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Posts From The Saker

SITREP Chile: Police Violence in the streets

Note from the Saker: A Chilean friend send me the video below with the following explanation: A commission has been established to analyze the Emergency State declared by the President of Chile, Mr. Sebastian Piñera. The commission has asked a constitutional lawyer, Mr. Jaime Bassa to issue an statement. Summarized, he states the following 1.- what is happening at the moment is that an exception to the exceptional state is

Tulsi Gabbard’s ‘Hail-Mary Pass’ Against Hillary Clinton Failed

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker blog For a few days, active Democrats were stunned by — and America’s political news-media were focusing heavily upon — this string of tweets from Democratic Presidential candidate Tulsi Gabbard: Tulsi Gabbard✔@TulsiGabbard Great! Thank you @HillaryClinton. You, the queen of warmongers, embodiment of corruption, and personification of the rot that has sickened the Democratic Party for so long, have finally come out from

Revisiting the win-win-win-win outcome in Syria

[this analysis was written for the Unz Review] In his recent article “The Road to Damascus: How the Syria War Was Won” Pepe Escobar summarized the outcome of the war in Syria in the following way: “It’s a quadruple win. The U.S. performs a face saving withdrawal, which Trump can sell as avoiding a conflict with NATO ally Turkey. Turkey has the guarantee – by the Russians – that the

That we live under a dictatorship is now unquestionable: The Assange Case

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog What else can we call it when a publisher does what the New York Times did when it published the Pentagon Papers and was ruled by the Supreme Court in 1971 (New York Times Co. v. United States) to have been protected by the First Amendment, but the publisher this time has been kept for years in various types of imprisonment without trial,

Who lost Russia? Part 2

by William H. Warrick III for The Saker Blog The Chief Globalist Demon, AKA “Mr. Global”, tells a Lesser Globalist Demon he better get his act together. The taboo of talking about these Globalist Demons must end. In Part 1 of this article my purpose was to explain all the Deep State/MSM/Punditocracy Hysteria about Russia. In Part 2 I break down the who and what these Globalist Demons are and

Putin and Erdogan hold joint press conference in Sochi

Press statement following Russian-Turkish talks President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr President, ladies and gentlemen, We thank the President of Turkey for accepting our offer made during a recent telephone conversation, and today he and representatives of his delegation arrived in Sochi to discuss the developments in the Syrian Arab Republic, including in the northeast, beyond the Euphrates. Mr Erdogan gave a detailed explanation of the goals of the Turkish military operation along the Syrian border. We have noted many times that we understand Turkey’s desire to take measures that would guarantee its

Syria: Dignity, tenacity, and commitment against Western hegemony

By Paul Schmutz Schaller for The Saker Blog In a complex situation like the actual one in north and northeast Syria, one has to clarify what is the principal contradiction. As far as I know, this concept is due to Mao Zedong (see “On Contradiction” (1937)). So, what is this principal contradiction? In my eyes, we have on the one hand the forces which defend the Western hegemony. They dream

CHILE the pure and raw truth

by Ivan Agüin translated by Ana source: Many are surprised with what happened in Chile, how is it possible that this happens in the perfect society of Latin America ?, The Switzerland of America ?, the cradle of Latin American liberalism ?, the capital of Latin American development ?, the closest idea of Eden accessible to the Venezuelan emigrant ?, the surprise has been so great that the mysticism

The Lebanese Fall – Hezbollah’s Latest Challenge

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog Hezbollah is facing a new challenge, and this time it is not a military one, but rather political. Perhaps few countries need peaceful “popular revolutions” more than Lebanon does. In my simplistic way of thinking, Lebanon should actually be on the top of the list; followed by the USA. Corruption in Lebanon is endemic. Its politicians are in reality the heirs of dynasties

Western central bankers: they’re God, they trust – a 10-part series on the QE economy

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog It’s not that the West’s central bankers are infallible – the similarity is that they cannot be held accountable. After all – who can call God to account for His decisions? Like God, when things succeed it is They (central bankers) who deserve all the credit – when things fail it’s because we failed to properly follow Their policies. And like God, they

Clarifying the Islamic Republic’s stance on Moscow-Tehran relations

By Aram Mirzaei for The Saker Blog This article is partially written in response to The Saker’s analysis on the IRGC’s arrest of Russian journalist Iulia Iuzik. In his analysis, the Saker theorizes that the Ruasian journalist’s arrest could be due to one of two possible reasons: – The Israeli visa stamp on her passport really infuriated somebody at the IRGC and that person acted impulsively – This is the

Bolivia at Crossroads – Choosing Between Continued Success or Handover to US Hegemony

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog “I don’t want to be the best President in the history of Bolivia, I want to be the President of the best Bolivia in history.” So proclaimed Evo Morales in a pre-election rally a few days before general elections, today, 20 October 2019. At the same time, Evo declared that ever since the Tribunal Constitucional Plurinacional (TCP – Plurinational Constitutional Tribunal) in November

The Saker interviews Michael Hudson

Introduction: I recently spoke to a relative of mine who, due to her constant and voluntary exposure to the legacy AngloZionist media, sincerely believed that the three Baltic states and Poland had undergone some kind of wonderful and quasi-miraculous economic and cultural renaissance thanks to their resolute break with the putatively horrible Soviet past and their total submission to the Empire since.  Listening to her, I figured that this kind
