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Posts From The Saker

Yats is Charlie and Ukrainian junta shelling the Donbass (again)

You might have heard that “Yats” has made a great recently: according to him during WWII the USSR invaded the Ukraine and Germany. I would expect no less of him. But the truly pathetic part came from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs which declared that it respected Yats’ right to free speech. Clearly, “Yats is Charlie”. In other news, the Ukrainian junta has resumed and even dramatically stepped up

Chechen leader blasts Europe over double standards on terrorism

RT Reports…   The unprecedented public response to the Charlie Hebdo shootings in France could be organized by those who want to stir anti-Islamic sentiment and distract people from other problems, claims the leader of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov.     The head of the Chechen Republic explained his position through his longtime medium of choice – the Instagram photo sharing service. In an extensive post accompanying a picture of himself

Brainwashed zombies and hypocrites

So up to 3 million people took to the streets of Paris, including 40 heads of state, to denounce the murders of 17 victims of a streak of Takfiri terror attacks this past week. Where were they? Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Afghanistan?  Nowhere. Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when

A follow-up to my Open Letter

Dear friends, First, the words “thank you” don’t even begin to cover the gratitude I feel for the outpouring of support from all of you.  You have apparently also drowned out the haters who have suddenly turned very shy :-) The crisis is far from over, but here are a few rapid items I need to share with you: a) If you want to contact me to help with technical

Open Letter to the Saker Community and all our friends

Dear friends, What is happening right now is huge, we are dealing with nothing less than a full-scale “French September 11th“, no less.  At this point, I am not saying that the French state did it, or even let it happen.  But what is certain is that at the very least the French state and the corporate media are making maximal use of the various terrorist murders in France to

No Blood, No Recoil video (download link) (updated)

Download it for yourself while it is available and watch it. Here is the link to it: Link to video file. Brought to your attention by commenter elmysterio UPDATE: You can watch the video clip with more detailed comments by “StormCloudsGathering” on YouTube. Brought to your attention by commenter: samuelburke

Ramzan Kadyrov on Takfiri terrorism

Listen to Ramzan Kadyrov, the Muslim leader at the forefront of the struggle against the Takfiri terrorists: Ramzan Kadyrov on fighting terrorism from Oceania Saker on Vimeo. Question: is this Muslim to blame for what happened in Paris? Or is his Islamic faith? Who has done more to fight Takfiri terrorism – Kadyrov or Hollande?

I am NOT Charlie

Okay, let’s be clear.  I am not Muslim.  I oppose terrorism.  I don’t even support the death penalty.  I loathe Takfirism.  I oppose violence as a means to make a political or ethical point.  I fully support freedom of speech, including critical speech and humor. But this morning I am most definitely NOT Charlie. In fact, I am disgusted and nauseated by the sick display of collective hypocrisy about the

Welcome to the new Saker blog!

Dear friends, Christ is Born! Welcome to my new blog! There still might be kinks here and there, especially in the archives before 2014, but generally it looks solid to me. Most of the work on the new blog was done by Gevorg from Armenia who did an absolutely *phenomenal* amount of work which included many, many hours of hard labor including patiently tutoring me on the capabilities of the

Saker schedule update + 2 open threads

Dear friends,Today Orthodox Christians like myself celebrate the Eve of the Nativity (aka “Christmas”) and tomorrow will be a major feast day for us (Orthodox feasts always begin on the previous evening). Icon of the Nativity On Thursday I will have to spend the day on the road to drive my daughter to college so, God willing, I will be back only on Friday.   I have a hotspot in the

Not a Buk-M1 missile – full report and analysis of fake evidence

Dear friends, I have recently informed you that the Dutch blogger Max Vanderwerff had posted a very interesting analysis debunking the Buk-M1 “missile plume” theory.  Today I am posting his full research online which I encourage you to download from the following to locations:  Both of these services offers to read the PDF file online.I think that it is absolutely crucial that we not allow the truth about MH17 to

About the murder of Batman

Dear friends, I want to remind you all that WE DO NOT HAVE ALL THE FACTS!! (sorry for the “screaming” CAPS).  I will be the first to admit to this about myself.  Colonel Cassad is doing some stellar reporting about this on his blog, and he also is very very cautious (I don’t share Cassad’s political views, but I have learned to admire his intellectual honesty and his excellent reporting).

Innocents Abroad

by MJ On New Year’s Eve, a true story of “babes in the woods” appeared in the news: two sweet, innocent-looking, and very young Italian women, had disappeared into Darkest Syria, and had reappeared, as prisoners of the al-Nusra Front, humbled, eyes turned to the ground, wrapped-up in black shrouds. It all started when Greta Ramelli and Vanessa Marzullo, 20 and 21-year-old university students, discovered Syria’s humanitarian crisis. They become

Batman’s murder in Luganks is very bad news for Lugansk

I deliberately waited a few days before addressing the issue of the murder of “Batman” (Alexander Bednov) in the Lugansk People’s Republic but I am getting too many questions to remain silent any longer.  So first, let’s look at the fact Batman What is more or less established: Batman had been traveling in an armored car for a while now because he feared for his life.  Near the city of
