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Posts From The Saker

The neo-colonial corruption of Christian extremists and bankers in Lebanon (2/2)

By Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog (cross-posted with Press-TV) (Ramin Mazaheri is the chief correspondent in Paris for Press TV and has lived in France since 2009. He has been a daily newspaper reporter in the US, and has reported from Iran, Cuba, Egypt, Tunisia, South Korea and elsewhere. He is the author of the books ‘I’ll Ruin Everything You Are: Ending Western Propaganda on Red China’ and the

Deconstructing Islamophobia

[this article was written for the Unz Review] Introduction: a short survey of the cuckoo’s nest My initial idea was to begin with a definition of “Islamophobia” but after looking around for various definitions, I decided to use my own, very primitive definition.  I will define Islamophobia as the belief that Islam (the religion) and/or Muslims (the adherents to this religion) represent some kind of more or less coherent whole

Realistic approach on Afghan Peace

by Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan for The Saker Blog Introduction Afghanistan is a landlocked country located within South-Central Asia. It is an old civilization have been passing through many experiences. It is on the main route connecting the eastern world with the western world. It was on the ancient trade route and military routes. Afghanistan is bordered by Pakistan, Iran, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, and China. With its population of

The case of the Occident is lost

By Paul Schmutz Schaller for the Saker Blog I claim that 2019 will be the year when it has become obvious that the case of the Western hegemony is lost. In my text „Iran or the fight for the strategic initiative“ (August 7, 2019), I wrote that the Western hegemonic forces and the worldwide anti-hegemonic forces fight for the strategic initiative and that Iran is actually the center of this

Alexander Vindman – Why Diaspora Ukrainians are Driving Sedition

by George Eliason for The Saker Blog When the Vindman story broke last week, we were pathetically reminded that there is a conspiracy against Ukraine and the Diaspora in America. Conspiracy theorists labeled the Ukrainian government integral nationalists plotting against the current President of the United States even before the final ballots were tallied 2016. Although this article will contain many of the elements of the still-developing Vindman story that

Letter from Vietnam: What Wrong With Vietnam Today?

Intro by The Saker: I am extremely fortunate to have readers all over our planet, and I am even more fortunate that these readers often correspondent with me and share with me their views of what is happening in their side of the world.  I often ask them to write an article for me, but a lot of them shy away because English is not their mother-tongue (neither is it

Hiding the West’s ongoing neo-colonialism in Lebanon via blaming Iran (1/2)

by Ramin Mazaheri for the Saker Blog I have spoken with many in France’s huge expatriate Lebanese community – and from all groups – and not a single person has ever claimed that Iran was the power behind the scenes in Lebanon. Without fail I was told that this title belongs to France. It shouldn’t be surprising: France completely devised modern Lebanon. Many Lebanese don’t like to be reminded of

Resistance report: Shameless Washington keeps occupying Syrian oilfields, while the Syrian Army enters several new areas to fend off Turkish aggression

by Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog In my previous article on Syria, I expressed scepticism towards Washington’s so called “withdrawal” of troops from Syria. I doubted that Washington would fully withdraw from Syria, as Washington has a history of long occupations across the world, and the only way to get rid of US troops is to throw them out with force. It seems that I was correct in that

President al-Assad’s interview given to al-Sourya and al-Ikhbarya TVs

Damascus, the SANA news agency reports: President Bashar al-Assad stressed that the scenario broadcast by the US about the killing operation of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader of Daesh organization, is part of the US tricks and we should not believe  what they say unless they give the evidence. The President added in an interview given to Al-Sourea and al-Ikhbariya TVs on Thursday, that the Russian-Turkish agreement on northern Syria is

Hezbollah’s Unchartered Frontier

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog Following the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in June 1982, Lebanon looked like it had totally lost its independence and ability of self-determination. Later on, and with Israeli boots still on Lebanese ground, the Lebanese government was coerced to reach the 17th of May (1983) peace accord with Israel; and which was in reality tantamount to terms of surrender. By then, the underground resistance,

The Terrorists Among US11 Azov Battalion and American Congressional Support

by George Eliason, special correspondent for The Saker Blog in Novorussia On April 13, 2014, Ukraine launched its ATO against the people of Donbass. Since that time Ukraine has received billions of US dollars and EU euros to combat a Russian invasion. Ukrainian politicians stole and continue stealing the money as fast as it comes in, regardless of what it’s purposed for. But did Russia ever attack Ukraine? Will Russia

Chile and Her History of Western Interference

by Peter Koenig for the Saker Blog Chile is experiencing the largest and most serious political crisis and public unrest throughout Santiago and the country’s major cities, since the return to ‘democracy’ in 1990. A weeklong of fire, teargas and police brutality, left at least 20 people dead, thousands arrested and injured. More than 1.2 million people protested on Friday 25 October in the Streets of Chile’s capital, Santiago, not

Samuel Gregg’s “Reason, Faith, and the Struggle for Western Civilization”: A critique.

by Dr. Mahmoud Braham, Algeria, for The Saker Blog Introduction Samuel Gregg who holds a doctorate in moral philosophy and political economy from Oxford University is the Director of Research at the Acton Institute based in Michigan. In 2016, he published “For God and Profit: How Banking and Finance Can Serve the Common Good”. Making from the pope Benedict XVI’s Regensburg Lecture[1] and some of his controversial statements on the

China has surpassed the threshold and can protect its territorial integrity

by Prof. Engr. Zamir Ahmed Awan for The Saker Blog China has crossed that threshold, where anyone can destabilize, or harm China. It is clearly expressed by the Chinese President; “Anyone attempting to split China in any part of the country will end in crushed body and shattered bones” Chinese President Xi Jinping was quoted as saying during his meeting with Nepali Prime Minister Khadga Prasad Sharma Oli, during his

How QE has radically changed the nature of the West’s financial system.

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog Because they are so ensconsed in their little bubble and because they profit so much from maintaining the status quo, Western mainstream media pundits don’t – or perhaps can’t – admit how Quantitative Easing policies have so quickly and so radically changed the financial system of the West and their satellites. I imagine that most everyone reading this is already aware of what

Bernie Sanders Warns Democrats He Might Run as an Independent?

by Eric Zuesse for the Saker Blog On October 23rd, an extraordinary article was published online at Newsweek, but merely as “Opinion,” and this not coming from Senator Sanders’s Democratic primary campaign for the U.S. Presidency, but only from a supporter: “‘BERNIE OR BUST’ IS A WARNING—IGNORE IT, AND TRUMP WINS | OPINION”. It would be a historic article if the Sanders campaign endorses it. And, on October 27th, they
