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Germany suffers yet another historic defeat

by Dmitry Lekukh Original article: Translated by Timofei Really, something of the sort was bound to happen sooner or later, if not in Greece or in Spain, then in Portugal, or maybe even in Italy itself, which would be the most tragic option for the “United Europe”. The inevitability of a systemic crisis was inherent in the very structure of the European Union and the “eurozone”. The important thing

William Engdahl: The Birth of the New Russia

A discussion with risk consultant, geopolitical expert and best-selling author William Engdahl regarding his trip to the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF) and what he calls “The Birth of the New Russia.” Check out:

You think the Ukraine is independent? Think again!

Colonel Cassad just posted this amazing document.  Reading this opus it is pretty darn clear who runs Banderastan and how.  I actually feel sorry for the poor Ukies who actually sincerely believe that they are independent.  As I have written it recently – the Ukraine is becoming an African banana republic.
