
How I will deal with unverifiable stories from now on

Okay, I carefully read all your comments and have come to something of a conclusion.First, almost everything I post in unverified and often unverifiable.  Which compares advantageously with the main stream media which deliberately lies and whose reporter and editors simply don’t care about the truth.Second, I really don’t feel like singling out one story or source for the typical “this is an unconfirmed report” or the like like the

June 25th IRAQ SITREP by Mindfriedo

24th June: First batch of US “Advisors” arrive in Iraq. Most arrive in Baghdad but some have been sent to Kirkuk to try and establish a coordinated intelligence gathering centre in Kirkuk and in Baghdad. The US plans to fly 30-35 reconnaissance missions over Iraq soon. The Iraqi government has agreed to share intelligence with the US. 24th June: Iraqi news sources are reporting on US drones carrying out strikes

Ukraine SITREP June 24th, 14:33 UTC/Zulu

It appears that the ceasefire has had a bigger impact on the big cities of Lugansk and Donetsk than in the smaller cities on the frontline like Slaviansk or Kramatorsk were combat operations have apparently continued.  Furthermore, as Juan has reported, Ukrainian troops are further being resupplied and reinforced.  The junta’s Minister of Defense has officially confirmed that the notorious “Battalion Aidar” death-squad, which had been wiped out by the

June 25th Combat SITREP by Juan

1. There was and is no ‘cease fire’ in Novorossiya. Right sector/nats guard never stopped their attacks and bombardments nor have units of Ukraine Army. We know what West Media is saying, blaming all incidents on us. They are liars. We can not stand down while under attack from the enemy. 2. Bombardments of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Donetsk City, Lugansk City and outlying towns and villages continues day and night.  3.

An important question about the veracity of the info coming out of Novorossia.

When I posted the translation of the Ukrainian Successors to Hitlerite Wehrmacht Rape and Murder in Saurovka  Message from Fyodor Berezin, Igor Strelkov’s Deputy” I knew that I was doing something risky which would raise some eyebrows and, sure enough, it did.  Here are two examples of such reactions: Too far. Way too far.  Ukie Nazis cutting men to pieces alive, keeping women so they can rape them, killing each

Ukrainian Successors to Hitlerite Wehrmacht Rape and Murder in Saurovka

Message from Fyodor Berezin, Igor Strelkov’s Deputy, June 25, 2014, 00:40 Original: Strelkov Info Small Russian Village Saurovka and the Banderovite Abominations There is in Donbass an itty-bitty village – Saurovka. It’s right next to the Saur-Mogila Mound memorial. The Ukie army, being a direct successor to Hitlerite Wehrmacht, terribly hates Saur-Mogila, as it is a symbol of Russian valor in the Great Patriotic War. All the time their artillery

Letter from a friend in Austria or what the media does not want you to see

Dear friends, I just got this email from Austria. With my friend’s permission, I removed some personal details and share it with you now. The Saker ——-Dear Saker, I just came home from witnessing president Putin putting down flowers in honor of the Russian soldiers liberating Austria from fascism at Schwarzenbergplatz in Vienna. Now I arrived at Schwarzenbergplatz, the site of our monument in honor of the red army liberating Austria,

Igor Strelkov’s Combined Briefings, June 24, 2014

Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Order/Regulation by Igor Strelkov, June 23, 2014 Original: Strelkov Info DPR [Donetsk People’s Republic] Minister of Defence, Igor Strelkov, has approved the “Regulation on the Mobilization Department of the DPR Ministery of Defence.” The Regulation sets out the key goals and functions of the Department, implements its organizational and staffing structure and confirms its permanent operational location. Gubarev P. Y. has been appointed the acting

Ukraine SITREP June 24th, 17:10 UTC/Zulu: a watershed moment?

When I heard this morning that Putin had asked the Federation Council to repeal the resolution on the use of Russian armed forces on the territory of Ukraine I was frankly baffled.  Truly, I had not expected such a move.  I had noticed yesterday that the so-called “consultations” (as opposed to “negotiations”) between the Russian Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Zurabov, a senior representative for the OSCE Tagliavini, Ukraine’s second president

June 24th IRAQ SITREP by Mindfriedo

22nd June: Rouhani’s warning to the West and Saudi/Turkey: “feed terrorists by their petrodollars…Rest assured, tomorrow will be your turn. The barbarous terrorists will go after supporters of terrorism in the future.” 23rd June: A twitter mobile link to a Daash promotional photo. It compares the corpses of a burnt out Shia Iraqi government soldier and a Daash fighter supposedly at peace after death. The photo: The supporter:

Igor Strelkov’s Combined Briefings, June 23, 2014

Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov  Igor Strelkov’s Briefing, June 23, 2014, 12:40 Original: In the course of the night from June 22-23, the enemy continued to build up its forces in the area of the river crossing across Severskiy Donets, near the villages of Krivaya Luka and Ilyichovka. In the village of Krivaya Luka, the punitive squads of the enemy were evicting some of the population from their

June 23rd IRAQ SITREP by Mindfriedo

20th June: Putin confirmed Russia’s complete support for the efforts of the Iraqi government to speedily liberate the territory of the republic from terrorists. 20th June: Thirty Shia militiamen are killed in Muqdadiyah, a town north east of Baghdad. The town lies on the main approach to Baqouba in Diyala province. The militants attacking the town were repulsed. 22nd June: The leader of Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei, has opposed any US

Update on the Ukrainian refugees by Auslander

Dear friends,I have been asked by Auslander to pass on the following information to the readers of this blog, especially those who have donated money to help Ukrainian refugees. The Saker——-Here is the cost at current exchange rate dollar to ruble and dollar to griven: Housing Per day:7 bed room with in room full bathroom, shower, sink, toilet. per person per day R 455 = $13.00 (New room, TV and

Important clarification about the future of this blog

Dear friends,Some of you have expressed concerns that this blog will become “for paying members only” or that comments will be “for registered users only”.Let me put those fears to rest:  IT AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN!! :-)This blog will remain 100% free and anonymous commenting will not only be allowed, it will be encouraged.  No need to worry about that.  Donations to this blog will always remain 100% voluntary and optional.One


Translated from English by Gleb Bazov (emphasis in red added by me – The Saker) Original: I am categorically opposed to any “cult of personality” which some have started to sculpt out of my persona on various websites with a “patriotic” and “pseudo-patriotic” thematic. Actually, and frankly speaking, it is extremely unpleasant to read things about myself that are obviously devoid of reality. Many of the skills that are
