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Tag "Sheikh Imran N. Hosein"

The Qur’an, the Great War, and the West

Dear friends, Today, with the kind permission of my dear friend Sheikh Imran Hosein, I am post his monograph “The Qur’an, the Great War in the West“.  Not being a Muslim myself, I obviously take no position on the Sheikh’s interpretation of the Qur’an, as that is something which only an educated Muslim could do.  Likewise, I would request the same of you, especially if you are not religious at

Sheikh Imran Hosein interviews the Saker

Dear friends, Some of you might remember that I have mentioned in the past that I was planning to do a “coming out” of my “anonymity closet” on the 10th anniversary of my blog, on May 1, 2017.  Well, turns out that I had a better opportunity to do that just a little earlier upon the request of my friend Sheikh Imran Hosein who talked me into agreeing to a

Meeting with the Saker in beautiful Tobago

by Imran N. Hosein I have just spent 10 exciting days with my Russian friend, ‘The Saker’, in the enchantingly beautiful Caribbean island of Tobago. I was born in the island of Trinidad where I now live, and Tobago is located just next to Trinidad in the South Caribbean Sea close to Venezuela: This was the first time that I ever met with ‘Saker’, and I am

The Turkish Coup: For Russia From Turkey With Enough Love To Last Until The Great War

by Imran N. Hosein Turkish President Erdogan is, of course, quite correct that there was US (and hence NATO) involvement in the attempted coup against his government. He is also quite correct in his accusations against the Turkish Sufi Shaikh, Fathullah Gulen, accusing him of involvement in the coup. It would have been more honest of Erdogan, however, if he had also disclosed that he knew that the coup was

An islamic response to charlie (9/11) hebdo

by Sheikh Imran Hosein May peace and blessings be upon Prophet Muhammad – despite the filth that a corrupt and decadent civilization of Gog and Magog has been consistently throwing at him all through its barbaric and blood-stained history. He is indeed a true Prophet of the God of Abraham, and Islamic eschatology allows us to anticipate that it will not be long before the historical process delivers

Message from Sheikh Imran Hosein to the French People

  [Note from webmaster: We are in the process of migrating the comments of the articles from blogspot to the new blog here. Due to technical reasons we’ll have to copy the remaining comments manually which will take some time to complete. You don’t have to repost your comments from blogspot here. We’ll take care of it in the process of time. You can post new comments if you want

Request for help with Sheikh Imran N. Hosein

Dear friends,I would like to ask for your assistance in the following two matters:First, I was asked by the Russian Saker Team to get an English transcript of the presentation of Sheikh Imran N. Hosein I have recently posted entitled “Islam and Russia’s Tryst with Destiny“. If somebody could write such a transcript and send it to the Russian Saker Team Leader at we could then make a translation
