International Military Review & Analysis – Studying escalation in Nagorno-Karabakh
by Gary Flomenhoft This whole Bernie thing has got people debating about what socialism is. Is it New Deal liberalism? Scandinavian welfare statism? State communism? Or what? Let me simplify it for you. Socialism is basically anything run by or paid for by government. Socialism is what free enterprise needs to operate. You might even call it the operating system for business. Business needs stable government, a strong judiciary to
by Leon Tressell The recent bout of in-fighting within the Kiev junta has been accompanied by warning’s from the IMF that Ukraine must do more to deal with the massive problems of corruption before it receives any more loans. The in-fighting between the various oligarchs and their political puppets within the Rada reflects the failure of crony capitalism to deal with any of the pressing economic, social and political problems
When introducing Jimmie Moglia’s video series about Stalin I promised to share with you my own take on this most controversial personality. Let me immediately say that what I will write below is most definitely not some seminal analysis of the life and personality of Stalin, but rather few more or less disjointed thoughts on a topic which I still feel that I do not understand. The figure of Stalin
by Stefan Karganovic Two recent judgments handed down at the end of March by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), in the Karadzic and Seselj cases, may turn out to have serious implications for peace and stability in the Balkans. To be sure, most of the Karadzic trial judgment was standard ICTY prose – “victors’ justice” unconvincingly disguised as legal, and even historical, analysis. The defendant Karadzic,
by Vladimir Markin Source: Translated by Alexander Maidan 01.04.2016 00:30 Dear colleagues! Dear fellow editors! Answers to asked and unasked questions have been piling up. But, please, let us keep this between ourselves. It is not meant for the press here, in the capital. You probably ask yourselves as you watch your screens: why and to what end are they showing all this? Why do self-confessed Russophobes march through