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5th September 2014 Nigeria SITREP

by Fulan NasrallahMaiduguri: Reports indicate that soldiers of the Nigerian Army 7 Division (Infantry) headquartered in the metropolis of Maiduguri are evacuating their families out of two important Army bases (Giwa and Maimalari barracks) including the divisional headquarters after letters and fliers from the Boko Haram were dropped off in strategic locations across the metropolis (including at the gates of the bases) announcing the intention of the insurgents to attack

Transcarpathia and Transnistria SitRep 30 Aug – 05 Sep

by “Y” The situation in both areas is relatively stable. The sitrep is presented in a thematic order, maintaining chronological sequence within each theme. This should help the reader understand what is happening in these regions Transcarpathia ATO The military units in the region continue to rely on public assistance to acquire non-lethal equipment. A small group of six or so pro-Ukrainian fighters known as the ‘Carpathian Sich’ currently active

September 5th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Infighting begins…

Short Analysis: I put this on top because I feel it is very, very important. It talks about the escape of a Shia recruit from Daash in Tikrit during the Spykar base massacre by playing dead. His captors are merciless takfiris, who don’t think twice about killing the Shia. The beginning of his account is depressing and tragic, but what he talks about later is nothing short of amazing and

September 4th 23:53 UTC/ZULU Ukraine SITREP: Maybe, just maybe?

Many major developments to report today.  First, though I was trying very hard to contain my excitement over the past days, the level of success the Novorussian Armed Forces (NAF) against the Junta Repression Forces (JRF) appears to be absolutely amazing and, should Mariupol fall, which appears to be likely, I would speak of a strategic victory, something which I am normally extremely reluctant to do, especially when speaking to

August 28th to September 3rd Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: MashAllah: Whatever pleases God! The beginning of the end of Daash in Iraq!

Quote of the day (An Angry Iraqi Shia Relative of the young men killed in Spykar, Tikrit): We will march on Tikrit and seek revenge, revenge I tell you revenge. We will make the Sunni tribes pay, blood has been spilt! Why did they (Sunni tribes) allow them (Daash) to do this? We will destroy Tikrit from the face of this earth. No army in this world can stop us.

Who Are The Boko Haram?

by Fulan Nasrullah Good question. Most people find it hard to navigate through the confusing myriad of stories about Boko Haram. Especially .the lies and half-truths and outright ignorance propagated by contemporary Main Stream Media (MSM) as ‘facts’. To understand what these people are one needs access to them. Apart from Shekau, the rest of the Boko Haram are publicity wary, viewing it as a distraction to their ’cause’ so

August 30th 21:43 UTC/Zulu Ukraine SITREP

Self-delusion and panic in the West It is actually quite amusing to observe the reaction of Ukrainian and European leaders these days.  After feeding us fairy tales about how the Ukrainians were “winning” the civil war, they suddenly made a 180 degree turn and are now in the full panic mode.  I might shock many of you, but I sincerely believe that, at least in part, the following is happening.The

August 30th Transcarpathia and Transnistria SITREP by “Y”

Transcarpathia 29 Jul. NATO has sponsored a project involving Romanian and Ukrainian scientists to monitor river pollution on the Tisza river. This is a major source of drinking water for the region and passes through Uzhhord. This is a major town situated close to the border with Romania. This strikes me as an opportunity to insert SIS types into the region under NGO/environmentalist cover. 5 Aug. The head of the

August 29th 15:35 UTC/ZULU Ukrainian SITREP

The Ukrainian civil war has reached a turning point and a lot of separate facts point to this conclusion:Military situation on the groundThe Ukies are losing, badly.  All the reports from Novorussian sources agree that the Ukie forces are either surrounded or in full retreat.  But Ukies sources also confirm this.  In Kiev, angry demonstrations by nationalists accuse the military high command of minimizing the real casualty figures, of having

August 26th-27th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Sistani, Sistani, Sistani! May God keep you till the Mahdi!

