
Latest statements from Igor Strelkov (June 22)

COMBINED STRELKOV BRIEFINGS, JUNE 22, 2014 Translated from Russian by Gleb Bazov Originals: BRIEFING FROM IGOR STRELKOV, June 22, 2014, 12:00 ORIGINAL: As a consequence of the failure by the command of the [Ukrainian] punitive forces to enter into any negotiations with the command of the DPR [Donetsk People’s Republic] militia, militia will not be abiding by the Poroshenko’s unilaterally declared ceasefire. Combat activities against the [Ukrainian] punitive

A major blog upgrade is possible, but *only* with your help!

Dear friends,You have seen me complain and moan about the fact that this a one-man-blog and that I only have 24 hours in a day for everything.  I won’t repeat it all here, but the key problem is this: blogger does not allow for anything but a one-man-blog.  Let me explain The current situation and the problems it creates In order to have somebody helping me moderate comments, I would

June 22th IRAQ SITREP by Mindfriedo

22nd June: The Shia Khafaja tribe in Iraq is volunteering every able bodied man to the government in Baghdad to fight Daash. Shaikh Raad al-Khafaji has converted his tribes guesthouse into a recruitment centre for volunteers. Many from his tribe were fighting in Syria protecting Shia shrines there. These fighters have now returned to fight Daash in Iraq. 22nd June: A third militant of Daash from its recruitment video has

Ukie stormtroopers assault Russian church and bank in Kiev

Self explanatory – not in English but it’s not really necessary.  I love how these masked thugs are the “new face of Europe” and how neo-Nazis just love these “mini-Kristallnacht” reenactment.  In Western Europe Nazism is banned.  In Eastern Europe it is sponsored.  By the West Europeans. Go figure…The Saker

Why Novorussian authorities need to get their act together

We already had the somewhat “bipolar” statements of Igor Strelkov who could go from “we are about to win” to “they are about to exterminate us” in 24 hours and then back.  Still, looking at his videos he looked tremendously stressed and frustrated and, what is really a major issue in such situation, he looked severely sleep deprived.  He also clearly was trying to wake up the semi-comatose part of

Latest Statements from Igor Strelkov

Dear friends, I just want to express a heartfelt “THANK YOU!!” to Gleb Bazov for translating all these statements and for submitting them for publication on this blog.  Whatever opinion any one of us has of Strelkov, he is for sure one of the most important and interesting actors in this war and one which the corporate media tries hard to ignore.  Without the work of people like Gleb Bazov

June 21th IRAQ SITREP by Mindfriedo

20th June: David Petraeus, the former commander of US forces in Iraq: “We must be careful not to take sides if we offer military support. But the growing threat posed by ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIL) means that military action will be necessary, we must realize that ISIS poses a threat not only to Iraq but to the UK and other countries as well.”20th June:

June 20th IRAQ SITREP by Mindfriedo

19th June: Obama dithers and delays in his decision to bomb anti regime forces in Iraq. The BBCs John Simpson: “President Obama’s statement wasn’t the lifeline the Iraqi government hoped for. They wanted immediate airstrikes to stop ISIS in its tracks.” 19th June: The Iraqi Army claims to have taken back full control of towns in the province of Diyala and claims to be gaining ground in the neighboring Salahuddin

Auslander reports about the refugee assistance program

All the women and children evacuated from the fighting areas are doing well, some better than others considering what they have been through.  I can not report much on our efforts to evacuate more women and children from the conflict area to safety. There are too many prying eyes who read this blog for information and pass it on to the Ukies and their allies, read US/EU. I am keeping

Ukraine SITREP June 20th, 13:30 UTC/Zulu: Slaviansk encircled

Combat SITREP by Juan: I can not tell all details of our operations in Novorossiya. Operation security is practiced. Our situation is not desperate but is very difficult and fluid. We will win, then we will rebuild what Ukraine has destroyed. We are paying the price of freedom with the blood of our soldiers and civilians. The price is heavy. 1. Strong fighting areas of Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Donetsk City outer

URGENT Briefing From Igor Strelkov, June 19, 2014

URGENT Briefing From Igor Strelkov, June 19, 2014Translated From Russian by Gleb BazovOriginal: the course of the night from 18th to 19th [of June], the enemy implemented a large-scale transfer of troops from the vicinity of Dolgenkoye village, where they have their stronghold and encampment, to the region of Krasniy Liman. Altogether, over 130 various items of military equipment were moved, including approximately 20 tanks and 40 APCs (“BMD,”

National Nihilism

I am extremely happy to post today and article submitted for publication to me by Mark Hackard who, with Daniel Spaulding, writes a most interesting blog called “The Soul of the East” whose aim is to translate and spread the writings of such Russian thinkers and philosophers like Ivan Ilyin, Konstantin Leontiev, Lev Tikhomirov, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Walter Schubart and Konstantin Pobedonostsev.  I have to confess that when I saw that

Reply to a reader’s comment and some reflections on “spontaneous self-organization”

I just got a comment which I think warrants a reply as a separate post.  Here is this comment: Please resume publishing ukraine sitreps in your morning. The Anna News published in your evening is already old news and is not what made this site so valuable and timely. Since this is not the first time that I get that kind of comment I feel that I need to remind

June 19th IRAQ SITREP by Mindfriedo

18th June: A tweet purported to belong to Saudi National Abdullah Al Turki: Getting rid of Kafir Shia in Syria and Iraq is more important than getting rid of Zionist We will dig up the grave of Ali ibn Abi Talib inshallah and bring out the Mahdi from the underground and kill him. This is not a threat but a uprise. It’s a wish to dig up the grave of

Ukie hunt on Russian journalists and the possibility of war

It is no secret that the junta in Kiev hates the Russian media.  This is hardly surprising considering that with a few extraordinarily rare exceptions, the western press corps walks in lockstep with Psaki’s narrative about this war.  So Russian journalists have been beating up, kidnapped, searched, detained, tortured and, of course, murdered.  And just in case anybody would still hold on to the belief that this policy is the
