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Breaking Articles

Sitrep: Operation Z

By Nightvision for the Saker Blog Today we start with the largest news. Ukraine continues escalating provocations in the asymmetrical/guerilla/insurgent direction as we’ve outlined in previous sitreps. Last time an oil depot was hit in the Belgorod district, it was reported that Russia moved a new S-400 system near the Kharkov border. So now Ukraine shifted its tactics further north out of range, and we see sabotage of various sorts

Short message from the Saker

Dear friends, Christ is Risen! I am back from my trip and I just wanted to quickly let you know that in the coming days I will make an announcement about how we plan to run the blog for the next couple of months.  With one exception, the changes will be minor.  I will share all the details with you soon. Right now I want to keep it very short

The Ukraine and the End of the History

by Batiushka for the Saker Blog Introduction: 1492-2022 The present conflict in the Ukraine is clearly not really about the Ukraine – that artificial collection of territories is only a tragic battlefield between the West and the Rest. The conflict is about the organised violence and extraordinary arrogance of the West, the US/UK/EU/NATO, against the rest of the world, specifically Russia, supported by China, India and indeed all other peoples.

Russia has a PLAN… …the West does not

by Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog Russia has a PLAN… Like it or not, it is fairly obvious that Russia today is leading events and continues to affect reality mostly in the way that she believes is in her best strategic interests. In other words, cornered Russia had a Plan, a tangible, thought-out, thoroughly vetted – most probably in writing – articulate, fairly all-inclusive, flexible enough yet in-depth Plan

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres: joint press conference

🔴 #LIVE: Russian Foreign Minister Sergey #Lavrov and UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres hold a joint press conference following talks in Moscow 🇷🇺🇺🇳 This video format does not lend itself to embedding so please click on the link and as this is the livecast, please forward the video to 1:15 at this moment.  The time marker may change as the video itself is trimmed. Lavrov and UN Secretary-General Guterres hold

Mr Putin at the expanded meeting of the Prosecutor General’s Office Board.

At the expanded meeting of the Prosecutor General’s Office Board. Photo: RIA Novosti President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Prosecutor General, colleagues, Earlier this year, we celebrated 300 years of the Russian Prosecution Service, once again emphasising its significant role in the history of the Fatherland, the development of our society and the building of the foundations of a rule-of-law state. During the annual expanded meeting of the Prosecutor General’s Office Board today, we will sum up the results of your work in 2021, considering the current situation, and will discuss objectives for the short and long term. I should note

Open Thread

This is an open thread for today as I see many threads go seriously off-topic.  Use as commentary for everything Saker Blog related that does not fit into currently running essays, sitreps, updates and threads. All moderation rules are in full effect and it would be good for new commentators to please read the moderation policy. Amarynth

The Moskva Riddle

Get ready: something lethally “asymmetrical” may be about to pop up By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Neither NATO nor Russia is telling us what really happened with the Moskva, the legendary admiral ship of the Black Sea fleet. NATO because in theory, they know. Moscow, for its part, made it clear they are not saying anything until they can be sure what happened. One

Sitrep: Operation Z

By Nighvision for the Saker Blog Russia continues grinding down the Ukrainian infrastructure, and that has been the theme of the last few days. There has been a huge uptick in aerial assaults and missile strikes on various infrastructural objects all over. As of this writing a huge amount of missiles are recorded flying over Ukraine, and Tu-95MS bombers are said to be in the air to contribute their KH-101’s.

Worried about WW3 and transmitting coronavirus, Japanese bought 20 million house pets

By Thorsten J. Pattberg for the Saker Blog The author is a German writer and cultural critic.  In this essay, he comments on a fairly stinky subject with accompanying visuals, so, some nose-holding may be in order A horrible coping strategy for the childless nation. And the sidewalks are not cleaning themselves, Tokyo learns [Transcript, slightly modified] Hello, Dr. Pattberg here, from the suburbs of Tokyo. Today with a presentation

1788. China to Make Electric Tumbrils

By Fred Reed for the Saker Blog We—I, and my spousal unit, Violeta—pulled into DC after a conventionally miserable flight from Guadalajara in seats apparently designed for dwarves with our feet almost in our pockets and Delta trying to sell us beer at seven dollars a can. I didn’t get it. If you can sell watery brew at seven balloonishly inflating greenbacks a can, why do you need an airline?

Sitrep: Urgent Briefing from the Russian Mod re new provocations

❗️ The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation ( held an urgent briefing, ( detailing a provocation against the Russian Federation prepared by the USA and NATO with the accusation of using nuclear, biological and chemical weapons 💬 The Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation possesses the information related to the preparation of provocations by the United States of America in order to accuse the Russian Armed Forces

Where the West is stuck: The fascism of the 1930s and the ‘fascism’ of the 2020s

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog Starting in 1917 the same reactionary European nations which attacked in the 7 European Wars Against the French Revolution now transferred this same refusal to make peace with the Soviet Union. The problem has always been an idea – anti-autocracy, the idea from which Socialist Democracy flows (and the Yellow Vests) – not a particular nation. (This is the seventh chapter in a

A West-mandated Russian “default”: who wins and who loses ?

By Jorge Vilches for the Saker Blog Russia is currently “defaulting” or — in the best of cases — on a very direct and firm path to an inevitable “default”. Or at least this seems to be what the Western press and international rating agencies are pushing and rooting for, same as specialized academia, think-tanks, the political-financial-military establishment… and pretty much the whole Western Hemisphere including the US and Europe

Does Paul Craig Roberts like Genocide?

By Dmitry Orlov for the Saker Blog Or maybe he, like Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz, grandson of Fritz von Scholz, SS lieutenant-general who supervised the slaughter of Jews in Poland and the Ukraine, thinks that genocide is a joke? Let’s explore… A reader has asked me to comment on a recent post by Roberts titled “The Kremlin Has Missed the Opportunity to End the Provocations of Russia that Are Bringing the

Sitrep: Operation Z

By Nightvision for the Saker Blog The biggest development is the announcement by Russia/Putin of Mariupol’s “official liberation.” I’ve written before about how Russia often ‘jumps the gun’ on announcements, but it’s true that the city proper is liberated with the exception of the industrial complex of Azovstal. With that said, there are still upwards of 2000 or more highly trained, fanatical Azov militants and marine remnants of the 36th

Russian MFA Statement on Gonzalo Lira

Russian Mission – Geneva International concern forced the Ukrainian Security Service to show that 🇨🇱/🇺🇸 reporter Gonzalo Lira, whom the nationalists detained on April 15, is alive! However, he doesn’t have access to his cellphone and social media accounts, gagged on what he can say publicly, and not allowed to leave Kharkov. In a way, he got “lucky”. A number of his fellow journalists, who received “the Ukrainian treatment of
