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Breaking Articles

Message to the readers of this blog from Juan

‘A scorecard for the US “lukewarm war” on Russia – strategic and tactical levels‘ is an excellent synopsis by The Saker of the entire situation in Ukeland, Novorossiya and the World.  When I first came in contact with Saker I realized within a nanosecond that he and most of the posters on this blog were intellectually far above my narrow view. I am a ‘nuts and bolts’ man and I

A scorecard for the US “lukewarm war” on Russia – strategic and tactical levels

First, I have to explain the title: “A scorecard for US war on Russia”: what we are witnessing today is beyond any doubt a US war on Russia, except that it that is is neither quite “cold” nor “hot”: it’s tepid, lukewarm.  Not for the people dying of course, but by it’s choice of methods.  It is not a Cold War because people are dying, because tanks, artillery and airpower

Novorussian TV channel and video streams

Dear friends,Just came back from a couple of wonderful days exploring the beautiful lower Suwannee River (roughly between Fanning Springs and the Gulf of Mexico) and it will take me a few hours to get back to civilization and get organized (Juan is also exhausted to he will take a day off). Right now just I wanted to share with those of you who can understand Russian two websites where

June 13th Combat SITREP by Juan

1. Fighting central Mariupol near Novorossiya command post. Increasing intensity 06:15 13 June. 2. Minimum 3 main battle tanks Nats Army outside Lugansk captured by Army Novorossiya and are in use by new owners.  3. White Phosphor artillery shells used to bombard several villages around Slavyansk and Slavyansk City late evening and night. Fires in one village and Slavyansk City. 4. Unconfirmed but deemed reliable sources indicate chemical weapons and/or biological

Partial translation of the Starikov interview

First, I think we all owe a HUGE THANK YOU!!! to “G” and “M” who did this translation literally overnight (and I know for a fact that “G” did not sleep for a full night because of that). I know that doing a rush-translation is a royal pain in the rear end which is not very different from a refined torture and that is especially true for people like “G”

Ukraine SITREP June 11th, 16:28 UTC/Zulu: is something changing?

Combat SITREP by Juan 1. Nats Army offer of civilian evacuation corridors rejected. Corridors led only west in to national guard/right sector unit areas and demanded self defense units disarm and surrender. 2. Continuing heavy bombardment of Slavyansk and outlying areas. Confirmed 4 children under age 10 killed last 3 days. Living areas and industry areas targeted including 15.2 cm howitzers and Grad. 3. краснолиманскому area confirmed 2 Grad units

The Fateful Triangle: Russia, Ukraine and the Jews

I am deeply grateful to Israel Shamir for submitting this most interesting article about a very complex topic which he knows extremely well.  One more thing: now this is a post in which obviously a discussion of Jews and their role in the Ukrainian crisis is highly appropriate and I therefore invite such comments as long as they are fact-based and logically presented.  Anti-Jewish rants or other racist nonsense will,

Various “housekeeping” issues

1.  From tomorrow afternoon until Sat late morning (all US Eastern time) I will be gone and I will have only sporadic access to the Internet (I will be enjoying some badly needed time off with my wife on the Suwannee River: photographing wildlife, freediving in springs, exploring various wildlife refuges, swamps and conservation areas).  Before I leave I will post an “empty post” which I will leave as an

Why the US-Russian nuclear balance is as solid as ever

Ok. Today I am going to address the nuclear threat canard one last time.  After that, I will just ignore this topic which, frankly, is a waste of time.  Here are two comments which were recently posted on the blog: “Security experts in the U.S. do not agree that Russia has a credible nuclear deterrent. The story is that the Russian nuclear force is in disrepair and that the U.S.

June 8th combat SITREP by “Juan”

1. Confirmed view live stream Grad missile battery firing salvos outskirts Slavyansk early morning 08.08.2014 2. Reports of Russian armored columns crossing in the Novorossiya at sunup 08.06.2014 are false. 3. Strong bombardment of Slavyansk and Kramatorsk still. Ukraine tanks firing in to living areas both cities as part of bombard. 4. Civilian casualties reported from on going artillery attack Slavyansk, 15.2 cm howitzer and 12.2 cm mortar in use

June 7th combat SITREP by “Juan”

Question by The Saker: Did the Border Control Headquarters really fall to Donbas Army? Juan’s reply: Yes, done deal since yesterday morning. Lots of vids showing Donbas Army allowing the prisoners to leave after they changed in to civilian clothes and some vids showing Donbas Army going through the building and armories. Found was a got a ton of weapons and ammo including RPG’s and MG’s, at least two BTR’s in

June 6th combat SITREP update by “Juan”

1. Commo around Slavyansk is busy with reports of much movement of Nats forces. 2. Semenovka is under continuous bombardment since 07:00 06.06.2014. Vast areas are destroyed. Grad missiles are used but not in salvo. 15.2 cm howitzers and 12.2 cm mortars plus heavy field guns and tank cannon. 3. Lugansk City proper is under air attack 18:05 06.06.2014. At least 2 Su25 aircraft attacked living areas. Casualties unknown. 4.

June 5th combat SITREP update by “Juan”

Красный Лиман Krasni Liman was taken by Ukraine Army and national guard 04 June 2014. Replacement Mi24 attack helicopters have arrived in Ukraine as replacements for the Ukraine Army losses in Donbas. Confirmed. Strong bombardments Slavyansk City and outlying towns and villages commenced 05:00 local time 05.06.2014. Civilian casualties unknown. National guard/right sector entered Railroad Hospital Krasni Liman and shot dead 37 wounded Donbas Army soldiers and civilians and at

Making sense of Obama’s billion dollar hammer

You probably heard it by now: Obama has pledged a billion dollars to what my “beloved” BBC called “European security”. The official name for this initiative is the “European Reassurance Initiative”.  You see, Obama and the BBC apparently believe that Europeans are really terrified and that they believe that the Russian tanks might roll into Warsaw, Athens, Rome or Lisbon at any time.  The good news is that Uncle Sam

Russians are sub-humans in the eyes of the West

by “Juan” Untermenschen. That is what we are in the eyes of The West. Untermenschen. Subhumans. I have watched the unfolding coup d’etat in Ukraine from it’s very beginning in late November 2013 in Kiev. I have watched a steady stream of western dignitaries and politicians parade through Maidan Square in Kiev, each and every one of them publicly and vocally expressing their open support of the coup d’etat. I

June 3rd combat SITREP update by “Juan”

No sleep from 05:00 02.06. Please excuse spelling mistakes. During a protest near Lviv in west Ukraine by women demanding the return of their conscripted sons and husbands the women were beaten by Tyagnibok’s Svoboda Party operatives. Two women are in hospital. Artillery fire commenced against the town of Severodonetsk 04:20 local time. Slavyansk and Kramatorsk heavy fighting resumed dawn today. 3 enemy BTR’s destroyed before dawn 03 June 2014
