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Russian SMO: day 47 “crazies in the basement” and a poem

Today let’s begin with this news item today: Seven-in-Ten Americans Now See Russia as an Enemy Attitudes toward NATO increasingly positive. You got to love the “logic” of these folks! Russia intervenes in a country which neighbors Russia, thousands of miles away, and the US Americans see that as a threat to the USA.  And nevermind that the USA is the country which forced Russia into this war which the

Does the West want war with Russia?

By Michael Antony for the Saker Blog The horrific series of mass atrocities being carried out by the Ukrainians to put the blame on Russia and get more weapons sent to them is escalating at an alarming rate. The Mariupol Maternity Hospital fake bombing, and the fake bombing of the Mariupol Drama Theatre (both of them exposed by refugees from Mariupol, including the pregnant young lady used as a fake

Sitrep: Operation Z

A lot of very big scoops and important updates today. The biggest news of this cycle is that yesterday was one of the single worst days of the conflict so far for the UAF: in a single day, the UAF lost over 1,100 people total as killed, wounded, or captured. This is in large part due to massive strikes on various transportation/reinforcement hubs such as Dnipro and Nikolayev, which have

Vladimir Putin held talks with President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko at Vostochny Cosmodrome.

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Lukashenko, friends, I consider it important and symbolic that the talks with the President of Belarus today, on Cosmonautics Day, took place here, at Vostochny Cosmodrome. Our nations are proud that the first manned flight to space, by Yury Gagarin, 61 years ago ushered in a new era of space exploration. President Lukashenko and I visited the Cosmodrome’s key facilities on this memorable day – the command centre and the launching pad for the Angara launch vehicles. We talked to Cosmodrome employees and met with the pilot-cosmonauts who received Russia’s high

Interview: London Paul from the Sirius Report – Move to Multipolarity

Amarynth interviewed London Paul for the Saker Blog London Paul from the Sirius Report has a story to tell. This is the story of the history of multipolarity and the global move to a new multipolar structure in our world with the old single polarity hegemon now collapsing. He graciously agreed to this 5-question written interview to bring Saker readers up to date and we are grateful for his time.

Some thoughts on sustainable understanding

By Naresh Jotwani for the Saker Blog Recently, in a comment on this site, Amarynth wrote, “There is no deep understanding. What there is, is not sustainable.” Amarynth was referring to people who profess understanding of Russia’s cause in the ongoing conflict, but who do not have sound understanding of the basic issues at stake. Use of the word “sustainable” in conjunction with “understanding” got this author thinking. Do we

Serbia Sitrep – The common man says NO

Kiyoshi Hatanaka for the Saker Blog Serbia is a country that, as even its President Alexander Vucic has publicly admitted, supports Russia in the Ukrainian conflict by an overwhelming majority of at least 80 %. That is very likely an underestimate. The people of that small Balkan nation feel intuitively that Russia has acted correctly and that it is their only international friend. They know their history and realize that

Louis-Napoleon: The revolutionary difference between Bonapartism & Western Liberal Democracy

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker blog (This is the fifth chapter in a new book, France’s Yellow Vests: Western Repression of the West’s Best Values. Please click here for the article which announces this book and explains its goals.) For Marx all of society was divided into classes – classes which played political roles. What’s unfortunate is that he fundamentally believed that the average rural person – 85% of

Sitrep: A few of Mr Lavrov’s comments

While we wait for a video and transcript to be available, I’ve gathered these quotes from Mr Lavrov’s interview with Rossiya 24 – Amarynth “Our special military operation is designed to put an end to the reckless expansion and reckless course towards complete domination by the United States and, under them, the remainder of Western countries on the world stage. “This domination is built on gross violations of international law

A fake massacre for the sake of real sanctions

by Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog Shortly after the Russian troops left the outskirts of Kiev, the pro-Ukrainian media fired a broadside of stories about alleged Russian war crimes against peaceful civilians, traces of which were found in the abandoned towns. Before very long the first video appeared, with corpses scattered along the street, some of which, upon closer inspection, turned out to be quite alive. However, this did

A disturbing trend in the Ukraine

By Nat South for the Saker Blog This article provides an overview into a deeply disturbing trend in Ukraine, one that started in 2014, that has accelerated and intensified since 24 February 2022. Extrajudicial killings, harassment, arbitrary detentions by men in camouflaged uniforms, beatings and disappearances continue to take place on a regular basis in Ukraine.  Most of the detentions and disappearances are often carried out by the Ukrainian Security

Oh, Hannah, if only you could see it!

or The Banality of Evil v. The Splendor of Goodness   By Višeslav Simić for the Saker Blog One might wonder if Hannah Arendt’s disposition appears to us today so gloomy and bitter because she had witnessed and understood the banality of evil during the Eichmann’s Jerusalem trials. Yet, it is more certain that it was from her not having witnessed (although, theoretically, she might have approached an understanding of it) the Splendor of Goodness any time in her life, even in the days

French Muslims betrayed by ‘centrist’ Macron as Le Pen surges to a dead heat

by Ramin Mazaheri and cross-posted with PressTV In 2017 two out of three French voters were on the side of the nation’s Muslim citizens – for two weeks. In between the first and second round presidential vote the incredible repression which Marine Le Pen was going to wage on Muslims was constantly cited as a reason to vote for Emmanuel Macron, who was presented as a “centrist”. As the largest

Sitrep: Operation Z

By Nightvision for the Saker Blog We start with the biggest scoop today. We finally have high level confirmation from Russian officials that NATO instructors and foreign fighters are in fact trapped in Mariupol. Firstly Russian State Duma member Adam Delimkhanov in an interview with RT has openly stated he estimates around 100 such foreigners there, and that they are in communication with them and the rumors are true that

Deconstructing the Islamic Republic of Iran’s position regarding Russia-Ukraine Crisis

by Mansoureh Tajik for the Saker Blog At the outset of Russia’s military operations in Ukraine, the Islamic Republic of Iran’s position and views were clearly spelled out by the Leader, Ayatullah Khamenei, and by the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The crux of Iran’s stance is that the Islamic Republic of Iran does not condone foreign military advancements into any sovereign country by any power due to

The Total War to Cancel Russia

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Vast swathes of NATOstan have been corralled into behaving like a Russophobic lynch mob. No dissent is tolerated. By now it’s abundantly clear that the neo-Orwellian “Two Minute Hate” Russophobic campaign launched by the Empire of Lies after the start of Operation Z is actually “24/7 Hate”. Vast swathes of NATOstan have been corralled into behaving like a Russophobic

“The Russians” commit yet another “atrocity”

The big news today is that those evil Russkies have fired a Tochka-U missile with a cluster warhead at the city of Kramatorsk, killing scores of innocent civilians.  The “entire civilized world” is disgusted and immediately announced even MORE sanctions, MORE condemnation and MORE anti-Russian virtue signalling. Minor problem: Russia does not have Tochka-U missiles, which are 30 year old Soviet missiles which have been far surpassed by modern Russian
