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Breaking Articles

Russian options in the LDNR – my personal take

Okay, this will be a short bulletpoint reminder of how I see the Russian position and options in response to the Ukronazi attack. First, a few key assumptions: Russia does not want to invade/liberate the Ukraine Russia would prefer not to get openly involved in the LDNR The best outcome for Russia would be for the LDNR to be able to hold without overt Russian support Throughout this entire battle,

The Ukronazis are on the offensive (OPEN THREAD)

Dear friends, The civilians of the LDNR are being evacuated from the towns near the LOC (line of contact). The Ukies are bombing the LDNR with artillery and mortar fire along the full LOC. The city of Gorlovka has lost power.  The city is under tank fire.  The only road between Donetsk and Gorlovka is under Ukronazi fire. The cities of Dokuchaevsk,  Staromikhailovka and Belaia Kamenka are under mortar attack.

Putin’s Ukrainian Judo Revisited

By Dmitry Orlov and posted with permission Denis Pushilin, leader of Donetsk, has just ordered a full evacuation. Leonid Pasechnik, leader of Lugansk, did the same. In doing so, they did exactly as I expected, and as I predicted. For all those of you who think that Putin is a mystery wrapped in an enigma, perhaps you should avoid thinking and just read my articles! A bit less than a

Statement by Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation Sergey Vershinin at UNSC briefing We thank USG DiCarlo, Special Representative of the OSCE Chairperson-in-Office in Ukraine and in the Trilateral Contact Group Mikko Kinnunen, and Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine Yaşar Çevik for their insights. We are also grateful to Ms. Tetiana Montian for sharing valuable firsthand information as to how UNSC decisions for resolution of the internal Ukrainian conflict are implemented in practice. It is not occasional that

Escalation in the Donbass – OPEN THREAD CONTINUED

It was quite a day today, and something tells me that tomorrow won’t be boring either. I will be able to get to my keyboard tomorrow late morning (EST). Until then, I leave you with an open thread. Not just to vent or post “stream of consciousness” kind of posts. Please try to limit comments to NEWS FROM THE LDNR and MAJOR POLITICAL DEVELOPMENTS. Thank you, Andrei

Reminder SITREP: definition of “genocide”

From the hyper politically correct Wikipedia entry: In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, as such.” These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children

Remarks by Ambassador Zhang Jun at the UN Security Council Briefing on Ukraine

(Source here, emphasis added by me, Andrei) Mr. President, I thank you for presiding over today’s meeting. My thanks also go to Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo, Special Representative of the OSCE Ambassador Mikko Kinnunen, and Chief Monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine Ambassador Yaşar Halit Çevik for the briefings. I also listened carefully to the remarks made by Ms. Tetiana Montian. February 12 this year marked the seventh

Blinken’s glorious “Powell Moment” at the UNSC

Here is a transcript from this website: (thank you A.H.H.!) … member this council and every country in the world, because the basic principles that sustain peace and security, principles that were enshrined in the wake of two world wars and a cold war, are under threat, the principle that one country cannot change the borders of another by force, the principle that one country cannot dictate another’s choices

War Inc. Throws an Invasion Party and No One Shows Up

By Pepe Escobar, posted with the author’s permission and widely cross-posted Moscow has not deviated for a moment from its Sun Tzu approach – while detailing all demands and all red lines many times over. The Dem combo remote-controlling the senile President of the United States by earpiece/teleprompter was never accused of being the brightest bulbs in the room – any room. That explains why one of their own, Nancy

Urgent Warning: “Russian” websites are being disconnected! (UPDATED)

Dear friends, “Russian” websites in/from the LDNR are being disconnected by US IT giants. The Russian Foreign Ministry seems to be under DDoS attack. If we come under attack too, then the first quick alternative I recommend is to check the old website, here: If this one is also disconnected, we have a few other options we cannot discuss now. If that happens, I will use the following Telegram

Official Russian response to the American written response to Russian claims on security guarantees in Europe

Note: The website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs might be under DDoS as I cannot reach it.  The following is therefore a UNOFFICIAL machine translation of the Russian reply: The Russian Foreign Ministry has published a written response to the American written response to Russian claims on security guarantees in Europe. On February 17, 2022, US Ambassador John Sullivan, invited to the Russian Foreign Ministry, was given the

Everyone is bracing for war, but it is already happening

By Theo Toll for the Saker Blog The whole world has been watching with great alarm the events unfolding around a possible Russian invasion of Ukraine for several months now. The Kremlin’s position is crystal-clear: expanding Russia’s borders will give access to a region rich in natural resources, while seizing Kiev, Dnieper and Kherson will provide Crimea with water. But is Putin the only one who would stand to gain

The insanity resumes full blast (next date of invasion: Feb 20th!) UPDATED!

You think I am kidding? Nope!  See for yourself: In other news, Pavel Klimkin, the former Minister of Foreign Affairs, declared that “the Ukraine won a battle, but not the war yet“. The US spokescreature Ned Price declared that the US now sees more, not fewer, Russian forces along the border than before.  He added the invasion could happen “anytime”. Both of Germany and the USA have declared that there

Sitrep: Donetsk, Lugansk, Situation at line of engagement

Reports are pouring in of provocations.  These are routinely reported to various monitoring organizations relatively without fanfare, but the Russian press (in English) is carrying this widely. Peskov:  “We can see that provocations are taking place. We have seen reports from the self-proclaimed republics about an exchange of strikes on the line of contact and the first strikes came from Ukraine. This is very alarming information,” Donetsk, February 17. /TASS/: 

So, as predicted, absolutely *nothing* has happened (OPEN THREAD)

As always, the Western “free and democratic” media has proven two things: It will parrot whatever “message” the US PSYOPs want it to parrot It lies with a quasi perfect record I suppose, now we are going to hear about how the “western resolve” stopped Putin in his tracks. We need to remember that the window for a false flag attack has not closed yet. So while we can all

If I did not know this is for real…

… I would think that this is some anti-US spoof, based on listening to the most discredited cliches about the USA and the kind of people who run it.  It had everything, frantic flagwaving, hilarious hyperbole, Biden trying to look like Dubya who, himself, was always squinting  his yes à la John Wayne hoping to look like some Sheriff at OK Corral.  It also had all the mantric repetition of

Tomorrow will be a big day (even if nothing happens!)

For starters, a quick reminder here is what the Anglo propaganda machine claims: Okay, then one of two things will happen tomorrow: Option 1: nothing happens Option 2: something happens Option 1: If nothing happens, then, as Lavrov has spelled out recently, the Biden Administration will have to declare that “led by the glorious and invincible USA, and fully united against the Russian aggression, the West has deterred Putin from
