed by this sickening and hate-filled ceremony, I have included a short video showing that this nothing new: senates have always

Ukraine SITREP September 18, 17:30 UTC/Zulu: infighting everywhere

The situation in the Ukraine today is one of chaotic infighting in Novorussia and Banderastan.Novorussia: Aleksandr Zakharchenko The first sign of trouble became visible with Strelkov had to urgently come back to Donetsk to prevent the behind-the-scenes negotiations apparently taking place between some officials of the DNR and Ukie oligarchs including Akhmetov.  Then came the news of the sudden removal of Strelkov followed by an almost simultaneous removal of most

Malaysian Flight MH17 crash analysis, by The Russian Union of Engineers

The original version of this post was published on the Oceania Saker Blog who spearheaded the effort to translate this most important document proving, if needed, that one can be down under and yet at the very top at the same time! The Saker——- Malaysian Flight MH17 crash analysis, by The Russian Union of Engineers This is an excellent detailed analysis of the MH17 tragedy by the Russian Union of Engineers

Obama’s Smart Syria Play

by Fulan Nasrullah  If you ask me I will tel you that America watched the Cancer of Al-Baghdadi and his Islamic State spread from Syria back into Iraq to create an excuse to bomb Bashar Al-Assad in Syria. How? Remember earlier Obama wanted to carry out airstrikes against Syria’s government in retaliation for a highly questionable chemical attack, despite the fact that earlier in 2013 Iraq arrested over 150 Islamic

A couple of short news items

Dear friends,I couple of short ones today.First, according to the EU Parliament member Wolfgang Gerke (sp?) the EU is debating making a list of Russian journalists to be barred from entering the EU.  Banderastan already has such a black list with 35 names.  So much for “democratic” and “European” “free speech” values.  The Russian press is openly laughing. Feel the love! Second, those who had any doubts about where the

Transcarpathia and Transnistria SitRep 06 Sep – 13 Sep

by “Y” Transcarpathia ATO The local police units are still training for ATO service and small groups of police officers still volunteer to fight in the ATO. Fifteen such officers have volunteered during the period covered by this report. Soldiers from the 128th Transcarpathian unit are returning from the front to Transcarpathia. They arrive in irregularly sized batches; 10 on September 6, a further 30 on the 7th,, then 3

Listening to Lavrov giving up on the West

Yesterday, I watched with interest a talkshow called “The Right to Know” which featured an hour long interview with Sergei Lavrov (those who understand Russian can watch it here).  It was an interesting exchange between Lavrov and five Russian reporters.  It was not important enough to warrant translating it all into English, but I want to share with you something which I had noticed in the past but which was

14TH September 2014 Nigeria SITREP

by Fulan Nasrallah First Battle Of Konduga  It took me almost 48 hours to obtain very reliable information of how events played out on the ground in Konduga Town, Konduga LGA, Borno State of North East Nigeria, on 12th September, when insurgent fighters in their hundreds launched a two-pronged assault targeting Kawuri Village and Konduga Town about 40km from Maiduguri to the south and east. Utilizing night cover around 3:45AM scores

Return of the Magyars: Hungary’s President Calls Out the US as Morally and Financially Bankrupt

Note from The Saker: amongst my many blind spots and list of topics I know practically nothing about there is, to my great shame, the topic of Hungarian politics. Therefore please address your comments, criticisms and reactions (and thanks!!!) to American Kulak but not to me. I am most definitely the least qualified to say anything at all about this. Cheers and enjoy! The Saker——-  Return of the Magyars: Hungary’s President

Warning to all readers

Dear friends,Some of you may have noticed that a few comments have been posted here accusing me of spreading the rumor of Strelkov’s death.  The same nonsense has also been posted elsewhere on the Internet.Just to make things clear, I was told about these rumors this morning from several readers.  I replied to them that I did not believe that this was true.  The origin of these rumors might be

Strelkov: from swimming with Piranhas to swimming with Great White sharks

INTRODUCTION: Yesterday’s press conference by Strelkov is, I believe, a historical moment because it marks the move of Strelkov from the Novorussian military struggle into the much larger, and far more dangerous struggle, the struggle for the political future of Russia.  This in itself is no necessarily unexpected, but the way he did it was a surprise, at least for me.  But before I zoom out to the bigger picture,

Request for assistance: Strelkov press conference media coverage

Dear friends,I promised myself that I would go away from the keyboard but I could not, there is just so much going on!  I am working on a analysis/commentary of the Strelkov press conference and I could need some help here.  Can you help me find out which media did cover it and how?For example, not a single Russian TV channel has said a word about it, at least so

BREAKING NEWS – Strelkov makes a historical press conference!

Dear friends,I just wanted to share with you the news that Igor Strelkov has made a truly historical press conference.  For those understanding Russian, please see here: soon as I get a translation or, better, a subtitled video I will post it here.At this point I will only say that his statements are both very powerful and very subtle and a very careful analysis of his statements needs to be

9/11 After 13 years & The Legend of 911 — 13 Years On

by Paul Craig Roberts The tragedy of September 11, 2001, goes far beyond the deaths of those who died in the towers and the deaths of firefighters and first responders who succumbed to illnesses caused by inhalation of toxic dust. For thirteen years a new generation of Americans has been born into the 9/11 myth that has been used to create the American warfare/police state. The corrupt Bush and Obama

Analogies between Yugoslavia and the Ukraine

by Stephen Karganovic Similarities in the way the Western coalition is handling the Ukrainian crisis that it engendered and brought to the point of savage conflict and the strategies that the same actors pursued in the nineties to lay the foundations for a brutal civil war and stoke the conflict resulting in the destruction of the Former Yugoslavia are being closely analyzed by Russian experts. Reasons for such close attention

Saker community news, blog update and donations

Dear friends,First, I want to begin this news update with an un-official pre-announcement: it appears that the Saker Blog community might welcome a new Language Team in our community, and a big language at that!  Since this is neither final nor official, I don’t want to announce this yet, but I cannot resist giving you a little head-up about this.Second, I have seen the prototype of the new WordPress based

Of facts, opinion and (mis)-interpretations

This morning a reader brought to my attention a very interesting post by Vladimir Suchan entitled “The Minsk “Ceasefire” Protocol and Russian Diplomacy’s Masterful “Sabotage” which I recommend that you read in its entirety. Suchan quotes a short note of mine where I said the following: “Knowing the degree to which Russian diplomats are normally maniacally fastidious and pedantic with words, I can only conclude that they have deliberately sabotaged

Analysis of the ceasefire by Alexander Mercouris

Dear friends,I am under the very strong impression that a lot of folks are in a full-blown “panic” mode for no valid reason at all.  I did my best to calm things down in my recent Q&A/FAQ+RFC post (if you have not read it *please* do so!) but my feeling is that my words have fallen on deaf ears.  Then I tried again, by posting Yuri Baranchik’s article.  Again, I

Open letter to Alexei Mozgovoi from an American activist

Dear Alexey, I deeply resonate with what you’re saying. If yours is indeed the position of Novorussia’s fighters and activists, largely shared by the people, if indeed you stand united behind it, then I will be cheering you on and speaking out in your defense. If you stumble and make mistakes, even terrible ones, I will be sharing your pain and rooting for you to survive, pick yourselves up and