Retraction: Iranian Foreign Minister Javad Zarif was referring to Concessions being given by the West on compromises made in Arak, where nuclear facilities are located, and not on Iraq, its neighbour. 26th Aug: Iraqi Security Forces are stating that they have arrested the terrorist responsible for the bombing that took place in Babil on Monday. 26th Aug: Daash has destroyed using explosives the house of the advisor to the Salah

Overview of the Situation in the Donbass Region from Gleb Bazov

Overview of the Situation in the Donbass Region – August 24, 2014 Translated by Daniel MikhailovichEdited by Olga Luzanova The Fighting in the Coastal Area Even recently, it might have seemed laughable, but today the fighting has begun in the area of Novoazovsk, where a powerful anti-aircraft defense node and a hodgepodge of different units of questionable combat capability have been stationed since April to cover the border with Russia. After the

August 26th combat SITREP by Juan + two very different maps :-)

1. The situation has improved in Novorossiya but is still quite serious. The enemy still has an overwhelming advantage in hardware and men and in some instances shows they know how to use that preponderance. 2. As the Army of Novorossiya goes about it’s task of freeing cities, towns and villages they are followed by what relief is available for the newly freed citizens. Also in the follow up are

August 22nd to 25th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: An eye for eye

18th Aug: Yazidi volunteers are being trained by the Kurds to fight Daash. The Kurds are providing the Yazidis with arms, training, and uniforms. 22nd Aug: An attack on the Sunni Musab bin Omair mosque in Diyala during Friday prayers has left 68 worshippers dead. Locals are blaming Shia militias for the attack. They state that the attack followed the deaths of Shia militiamen in an IED attack and that

Reply to a friend: where are the Ukrainian uprising and Novorussian counter-offensive?

I friend just sent me this in an email and I thought that the best thing to do what to reply with a post. Here is what he wrote: I’ve been wondering something for some time now regarding the “war” in Ukraine and Novorossiya. Occasionally I hear mutterings from the NAF about “going on the offensive” sometime soon (supposedly when a certain turning point has been reached or some unnamed

August 21 Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: American Hostage Crisis

NB: The term Salafi may refer to a Puritan Sunni (or rarely Shia) but in these SITREPs is being referred synonymously with Wahabi Takfiris. The titles Farooq and Siddique were originally those of Ali ibn Abi Talib (as), but over the ages, for whatever reasons, have been associated with Omar ibn Khattab and Abu Bakr (the second and first Caliphs). Similarly the term Salaf may have referred to a pious

August 20th Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: Resilient Daash

Quote of the Day, German Development Minister Gerd Muller: Who is financing these forces? I think it is Qatar Thought of the day: Murder will out 19th Aug: The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights states that Daash has more than 50000 fighters in Syria and another 30000 in Iraq. It has recruited 6000 fighters in the last month alone and of these 1000 are foreign fighters. Daash’s strength in Syria

August 16-17-18-19 Iraq SITREP by Mindfriedo: The Battle for Mosul Dam

A Very heartfelt thank you for the Saker who allows for these SITREPs to be posted, and for him always fighting the good fight. May God continue to guide him. I will try to post the SITREPs more frequently. 16th Aug: Kurdish authorities plan to rearm their forces with modern and heavy equipment. 16th Aug: Mohammad Ali al-Hakim, Iraq’s Foreign Minister to the UN asks the nations of the world

Novorossiya Military Briefing – End of August 17, 2014

Combined Briefings for August 17, 2014Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov    Igor Ivanovich Strelkov Brief Statement about Igor Ivanovich Strelkov Original: Summer56 LiveJournal Note: Apart from the Antiquariat Forum, where Igor Strelkov used to post all his short briefings and commentary, the LiveJournal blog of Summer56 was the first independent platform that Igor Strelkov used for his longer statements, appeals, and fulsome regular briefings. For many of us, this

Novorossiya Military Briefing – Situation by August 16-17, 2014

Map: Hostilities in Novorossiya, August 6-15, 2014 Link to Novorossiya Military Briefing, July 15, 2014 Original: Colonel Cassad, August 16, 2014, 02:27 Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Briefly about the situation in Donbass as at the beginning of August 16, 2014   In the last two days, just as was announced earlier, the Militia was finally able to enter into battle the reserves that were freed up following the

August 15th Iraq SITREP: The king is dead, long live the king

12th Aug: The United States sends another 130 “Advisors” to Iraqi Kurdistan 13th Aug: The US is reporting that its reconnaissance missions are confirming that the plight of the Yazidis is not as severe as was expected 14th Aug: The US Secretary of Defence clarifies that US troops will not take part in military operations in Iraq 14th Aug: The Iraqi Airforce bombs a Daash position in Al Atheem and
