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Ukraine mini-SITREP: very ominous developments (follow up)

This post is a short follow-up to the Ukraine mini-SITREP: very ominous developments post I did a couple of days ago.Several of you have noticed what can only be called a declaration of war on Russia by one of the top figures of the AngloZionist international capital, George Soros who has declared that “Russia is an existential threat to Europe“.  First, Khodorkovsky, now Soros – it is pretty clear who

Ukraine mini-SITREP: very ominous developments

This short post is just to inform you of the latest developments in the war in the Ukraine.Following the use of a tactical ballistic missile against Donetsk by the Ukies, Zakharchenko has declared that the ceasefire was basically over.Strelkov has made an official appeal warning that according to this information the Ukies were massing troops in preparation for an attack.  According to Strelkov, the Ukie plan is for a very

October Nigeria SITREP (Boko Haram)

by ‘Fulan Nasrullah’A few salient points on the so called Ceasefire: 1. There is no ceasefire between the trio of Jamaa’atu Ahlis-Sunnah (‘Alal-Haqq) of Sheikh Bukar, Ansorul-Muslimiin Harakatul-Muhajiriin, and the Federal Republic of Nigeria.These groups have been engaged in a heavy battles with the Cameroonians on their side of the Mandara Mountains, and they agreed to a temporary cessation of hostilities with Cameroon in several sectors along the border. Part

Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia SitRep 06 Oct – 12 Oct

Transcarpathia ATO Some of the injured and wounded ATO forces reported last week have been identified and reported in local Transcarpathian press. One ATO action against the Novorossian forces resulted in the death of one individual and the wounding of six, one seriously. The dead man has been identified as Major Victor Semental. The man seriously injured has died of his wounds. He has been identified as Robert Petrovich, 24

Ukraine SITREP October 14th, 00:45 UTC/Zulu: Dark clouds over Novorussia

Things decidedly do not look good right now.  Poroshenko has replaced that clown Geletei with a bona fide war criminal Col. Gen. Stepan Poltorak, a far more dangerous and evil character who used to be the commander in chief of the junta’s death squads (aka “national guard”). Stepan Poltarak The fact that Poroshenko would appoint such an odious figure indicates that he is trying to appease the neo-Nazis who are

Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia SitRep 06 Oct – 12 Oct

by “Y” Transcarpathia ATOSpecific figures for the Transcarpathian contribution to the fighting in the east are starting to appear. Mukachevo news reports that more than 3000 local people are serving at the eastern front. These figures, starting from March 2014, include 742 troops, presumably members of the 128th Mountain Infantry Brigade, along with 217 border guards from the city of Mukachevo and a further 153 from the town of Chop.

First Latin American SITREP

Dear friends, As I have mentioned to you, we are working on the creation of a Latin American Saker Blog. The person in charge is organizing an multi-country team of volunteers (if you are interested, please email me) and I will tell you that from my exchanges with this person I have very high hopes for the Latin American Saker Blog. Not only will this add a huge audience to

Ukraine SITREP October 11th, 13:05 UTC/Zulu: no Novorussian “sellout” after all

A few short items about the situation in the Ukraine. First, here is the latest map of the combat situation: (for high res click here) Second, Colonel Cassad is confirming that the Russians are finishing the pipeline which will bring Russian gas to some areas of Novorussia over the course of the upcoming winter.Third, Cassad also confirms that while the voentorg (Russian covert military aid) is currently closed, the Novorussians

Ukraine SITREP October 8th, 16:00 UTC/Zulu: The calm before the storm?

Military situation The situation in the Ukraine and Novorussia is a very tense and could lead to a major resumption of hostilities.The Junta Repression Forces (JRF) have used the ceasefire to lick their wounds, get reorganized, concentrate their forces, bring in much needed reinforcements, prepare defensive fortifications and bring in new units.  The Novorussian Armed Forces (NAF) have done the same but, unlike the JRF, the NAF suffer from a

Transcarpathia, Transnistria and Gagauzia SitRep 28 Sep – 05 Oct

by “Y” Transcarpathia ATO Charitable events continue as a means of supplying aid to troops in the east. Returning troops from the 15th Mountain Infantry Battalion of the 128th Brigade have stated the prime need is for diesel generators, fuel, heaters, thermal underwear and winter clothing. Collections and other actions have raised funds of at least 41,000 UAH (~ $3000) for supplies such as canned food, fast food, coffee and

