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Iranian Revolutionary Guard Confirms Daesh Chief Baghdadi is Dead

Sputnik International reports: The elite Iranian Revolutionary Guard verified the death of Daesh mastermind Abu Bakr al-Bagdhadi “through multiple channels,” a representative said Thursday. Ali Shirazi, a top Iranian cleric, told Asr-e Iran News Agency there is “no doubt” Baghdadi is deceased. Irib, Iranian media outlet, has posted photos of Baghdadi’s dead body. The man’s face resembles Baghdadi extremely closely. Sputnik has learned that the photo is from 2015 and is actually a

Israel, Saudi, UAE team up in anti-Qatar lobbying move

Al-Jazeera reports Washington, DC – US legislation threatening to sanction Qatar for its support of “Palestinian terror” was sponsored by 10 lawmakers who received more than $1m over the last 18 months from lobbyists and groups linked to Israel, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. The bill was introduced to the US House of Representatives on May 25, but the text wasn’t available until Friday morning, hours after Saudi Arabia, UAE,

The Netherlands Parliament ignored the will of its voters for the sake of Ukraine

Source: Translated by Eugenia The Senate in the Netherlands confirmed in the most unobtrusive manner the Association agreement of Ukraine with the EU – against the decision of the last year referendum. The local press barely reported the event. In an attempt to explain why the will of the people was ignored, the analysts repeated the same argument over and over: a refusal to ratify the agreement would have

Democracy comes to Mosul, in the form of tortures and white phosphorus

The “brutal” Russians created humanitarian corridors around Aleppo.  They also negotiated a withdrawal of Daesh forces (with the help of Turkey).  And, as soon as the Daesh crazies left, the poured immense amounts of aid, food, meds, etc. along with mine-clearing crews into Aleppo which now is back to being the city bustling with life it once used to be.  That is because Russia is a dictatorship and Putin a

PLA Strategist: The U.S. Uses Its Dollar to Dominate the World

(Thanks to P&N B. for sending me this most interesting article!  The Saker) original source: [Editor’s Note: In April, Qiao Liang, a People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Major-General, gave a speech at a book study forum of the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP’s) Central Committee and government office. Qiao is the PLA strategist who co-authored the book, “Unrestricted War.” In his speech, Qiao explained that he has been studying finance theories

Putin’s Meeting with heads of international news agencies

Russian President Vladimir Putin meets with the heads of Russian and foreign news agencies in St. Petersburg on Thursday, June 1 – the first day of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) 2017.   Taking part in the meeting were President of EFE (Spain) Jose Antonio Vera, Editor-in-Chief of PTI (India) Vijay Joshi, Vice President of Kyodo News (Japan) Juno Kondo, General Director of DPA (Germany) Peter Kropsch, Editor-in-Chief of Anadolu (Turkey) Metin Mutanoglu, First

Russia’s Altius-M Heavy UAV If you’re able, and if you like our content and approach, please support the project. Our work wouldn’t be possible without your help: PayPal: or via: or via: Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson Unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs, have become a ubiquitous feature of contemporary warfare. Their use has proliferated to such an extent that even non-state actors boast entire fleets

Just listen to this pompous ass!

I am sure the Russians, the Iranians and the Syrians are terrified out of their wits by this tough talking wannabe cowboy… But the reporters, yeah, they *truly* love that… (But, seriously, when will American learn that “talking tough” is considered a sign of weakness, not strength, in most of the cultures of our planet?)

Confession of an emigrant on the Victory Day

Author: Ravid Gor, May 10, 2017 Translated by Eugenia May 10 of 2010 was the day when the first in the chain of events occurred that led me to the decision to forever link my life with Russia. That was when the most popular radio host in Israel, Nava Kohen, declared to the whole country at 8 am via the state radio station Radio Israel, talking about the parade marking
