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“For Inna” – a video which should be circulated worldwide

On 2 June 2014 an air strike of the Ukrainian Air force on city of Lugansk resulted in 8 deaths and 28 wounded.  Inna Vladimirovna Kukurudza (Кукурудза Инна Владимировна), an employee credit union was one the number of the innocent civilian victims murdered that day. She died in the ambulance after the horrific injuries that we see at the end of this video.  This video was made as a tribute to

Ukie An-30 spy-plane apparently shot down by NDF

From RT on YouTube: Witnesees report the An-30 was hit over Slavyansk at 17:04 local time. It continued over the horizon. Unconfirmed reports state the pilots ejected and the plane crashed somewhere between Nikolaevka and Krasny Liman, near Golubie Ozera (Blue Lakes) region. It’s also reported that the plane was hit by anti-air missile, presumably launched by anti-Kiev militia:

Lugansk attacked by Ukrainian Air Force

The city of Lugansk in the easternmost part of the ex-Ukraine has been attacked by Ukrainian combat aircraft.  See for yourself: The aircraft in question is a Sukhoi-25, a close air support aircraft which might well become the major threat for the NDF in the next few days or weeks. The Su-25 is very hard to shoot down.  It’s cabin is armored and its widely separated engines are both equipped

German Foreign Minister Steinmeier has a fit when confronted by anti-Fascist protestors

German Foreign Minister Steinmeier had a complete fit of rage when he was interrupted during a speech by anti-Fascist demonstrators who were accusing the German regime of supporting Fascists in the Ukraine.  See for yourself for his reaction: The good news is that this incident clearly shows that more and more people understand the nature of the conflict in the Ukraine and that more and more people are willing to

Imperial Decay (absolutely brilliant and well done video!)

There is a lot of excellent stuff in this video, but one point I came to fully endorse after a lot of research, soul searching and after having to comprehensively reject one of the key elements of my family’s education, is that all empires are bad, all empires end up hurting the nations which produce them, and all empires end more or less along a few basic models.  When the

Crucial investigation into the role of the junta in the Odessa massacre (MUST READ!)

Please find below the translation to the video I have posted before and which I am re-posting here below.  A huge THANK YOU to “sparling5” for making this translation in such a short time.  If I get a subtitled video I will also post it here.  This information is important enough to deserve several re-posts.The Saker Translated transcript: There are lots of photos and videos of what was going on

Powerful warning about how wars begin

 Dear friends, I want to share with you a very well-made video made in Moscow which a commentator has shared with me. This video, entitled Recent Ukrainian History, the Southeast, begins with a quote attributed to Bismark: Even a victorious war is a calamity which has to be prevented by the wisdom of the people.  The rest is self-explanatory and, I think, rather powerful.Good night!The Saker

CrossTalk: Containment 2.0? (ft. Stephen Cohen & John Mearsheimer)

Both John Mearsheimer and, especially, Stephen Cohen are both extremely smart and knowledgeable academics and it is a crying shame that these two men are so completely ignored by the current US elites. I highly recommend this very good show.  Enjoy! The Saker  Personal note: I want to add something here. Mearsheimer and Cohen are the living proof that the caricature which a lot of non-US people have about Americans