Transcarpathia and Transnistria SitRep 21 Sep – 27 Sep

by “Y” Transcarpathia ATO The ad hoc local collections of funds and material for Transcarpathian police and military units continues. The local football league raised 7647 UAH, and a group of students raised sufficient for 200 pairs insulated rubber boots. Modern personal protection equipment funded through donations was supplied to a group of Transcarpathian police officers due to head to the east. Hubal, the recently appointed Head of the Transcarpathian

Iraq SITREP Update 26th September: Enemy of my enemy

NB: These SITREPs that Saker allows to be posted here will now be twice a week. Significant news events will be posted, recurring ones like the repeated failed attempts to take back a city, like Tikrit by the Iraqi military, will be avoided; unless there are other repercussions to that event. Also body counts are too depressing to keep reporting and there are other sources that list the everyday dead

Transcarpathia and Transnistria SitRep 14 Sep – 20 Sep

by “Y” Transcarpathia ATO More than one hundred Zakarpattya Border Guards were sent to front in the east. Groups photographs taken at the leaving parade show the extremes the Ukrainians have resorted to. The members are not of prime military age, are generally older adults. Their physique is very variable, including a significant proportion of extremes. The recruits are reported to have been given 2 weeks training. Four prisoners of

September 21 Ukraine and Russia mini-SITREP

Demonstrations in Russia:According to RT, 5’000 to 26’000 people have marched in the streets of Moscow demanding peace in the Ukraine.  According to Vzgliad,20 people demonstrated in Petrozavodsk and Saratov, 50 in Perm, up to 100 in Ekaterinburg, 10 in Novosibirsk, 15 in Syktyvkar and a few people in Barnaul.  What are important here are not the actual figures, but the order of magnitude.  What we clearly see is that

Ukraine SITREP September 20, 23:34 UTC/Zulu: War or Peace?

[Quick note: I want to begin this SITREP with a correction to something which I mentioned in the last SITREP abouy General Bezler: even though his signature did appear to figure on the infamous statement of the four commanders declaring their loyalty to “General” Korsun, the information that he had been arrested is, according so sources qualified as “solid” by Colonel Cassad, not true.  Since I have no reason to

Ukraine SITREP September 18, 17:30 UTC/Zulu: infighting everywhere

The situation in the Ukraine today is one of chaotic infighting in Novorussia and Banderastan.Novorussia: Aleksandr Zakharchenko The first sign of trouble became visible with Strelkov had to urgently come back to Donetsk to prevent the behind-the-scenes negotiations apparently taking place between some officials of the DNR and Ukie oligarchs including Akhmetov.  Then came the news of the sudden removal of Strelkov followed by an almost simultaneous removal of most

Transcarpathia and Transnistria SitRep 06 Sep – 13 Sep

by “Y” Transcarpathia ATO The local police units are still training for ATO service and small groups of police officers still volunteer to fight in the ATO. Fifteen such officers have volunteered during the period covered by this report. Soldiers from the 128th Transcarpathian unit are returning from the front to Transcarpathia. They arrive in irregularly sized batches; 10 on September 6, a further 30 on the 7th,, then 3

14TH September 2014 Nigeria SITREP

by Fulan Nasrallah First Battle Of Konduga  It took me almost 48 hours to obtain very reliable information of how events played out on the ground in Konduga Town, Konduga LGA, Borno State of North East Nigeria, on 12th September, when insurgent fighters in their hundreds launched a two-pronged assault targeting Kawuri Village and Konduga Town about 40km from Maiduguri to the south and east. Utilizing night cover around 3:45AM scores

Sad Note..Ode To The Dead (Boko Haram)

by Fulan Nasrullah Sad Note..Ode To The Dead Yesterday Michika LGA in Adamawa State was completely overrun by insurgent forces who took about five towns including the town of Michika itself, hometown of some of my dearest friends. All the few women left in the conquered towns are said to have been pressed into sexual service by the conquerors who gathered the few ones unable to flee and then distributed

September 6th and 7th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Time for government formation is running out!

6th Sep: Photos appear on twitter showing Abu Bakr al Baghdadi as having been killed in a US airstrikes. However, the authenticity of the photos and the news, which the Pentagon has denied, are being questioned: However Kurdish Bus news is reporting that he was injured and is being treated near the Syrian Iraqi border:–Not-Dead-/33223 Iraqi airstrikes and artillery strikes on hospitals in Kirkuk and Fallujah, details mentioned
