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Breaking Articles

Bringing to a close – ‘Moskva’

By Nat South for the Saker Blog In this article I want to highlight something that will be taking behind the scenes so to speak, following the recent sinking of the Black Sea Fleet Flagship, ‘Moskva’. That is, closure of the ‘Moskva’s untimely demise. This final activity consists of locating, securing, assessing the wreck and salvage of classified equipment and weapons. Moreover, the possibility of recovering bodies isn’t discounted either.

Big Tech’s ‘Cancel Culture’ Love Affair

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with Consortium News Cancel culture is inbuilt in the techno-feudalist project: conform to the hegemonic narrative, or else.  Journalism that does not conform must be taken down. This month, several of us – Scott Ritter, myself, ASB Military News, among others – were canceled from Twitter. The – unstated – reason: we were debunking the officially approved narrative of the

French presidential debate: Le Pen goes mainstream, proving Yellow Vests right

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog What a difference five years makes? I wish I could report differently, but the long awaited French presidential debate was a total dud. Just like the whole election campaign was. And now, just like both candidates, too. I wasn’t sure if I was watching Marine Le Pen or Sarkozyist candidate Valerie Pecresse, that’s how mainstream Le Pen appeared. It was a total 180

Today’s Open Thread

This is today’s open thread for The Saker Blog discussion points. All moderation rules are in effect.  For all the new readers and commentariat, please read the moderation policy. Updates on the Ukraine Mariupol has been declared liberated and it is being called the 2nd Liberation of Mariupol.  Russian Minister of Defense Sergey Shoigu, during a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, announced that “The Total Liberation of Mariupol by

The risks, challenges, and crisis of the Ukraine war.

By Zamir Awan for the Saker Blog The last few decades have witnessed several wars, like the Iraq war, Libya war, Yemen war, Syria war, the Afghan war, etc. But all of such wars were designed by the US and executed along with NATO/ US allies. The US-style of wars, was first building a narrative, using media as propaganda, and then, involving the UN and international community, or convincing the

Sitrep: Operation Z

By Nightvision for the Saker Blog Let’s start with the obvious, that all bells are sounding regarding the start of the much awaited ‘Phase 2’ of the SMO. However, I for one am not yet entirely convinced it has fully begun and take the side of caution in line with what the Pentagon and analysts like Colonel Cassad have stated: “We have not yet observed offensive actions using large forces

Sitrep: Julian Assange

Posted by Amarynth The Westminster Magistrate’s Court has issued an order to extradite journalist and Wikileaks founder Julian Assange to the United States. The order was sent to Home Secretary Priti Patel who has to sign off on extraditions. Assange’s defense has until May 18 to make submissions to Patel against extradition. Meanwhile Assange will remain in custody. He can only appeal once Patel has made a decision. British

A Blast from the Past – Ask yourselves: Are we the bad guys?

By R. Lesnoix for the Saker Blog Four years ago, I wrote an article for this site, my first, because of how bad I felt about how our western governments had been acting, especially in the middle east, and with regards to Syria in particular. There are a lot of my own emotions and frustrations buried in it. As you can probably tell. I used a comedy sketch by Mitchell

One, No-one, One Hundred Thousand

By Jimmie Moglia for the Saker Blog “One, no-one, one hundred thousand” is the title of a novel by Italian author Luigi Pirandello. ‘One’ refers to the image that everyone has of himself, ‘no one’ refers to what the protagonist decides to be at the end of the novel. ‘One hundred thousand’ refers to the images that others have of us. As the plot of the novel unfolds, the protagonist

Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov’s interview with India Today television channel, Moscow, April 19, 2022 Question: The big question that most are asking is the reason for this operation, the reason for President Putin to take the country to war at a time when we have seen negotiations and talks taking place. What was the reason? We know that America said that Russia was going to carry out operations. New Delhi certainly was not aware of it. Many countries said that it is not

Pray for Gonzalo Lira

BitChute embedding powered by This is the link to the article by the Daily Beast: Now I wonder how they will live with themselves. Andrei Update:  Let’s be clear and stop passing on rumors.   This from Scott Ritter: A point of clarification—I have no direct evidence that Gonzalo has been killed. I was clear I was referring to “reports emerging” about his demise. But Gonzo said any

Two Cheers for Realism

By Francis Lee for the Saker Blog One of the unstated and extant features of the contemporary age has been the demise of the Westphalian Treaty. This arrangement had in times past regulated the relationship and clashes of interest among the great powers. We should remind ourselves that the key precepts of the system were preceded by the carnage of the 30 years’ war in Europe circa 1618-1648, and eventually

The 2nd phase of the Russian SMO + personal note

Dear friends While there are not official confirmations (that I know of) from the Russian military, it appears that Lavrov is the first, and so far only, Russian official who declared that the 2nd phase of the operation has begun.  Truth be told, pretty much everybody else thinks likewise.  Considering the intensity of Russian bombings and artillery strikes overnight, which were reported by numerous sources, it certainly appears reasonable to

Nasrallah: The war in Ukraine unmasked the racism and hypocrisy of the West

Speech by Hezbollah Secretary General Sayed Hassan Nasrallah on March 8, 2022, on the occasion of the Day of the Wounded.Source: Translation: […] O my brothers and sisters, the events happening around us in terms must strengthen our awareness, our lucidity and our understanding of things, the conclusions we draw from them for the current equations, as well as the lessons and teachings we learn from them. This

Sitrep: Operation Z

By Nightvision for the Saker Blog I didn’t plan on covering the Moskva anymore, as I like many want to move on past that topic. But since the unexpected release of the only known images of the stricken cruiser, there are a few things that must be stated for the record, simply because I see no one else in the resistance sphere stating them, and certainly they will be covered

Sitrep: Zone B

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog By now everyone has read Andrei (The Saker’s) excellent essay on what he termed Zone A and Zone B. Zone B exists, thus there is hope, I promise you! This sitrep will look at three Zone B country actions, all driven by those that understand we are in a civilizational moment of change in our world. Mexico:  A week ago, AMLO fulfilled his promise
