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Posts From The Saker

Immigrant Crisis: Facts, Myth or Plot?

by Brainstorm The designed, created and carefully articulated immigrant flow to Europe, generating one of the biggest crises in after the Cold War as the byproduct of US waged wars in the Middle East, is rolling out according to the already written screenplay. As the pretext for rising extreme right sectors within the EU boundaries, revival of nationalism, racism and fascism, dramatic changes to European societies bring to the reality

Tom Mysiewicz reviews “The Essential Saker” for the ShamirReaders mailing list

Book Review Book Title: The Essential Saker Copyright 2015 ISBN-13: 978-1-60888-058-4 Author: The Saker Publisher: Nimble Books LLC, Ann Arbor, MI, USA 48103 Web Page: E-mail: Reviewer: Tom Mysiewicz Yahoo groups link: Unlike a woman who will not let you see her “without her face on,” The Essential Saker lets you see the Saker’s successful and unsuccessful analysis over time. It freely admits he’s changed his views

Programming Chaos: The Arab Spring (book review)

by Mark Hackard for Soul of the East Thanks to an advantageous geographical position set between the world’s two major oceans, Americans have been in large measure immune to the consequences of war, upheaval and terror in the Eurasian Great Game. Since Vietnam the United States military-industrial complex has managed to prosecute expeditionary wars across the span of the globe while maintaining losses at a level acceptable to an American

Paul Craig Roberts and Michael Hudson: Privatization Is the Atlanticist Strategy to Attack Russia

NOTE: Readers are asking to know who, in addition to the Western-financed NGOs, are the Fifth Columnists inside Russia. Michael Hudson and I left the description general as Atlanticist Integrationists and neoliberal economists. The Saker provides some specific names. Among the Fifth Columnists are the Russian Prime Minister, head of the Central Bank, and the two top economics ministers. They are springing a privatization trap on Putin that could undo

Week Seventeen of the Russian Intervention in Syria: does Erdogan want war with Russia?

This article was written for the Unz Review: The situation with Turkey is rapidly getting out of control: not only have the Turks conducted artillery strikes across the Syrian border, Turkey has refused to comply with its obligations under the Open Skies Treaty and refused to let a Russian surveillance aircraft overfly Turkey.  The Russian military has now declared that it had detected signs of Turkish preparations for an

Coming to a head in Syria

by Ghassan Kadi What started as a “War On Syria”, allowed to grow and fester unabated, fueled and sponsored by eighty three nations spearheaded by Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel and NATO and all pro-NATO nations, is undoubtedly coming to a head. Geneva III seems dead in the water, just like Geneva I and II were. This time however, Syria and its allies are calling the shots, and they are

Documentary: Takfiri Sedition

This film traces the roots of takfirism, an unorthodox school of thinking that attribute itself to pure Islam in modern history, but that in reality has nothing to do with real Islam. The documentary explains the history of the so-called “Arab Spring” or Islamic Awakening, and how it was infiltrated and derailed by the Global Arrogance “intelligence agencies”, and through the use of Takfiri “clerics” – such as those from

Bosnian-Muslim witness confirms that the Markale Massacre was a false flag

by Grey Carter for There Must Be Justice source: HAGUE –  During his testimony in defense of Radovan Karadzic,  former Bosnian Muslim policeman stated before the Hague Tribunal that the grenade that murdered 66 and left 140  persons injured at Markale market in Sarajevo, was actually fired by (Muslim) Army of Bosnia and Herzegovina , by order of then – leader Alija Izetbegovic. Under the coded pseudonym KW -586
