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Russian forces fire across the border at Ukie forces retreating from the “southern cauldron”

This video reportedly shows Russian MLRS inside Russia firing salvos at the Ukie forces retreating from the “southern cauldron”.  This video was made near the town of Gukovo, inside Russia, and the target(s) are inside the Ukraine: The Ukies will complain, of course, and the Russian will deny it, of course.  None of which will prevent the Ukies forced for further being wiped off.By now there is overwhelming evidence that

Ukrainian Nazis crucify a baby and force mother to watch then murder her

Galina Pyshnyak – Eyewitness Account of Ukrainian Atrocities in Slavyansk (Subtitled in English) Preamble by Gleb Bazov: Considering the controversy this eyewitness account has already generated (and will continue to generate), it deserves a thorough review from the standpoint of legal and evidentiary rules. That review will be generated and provided over the next several days. For now, I can offer you my professional expertise, as a courtroom advocate with

CrossTalk: Ukraine, End of Beginning (+ commentary)

Commentary:First, I have to admit that I could not bring myself to watch this show to the end.  Listening to Mary Dejevsky spew her arrogant certitudes about the Ukraine gave me a stomach ache and I had to stop.  What I do want to draw your attention to, however, is the idea which seems to have been somehow accepted by by Mary Dejevsky and Ray McGovern: that the EU and

Background information on the situation in the Ukraine

Dear friends, I am publishing the following map and videos “for your information”, as background information about the current situation. This map is current as of yesterday.  It is in Russian, but it is also rather self-explanatory. Please click here for a very high resolution version of this map I have to tell you honestly that I do not have the time or stomach the following videos which were sent

A musical requiem (of sorts) for those who died in Slaviansk

Warning: the language of war is not a delicate one, nor is the language used in this song.  To those who might be shocked by the kind of “non-normative lexicon” used here by Grebenshchikov, and who clearly have never been anywhere near a Russian military unit, I will say that this is nothing compared to what you could have heard form the defenders of Slaviansk.  As for the message of

A lesson in hope from Roger

I don’t know about you, but I sure don’t feel very festive today.  I just was outdoors with my son and we heard the distance sounds of fireworks going off.  From time to time, a rocket shot up into the night sky.  And even though this will sound trite, I have to tell you that my thoughts went to the night sky over Slaviansk, Kramatorsk and Nikolaevka who, in some

Ukie stormtroopers assault Russian church and bank in Kiev

Self explanatory – not in English but it’s not really necessary.  I love how these masked thugs are the “new face of Europe” and how neo-Nazis just love these “mini-Kristallnacht” reenactment.  In Western Europe Nazism is banned.  In Eastern Europe it is sponsored.  By the West Europeans. Go figure…The Saker

Kindergarten? Nuthouse? Zoo? You pick!

Remember the assault on the Russian Embassy in Kiev?  Well here is some footage of the Ukie Foreign Minister – the counterpart of Sergei Lavrov – who, when he came to express his support for this violation of the Vienna Convention, is heard agreeing with a demonstrator and saying “Putin khuilo”.  The word “khuilo” can be translated as “dick” or “fucker” or “dickhead” (no need to believe me, the Guardian

Appeal for help: can somebody translate this into English?

Dear friends,Is there somebody here who could translate this video into English?  Especially, the segment between 1:20 and 11:41.  But, of course, translating the full video would be better.If somebody could volunteer his/her time and effort to translate this video, I would recommend posting a note here in the comments section so that others do not duplicate the effort.  Maybe some of you could get in touch with each other
