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Breaking Articles

Day 3 – Western PSYOPs in full overdrive

I warned my readers but alas, many ignored my warning. So all day I was flooded with stupid questions asking me to respond to western PSYOP fakes.  And I have to admit, this time they pulled all their forces together: western ziomedia, Eurorodent media, the “worldwide solidarity campaign”, vodka being pulled out from US stores, etc. etc. etc.  The example below was taken today from one British website, I just

Day 3 of the Russian operation in the Ukraine – OPEN THREAD

I found pretty decent maps on the YouTube channel of Iurii Podoliaka and I will do something ugly but, I hope, effective: add a few things to his maps with my thick black marker. But first, this: it appears that yesterday Putin had ordered a temporary stop to the Russian offensive while talking with “Ze” but when the latter stopped talking, Putin gave a “full ahead” order. I will begin

Russian operation in the Ukraine – end of day 2

Today was only day two of the Russian military operation.  And yet, what a day it was!!! First, a quick update on the progress of Russian forces.  Here is a bulletpoint summary for today: Kherson: liberated Nikolaev: fighting taking place in outskirts Konotop: taken by Russians Chernigov: blocked by all sides by Russian forces Melitopol: surrounded Mariupol: is under attack, street fighting Severodonetsk: under attack Kharkov: very heavy mopping up

Putin Suggests Ukrainian Military Seize Power From ‘Gang of Junkies, Neo-Nazis in Kiev’

The Russian president announced on 24 February the start of a special military operation in Ukraine to defend the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s republics (DPR and LPR) from the attacks of the Ukrainian forces. President Vladimir Putin has addressed the Russian Security Council to discuss the latest updates in the context of the Russian special operation in Ukraine. Read the full text of his speech: (emphasis added by Andrei) Good

Day 2 of the Russian operation in the Ukraine – OPEN THREAD

Today is a major day in the Russian military operation.  Why? Because Russian forces are now on the outskirts of many major Ukrainian cities.  If yesterday was “standoff weapons” day, today is the first day when Russian forces can now begin to degrade Ukrainian artillery dispositions, engage Ukie armor and break through Ukrainian fortifications.  Today is also the last day for US PSYOPs to try to present a counter-narrative (Ukies

Russian bear wants justice

by Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog Despite possible sanctions and their hard-hitting economic consequences, the hunted Russian bear has got out of the den and is going after the hunters. Until recently, Russians, Ukrainians, and Europeans believed that there would be no war. What we see now, however, is a full-scale Russian intervention and quite a successful one too. Where are the Russian troops going, and most importantly, why?

The collapse of Banderastan: tomorrow will be a crucial day

I am getting emails from all types of sources about Ukrainian cities already being liberated.  The problem is that there are, as predicted, A LOT of fakes out there, including from anti-Putin Russian interests.  So rather than risk getting it wrong and list those cities, I will just offer a few comments and then take a break. I was expecting an operational-level Russian operation, but what I see today this

From the Black Sea to the East Med, do not poke The Russian Bear

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and cross-posted with The Cradle. This is what happens when a bunch of ragged hyenas, jackals and tiny rodents poke The Bear: a new geopolitical order is born in breathtaking speed. From a dramatic meeting of the Russian Security Council to a history lesson delivered by President Putin and the subsequent birth of the Baby Twins – the People’s Republics of Donetsk

A few disjointed thoughts about the current military situation

I parsed some info source and I can offer a few quick reactions to what is taking place.  The operation is bigger than what I had predicted.  However, I STILL don’t believe that Russia wants to invade the Ukraine. Let’s first see what Russia has already done using ONLY HER STANDOFF WEAPONS: The Ukrainian air defenses have ceased to exist The Ukrainian air force has ceased to exist The Ukrainian

Address by the President of the Russian Federation – February 24, 2022

President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Citizens of Russia, friends, I consider it necessary today to speak again about the tragic events in Donbass and the key aspects of ensuring the security of Russia. I will begin with what I said in my address on February 21, 2022. I spoke about our biggest concerns and worries, and about the fundamental threats which irresponsible Western politicians created for Russia consistently, rudely and unceremoniously from year to year. I am referring to the eastward expansion of NATO, which is moving its military infrastructure ever closer to the Russian border. It is a fact that

Russia wanted peace with Ukraine

by Batko Milacic for the Saker Blog Ukraine has been firmly in the U.S. geopolitical orbit since violent neo-Nazi protests in Kyiv’s Maidan Square resulted in the 2014 overthrow of the allegedly pro-Russian president, Viktor Yanukovych. Yet, Russia did not attempt to help the then-Ukrainian leader stay in power. As a result, anti-Russian forces came to power in Kyiv, leading the people of the Donbass region to vote in favor

Russian military operation in the Ukraine – OPEN THREAD

Dear friends, I am opening another open thread.  Please try to stick to FACTS and not just post opinions. PLEASE DO NOT, REPEAT NOT, POST VARIOUS RUMORS COMING FROM WESTERN PSYOP OUTLETS, including the entire western corporate media and social media.  They now will spread all sorts of rumors and fakes and I don’t want them repeated here. Will post an analysis later today. Thank you Andrei PS: here is

Open Thread: Special Military Operation in The People’s Republics of Donbass

“Circumstances require us to take decisive and immediate action,” the order reads. “The People’s Republics of Donbass turned to Russia with a request for help. In this regard, in accordance with Article 51, part 7 of the UN Charter, with the sanction of the Federation Council and in pursuance of the friendship treaties ratified by the Federal Assembly and mutual assistance with the Donetsk and Lugansk People’s Republics, I have

The situation is about to quickly escalate, probably in the next days

Today, I want to begin with a small allegorical story. One upon a time, there was a bear sleeping in his lair and minding his business.  One day, a small group of rodents decided to have some fun time pestering the bear.  So they began running around, making a lot of noise (some even dared the bear to come out and fight them) and even threw colorful little pebbles at

Sitrep: The Saker Blog: Fundraiser Now!

By Amarynth for the Saker Blog I want to add my voice to Andrei’s request for funds. It is time again that we have to replenish our coffers in order to stay online and effective because my friends, Its All Going Ugly! and I have only dust left in the bottom of the ammunition boxes. At the Saker blog, none of the principle stances are changing or will change. We

On the 5th and 6th Brazilian columns

By Quantum Bird for the Saker Blog Recently, in his widely praised article “Revisiting Russia’s 5th and, especially, 6th columns” (available in English and Portuguese ), Andrei Raevsky, from The Saker Blog, has revisited his – quite original – 6th-column concept, focusing on the Russian political landscape and geopolitical conjuncture. In this short article, I intend to apply the concepts exposed by Raevsky to Brazil, and as much as possible,

The EU’s ‘Fit for 55,’ ‘Farm to Fork’ and the Freezing of Nord Stream 2: A Mass Sacrifice to the Gods?

By Cynthia Chung for the Saker Blog Europeans are presently being told that the energy crisis they are entering, with natural gas prices now four times higher than last year, stems from a longer winter, competition with East Asian countries for gas, and problems on the supply end with delayed maintenance and less investment. These gas prices are in turn determining the price in electricity markets, since 1/5 of Europe’s

The Crusaders are very, very angry. Who cares?

I just listened to Biden (here if you have the stomach). Oh he is pissed, badly.  Putin totally and comprehensively ignored him or the USA (one sign of that is that Putin did warn Scholz and Macron but, apparently, nobody told the White House). Scholz truly scared the Kremlin when he told that he pulled back the certification of NS2 “jetzt” that is “now”.  Okay, he probably misspoke, he meant
