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Posts From The Saker

Remembering the Liberty

by Jimmie Moglia It is a property of the past to sink into oblivion, and of unpleasant truths to fade into evanescence. To this past belongs the attack on the USS Liberty. The annals of US history record that, on Jun 8, 1967, the Israelis mistakenly attacked by air, and torpedoed by sea, an unarmed US intelligence ship, killing 34 sailors and wounding 171 others. 2017 marked the 50th anniversary

Hold the mayo – pass the grass!

Dear friends, Just a quick note to first thank you again for the tsunami of suggestions I received from so many of you.  Second, I also wanted to let you know that, having carefully considered the Mayo Clinic option, I have decided against it.  Instead, I have developed a treatment plan of sorts which combines elements from the different approaches you have suggested.  I am already doing better and I

What is freedom?

by Naresh Jotwani Not many will dispute that ‘freedom’ is one of the more popular words in English language today — in spite of the fact that, as we shall see, this word does not even have a well-defined meaning. Despite lacking a clear meaning, the idea of ‘freedom’ is much loved the world over. Would any human being ever choose ‘not being free’ over ‘being free’? That is unimaginable.


by Paul Craig Roberts Listening to NPR this morning confirmed what I already knew. Charlottesville is being turned into another nail in President Trump’s coffin. NPR had no interest whatsoever in reporting the actual facts about what had occurred in Charlottesville. The several “interviews” with the like-minded were orchestrated to produce the desired propaganda result: It was all Trump’s fault. It was Trump’s fault for many reasons. He had stirred

Vassal Aristocracies Increasingly Resist Control by U.S. Aristocracy

by Eric Zuesse The tumultuous events that dominate international news today cannot be accurately understood outside of their underlying context, which connects them together, into a broader narrative — the actual history of our time. History makes sense, even if news-reports about these events don’t. Propagandistic motivations cause such essential facts to be reported little (if at all) in the news, so that the most important matters for the public

SouthFront interview with The Saker (Now with full transcript!)

This is the recorded version on YouTube You can also download the mp3 file from here: Cheers, The Saker TRANSCRIPT Viktor Stoilov: Hello, everybody. Thank you for joining us today at our Saturday livestream on SouthFront. I am Viktor Stoilov, from Bulgaria, and I’ll be the host of the show today. I’m with my friend, Brian Kalman, who is one of our top military experts. And we have our

Bring Me the Head of Jeff Bezos

by Israel Shamir for the Unz Review Here is what Donald Trump should call for this morning. This is the right time to up his ante in the struggle against the Lügenpresse. All his efforts to fix the sinking ship of the US society are in vain with a breach below the waterline. If the Fake News applauds every jerk in a mantle who stops a presidential decree, the jerks

Debunking the myths about weapons deliveries to the Ukraine

This article was written for the Unz Review. The latest news craze is about the possible delivery of US anti-tank weapons (the FMG-148 Javelin is often mentioned) to the Nazi junta in Kiev. These stories typically include a discussion of “defensive” vs “offensive” and “lethal” vs “non-lethal” weapons and always display a child-like belief in the existence of some magic technology which would perform miracles on the battlefield. None of

Macron, Ike Turner and the psychology of marrying your alleged rapist

by Ramin Mazaheri It seems as if America’s media spends far more time speculating about Donald’s Trump’s psychological issues than discussing anything which could actually help the average household be able to afford a new car, which a new study reveals the average family can no longer do. (FYI: I bought my used car entirely with 1- and 2-euro coins I saved up over 6 years, so that should tell

North Korea: fire, fury and fear

by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times Alarm bells ringing as rampant speculation breaks out over Pyongyang’s ‘possible’ miniaturized nuclear warheads. Beware the dogs of war. The same intel “folks” who brought to you babies pulled from incubators by “evil” Iraqis as well as non-existent WMDs are now peddling the notion that North Korea has produced a miniaturized nuclear warhead able to fit its recently tested ICBM. That’s the core

North Korea – Killer Sanctions Imposed by the Foremost Institution of Peace and Justice – the UN Security Council

by Peter Koenig As reported by CNN, “The United Nations Security Council on Saturday [5 August 2017] passed a resolution imposing new sanctions on North Korea for its continued intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) testing and violations of UN resolutions. With 15 votes in favor, Resolution 2371 was passed unanimously. The resolution targets North Korea’s primary exports, including coal, iron, iron ore, lead, lead ore and seafood. The sanctions also target

Saturday Live Stream Announcement: Interview With The Saker, Discussion Of US-Russian Relations. Start: 20:00 CEST

SouthFront announcement: SATURDAY LIVE STREAM START: 20:00 CEST TOPIC: Interview with The Saker (please, visit his blog, on the US-Russia relations and other issues of the international agenda. The Saker is the friend and one of the key partners of SouthFront. He’s a well-known military and geo-political analyst and a regular contributor to The Unz Review ( Dear friends, you can ask questions about the live stream topics and other issues related to SF

8 Months in Ukraine (Euromaidan – MH17)

Dear friends, I am sharing with you a video which is a “witness to history”, a day by day and punch by punch account of of crucial time period for the Ukraine from November 20th, 2013 to July 17th 2014.  This is a long video (over five hours), but I recommend you download it a keep it in your archives, just in case it is deleted by Youtube. Here are

Saker appeal to the community – a place to stay in/near Jacksonville, Florida

Dear friends, I am having some chronic pain issues which will require me to spend 5-8 days in Jacksonville, FL, in order to run a number of diagnostic tests and hopefully get a treatment at the local Mayo Clinic.  I will be honest and immediately admit that my trust level in modern medicine is pretty close to zero, but these guys are supposed to be better than the rest and

The Ron Paul Institute warns that HR 3364 contains provisions which directly threatens us all

by Daniel McAdams for the Ron Paul Institute Late this afternoon the US House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed HR 3364, the “Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act.” The vote was 419-3, with the only nays coming from Republicans Justin Amash (R-MI), John Duncan (R-TN), and Thomas Massie (R-KY). The bill adds additional sanctions on Russia as punishment for the as-yet-unproven claims that Moscow somehow interfered in US elections to help

The end of the “wars on the cheap” for the United States

This analysis was written for the Unz Review. With the Neocon coup against Trump now completed (at least in its main objective, that is the neutralization of Trump, the subsidiary objective, impeaching Trump and removing him from office remains something for the future) the world has to deal, yet again, with a very dangerous situation: the AngloZionist Empire is on a rapid decline, but the Neocons are back in power
