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US propaganda on Russian TV

Quite a while ago I wrote an article entitled “Counter-Propaganda, Russian style” in which I tried to show that far from censoring the russophobic propaganda of the AngloZionist Empire, the Russians try hard to give it as much visibility in Russia as possible.  The reason for that it very simple: by showing the Empire’s propaganda the Russian media provides incontrovertible evidence of the hatred the Empire has for Russia and

Trump’s UN speech “most atrocious” by a US pres. – Wilkerson

Note by the Saker: In my commentary to Trump’s speech yesterday I wrote in a sidebar “There are plenty of highly-educated officers in the US armed forces who understand history and who know that money brings corruption, not victory. But they are mostly kept at ranks no higher than Colonel and you will often find them in military teaching institutions and academies“.  Today, I am posting the example of one

International Law? The Americans Don’t Give A Damn

by Christopher Black for the New Eastern Outlook The United States of America has sunk to a new low in diplomacy and civilized relations between nation states with its demand that Russia close its consular missions in San Francisco, Washington and New York, quickly followed by its order that the consular staff leave the premises while the FBI conducted a search of the premises and staffers personal apartments. To order

Death of the 2nd Amendment on the Internet

Note by the Saker: if you don’t care about the Second Amendment, consider this: if they can go after the Second, there is nothing stopping them going after the First next.  Besides, did you ever wonder why the Founding Fathers put the 2nd Amendment right after the 1st?  Yes, why does the 2nd one come 2nd?  Think carefully!

Anti-goyim headline by the Huffington Post

See here for the details about Sam Levine’s article, photo and headline: I won’t even bother commenting myself.  QED is all I will say. The Saker and a few assorted reactions:

8 Months in Ukraine (Euromaidan – MH17)

Dear friends, I am sharing with you a video which is a “witness to history”, a day by day and punch by punch account of of crucial time period for the Ukraine from November 20th, 2013 to July 17th 2014.  This is a long video (over five hours), but I recommend you download it a keep it in your archives, just in case it is deleted by Youtube. Here are

The Ron Paul Institute warns that HR 3364 contains provisions which directly threatens us all

by Daniel McAdams for the Ron Paul Institute Late this afternoon the US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed HR 3364, the “Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act.” The vote was 419-3, with the only nays coming from Republicans Justin Amash (R-MI), John Duncan (R-TN), and Thomas Massie (R-KY). The bill adds additional sanctions on Russia as punishment for the as-yet-unproven claims that Moscow somehow interfered in US elections to help

CrossTalk: Sanctioning Russia S.722

    The Republican-controlled Congress can’t unite around Trump’s legislative agenda, but with Democrats they are in unison when it comes to punishing Russia for alleged meddling in the 2016 election. Russia will brush off new sanctions as it did three years ago, but the Europeans won’t. CrossTalking with Mitch Feierstein, David Swanson, and Alexander Mercouris. RT (Russia Today) is a global news network broadcasting from Moscow and Washington studios.

Pope Francis: US-Russia alliance ‘dangerous’

The Hill reports: Pope Francis issued a stark warning against “dangerous” international alliances, including between the U.S. and Russia, on Saturday. The Pope said that he was afraid of “very dangerous alliances among [foreign] powers that have a distorted vision of the world: America and Russia, China and North Korea, [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and [Syrian President Bashar] Assad in the war in Syria.” He spoke to the Italian daily newspaper la Repubblica, as reported

Judea Declares War against Roger Waters

by Gilad Atzmon I am not the only musician whose career they try to destroy. Roger Waters is also subject to a vile Zionist smear campaign. The Jewish press reports that a documentary titled Wish You Weren’t Here by Ian Halperin is about to hit the screens in every shtetle around the world. According to the Wish You Weren’t Here trailer, Waters is to blame for the rise of anti Semitsm, the failing of
