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Tag "“Tatzhit” Mihailovich videos"

The fighting imam of Donbass (MUST SEE!)

Dear friends, This is an exceptionally interesting video which I have asked my brother in arms Tatzhit Mihailovich to subtitle it for you: a Crimean Tatar imam is interviewed by a Russian Orthodox TV channel about his role in the anti-Nazi resistance of the Donbass and about his views on Islam and Russia.  Great stuff! Enjoy and a big THANK YOU to Tatzhit! The Saker (please make sure to press

Yakov Kedmi: Ukraine, NATO, and “moral values” of New York Times (MUST WATCH for Jew-haters!)

Note: This video is not only interesting by itself, it also is an excellent example of the real diversity of opinion amongst Jews, including Israeli Jews.  In this case, this shows that even amongst Zionists, in the strict sense of “supporters of Israel” (as opposed to the wider sense of the word in my personal usage). there are those who hold generally pro-Russian views and who are most definitely anti-Neo-cons. 

Nikolai Starikov – Why Putin doesn’t recognize D/LPR as sovereign states [ENG Subs] [DE Subs]

Dear friends, Thanks to my awesome friend Tatzhit Mikhailovich I can, once again, share with you the subtitled version of a crucially important video statement made by Nikolai Starikov.  The “hurray patriots” are going to be enraged, but a lot of you will appreciate the sophistication of Starikov’s (well, Putin’s, really) strategy. Enjoy! The Saker (please press the ‘cc’ button to see the captions and the settings “wheel” to pick

Myths and facts about special forces – a recent illustration (UPDATED!)

One of the things which always drives me crazy is that ironclad belief that Americans have that they are “the best”, and so are their country, their army and, of course, their special forces.  None of that is true, of course, but it especially not true in the real world of special operations, where the actual record of the US special forces is, at best, very average and, at worst,
