
Ukraine SITREP May 25th, 22:52 UTC/Zulu: Coming full circle with some cautious hope?

What was the main demand of the Maidanites?  Oh yes, to expel a fat corrupt leader.  Now, several months later it sure looks to me that they traded one fat and corrupt leader for another one.  The big difference being that Yahukovich at least did not use force against his own people.  Poroshenko has no such problems. Ukie oligarchs v2.0 The other difference – of sorts – is, I suppose,

Missing 9/11 files now available for download (UPDATED)

Dear friends,Here are the two files which I promised to make available for download: this helps.  Let me know if you have a problem with these.Kind regards,The Saker PS: thanks to davidius for recommending Zippyshare! PPS: As an alternative to Zippyshare here are some Medifire links:

Ukraine SITREP May 24th, 22:52 UTC/Zulu: escalation across the Donbass

Heavy fighting around Slavyansk increasing in tempo for the last 3 hours. Slavyansk under assault from 7 areas. Artillery is being used, at least one apartment building is burning in one of the outlying towns under assault. Self propelled arty, Msta-S reported, 15.2 cm howitzer type, are on the move with all their support echelons. Tanks are on the move, some heading for Slavyansk, some Donetsk. Grad batteries are on

Short non-Ukrainian sidebar: nukes on 911?

Many of you have commented on Gordon Duff, Press TV and the “Dimitri Khalezov theory” about nukes being used on 911.  I just want to tell you that I rate the credibility of Press TV as “poor”, of Gordon Duff and “Veterans Today” as “terrible” and Dimitry Khazelov as “unknown”.  However, one should rate the source and the information given by the source.  So to this I will say thata)

Why does Russia not leak the names of the war criminals?

While Nazi death squads are roaming around the Donbass and murdering civilians and “their own” soldiers the Kremlin’s response seems to be limited to two aspects: denouncing the atrocities on the ground and providing truthful information to the Ukrainian population (via the Russian media) and the world (via RT).  This is good, but not enough.I am pretty confident that the GRU knows all the Ukrainian unit commanders down to the

Calling things by their proper names in the Ukraine

Life often seems like one long never ending Asch conformity experiment: even when there is overwhelming evidence that something is “A”, the media, and those zombified by it, confidently state “non-A”.    That this kind of doublethink is also applied to the conflict in the Ukraine should surprise nobody, but it is still important to “call a stone and stone” and to give a clear and unambiguous characterization of what has

The conflict in the Ukraine as seen by a professional soldier

I have recently come into contact with “Juan” who currently resides near the conflict area in the Ukraine. I don’t personally know Juan but I am confident that he/she is a person with a military background and a first-hand knowledge of the Russian military, including elite units. In our email exchanges we soon established that while I was “one of ‘them’ who was buried under 15 kilometers of concrete, rock

Personal announcement: rules, housecleaning and contact info request

To the small number of obnoxious monomaniacs amongst you who are totally obsessed with WWII, Hitler and Jews: this blog is *NOT* a historic blog about these topics.  Is that so hard to understand?  Today I had to trash something in the range of 20-25 comments all about race, Jews, Hitler, etc.  This has got to stop and you are clearly not understanding it the nice way.  This is a

Ukraine SITREP May 22th, 19:32 UTC/Zulu: Ukie death squad murders conscripts

Something really weird has just happened in the Ukraine.  Everybody agrees that an attack took place on a checkpoint of the Ukrainian national guard near the city of Volnovakha (see map).  35 soldiers were wounded, 15 died (other figures quote 8 confirmed dead and an unknown number of evacuated bodies of attackers who got killed; one source says “13-20 fatalities”).  The surviving soldiers say that out of 53 men, only

German Foreign Minister Steinmeier has a fit when confronted by anti-Fascist protestors

German Foreign Minister Steinmeier had a complete fit of rage when he was interrupted during a speech by anti-Fascist demonstrators who were accusing the German regime of supporting Fascists in the Ukraine.  See for yourself for his reaction: The good news is that this incident clearly shows that more and more people understand the nature of the conflict in the Ukraine and that more and more people are willing to

Ukraine mini-SITREP May 22th, 00:14 UTC/Zulu: “Ukie attack appears imminent” (UPDATED!)

I am getting a lot of emails warning me that a massive assault seems imminent in the Slaviansk – Kramatorsk – Krasnyi Liman area.  The local commander, Strelkov, has posted a warning about this and RT is also echoing the same concern.  I am also getting warnings from contacts in the Ukraine.  The Ukies are not too keen in fighting at night so I expect that attack to begin tomorrow

Ukraine mini-SITREP May 21th, 20:42 UTC/Zulu

It’s not really news, but it still amazes me: for two days in a row no Jen Psaki, speaking for the regime in Washington, has declared that the USA has doubts about the real affiliation of the Russian journalists working for the Russian new outlet LifeNews.  Even though the professional record of these journalist is in the public domain and very well know (they have worked for many years including

Ukraine SITREP May 20th, 16:28 UTC/Zulu: deliberate chaos

I think that we can all agree that the situation in the Ukraine is one of total chaos. Renat Akhmetov, the local oligarch-mobster, had declared that his companies will go on a “warning strike” for 3 hours per day because Akhmetov was angered that the authorities of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) had taken over the control of the railways which resulted in losses for his company. One of the

Full text of the appeal of the commander of the militia of Donetsk People`s Republic Igor Strelkov (UPDATED WITH 2nd translation!)

(Huge thanks to “CG” who found this text here.  The Saker) “Citizens of Donetsk People`s Republic, I address you with a quest. It`s the quest to protect your Motherland, your homes, your families, your people. I have to ask you to do the thing which by all human standards is not required to ask. As it was always an honor in Russia to protect your Motherland and your freedom. This

Personal announcement: three short items

Dear friends,I have to leave the house for most of the day, but I want to tell you the following before I do so.1) I am desperately looking for a full English translation of the statement made by Igor Strelkov about the lack of men volunteering  for combat duties in the Donetsk region.  He made it either on Sunday or on Saturday.  It’s about 10 min long when read in

How the conflict in the Ukraine is seen by the rest of the world

Today I will begin by looking at how the Ukrainian conflict is covered in the international media thanks to this blog’s network of 55 correspondents and translators in the following regions: Europe, North America, South America, Middle-East, Russia/CIS, Indian Subcontinent, Far East Asia, Oceania and Africa. Below I am reproducing some reports I selected form those which our correspondents sent me.  This is our first try at that, so we

The Ukraine in Turmoil by Israel Shamir

I want to express my gratitude to Israel Shamir who kindly sent me this excellent analysis for publication on my blog.  I hope that in the future he will allow me to publish more of his articles.The Saker——-The Ukraine in Turmoil by Israel Shamir It is not much fun to be in Kiev these days. The revolutionary excitement is over, and hopes for new faces, the end of corruption and

Non-political interlude: reply to two posts (religions haters please skip this one!!)

Today is a beautiful day in Florida.  Yesterday we “survived” not one, but two tornadoes (they mostly hit a national wildlife refuge south of us, there never was any real danger, but this sounds better) and today we get one of those perfect Florida days: blue skies with a few white clouds, beautiful warm sunshine (26C/79F), a cool breeze from the northeast and which brings in the always refreshing smell

I love the BBC!

I really love the BBC.  Love to hate it, that is.  They just posted an article about the fact that Russia will now demand pre-payment for the gas it will sell the Ukraine which concluded with this great sentence: There is a danger for EU nations that Ukraine will start taking the gas Russia had earmarked for its European clients, something it did when it was cut off from Russian
