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Guest Analyses

Serbia’s Post-Electoral Travails

by Stephen Karganovic He who was formerly on a throne is now naked on a dunghill and covered with sores. (Great Canon of Saint Andrew of Crete, Fifth Thursday, Song 4, verse 14) This ringing epitaph from the classical call to repentance by the great Byzantine Church father should send a fitting message to all tyrants, petty and large, in the Balkans or wherever they might abide, especially during this

A French Guian-exit? Will the EU lose another member?

by Ramin Mazaheri Is the European Union about to lose its modern-day colony in South America? Your eyes should be turned towards tiny French Guiana because it is currently the global epicenter of anti-imperialism amid a 3-week General Strike. It just got even more serious: A “total blockade” until a “new order” has just been announced to start on April 9th. Yes, French Guiana is part of the EU, the

Meeting with the Saker in beautiful Tobago

by Imran N. Hosein I have just spent 10 exciting days with my Russian friend, ‘The Saker’, in the enchantingly beautiful Caribbean island of Tobago. I was born in the island of Trinidad where I now live, and Tobago is located just next to Trinidad in the South Caribbean Sea close to Venezuela: This was the first time that I ever met with ‘Saker’, and I am

‘Bernie Hamon’: Too late for another center-left letdown in the West?

by Ramin Mazaheri Many in the West are finally starting to come around to the reality that their mainstream “left” party is actually quite right-wing. What’s taking longer for Westerners to realize is: the left flank of their mainstream “left” party is actually not left-wing at all. Starting with the United States: What real impact has Bernie Sanders had? As predicted – none. Sanders’ preferred candidate for Democratic National Committee

Emmanuel Macron: France’s ‘Roths-churian candidate’?

by Ramin Mazaheri How can we explain that centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron is still leading the French presidential elections, just a month away? Is it possible that every Macron supporter – and not Macron himself – has been brainwashed like in the movie “The Manchurian Candidate”? Maybe it’s a case of “The Manchurian Voters”? That seems unlikely. Lotta work to hypnotize so many millions of people. As a longtime daily

The Race for Raqqa

by Ghassan Kadi Barely two months into his office, Trump is still facing a very hostile environment around him both domestically and internationally. Many of his domestic election promises have been kept to the pleasure of some and dismay of others, but on the international front, his emerging policies are, for better and for worse, still developing. Some pundits believe that it is only a matter of time before Trump

The Mosul Massacres: the Banality of Evil revisited.

By Anwar Khan What is the moral difference–if any– between the intentional shooting at fleeing civilians and using them as human shields on the one hand, and the flattening of entire neighborhoods, killing hundreds of innocent civilians, on the pretext of the presence of enemy fighters there-in, on the other? The answer is that there is no moral difference. Both are high crimes under any book, and it is being

EU to offer 2-speed solution too late to stop French election

by Ramin Mazaheri Keep asking the fundamental question: Has the European Union brought the prosperity and security it promised? No. Then that will always be a perfectly valid reason for exiting. Because it hasn’t brought prosperity and security, can the European Union be reformed? I have said “no” for years, but it’s been a month of historic changes in Europe, with more to come. After years of rejecting such an

Here’s why Ukraine is suing Russia in the International Court of Justice

by Alexander Mercouris for The Duran Ukraine’s case in the ICJ looks like a device to avoid paying the likely High Court Judgment for payment of the $3 billion debt Ukraine owes Russia The case Ukraine is bringing in the International Court of Justice is attracting scant international attention and has been almost entirely ignored by Western governments and by the Western media.  Having said this it is an interesting

‘The time to invest in Iran is now’

by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times The shift in the global balance of financing power towards Russia, India and China — especially China — is opening up opportunities for Tehran It’s a beautiful late winter morning, the snowy Alborz mountains glittering under the sun, and Professor Mohammad Marandi from the faculty of world studies at the University of Tehran is taking me on the road, westbound. Sprawling west Tehran is

‘White Trash’ – both a book and Trump revolution?

by Ramin Mazaheri White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America (2016) by Nancy Isenberg is a book which is credited with the groundbreaking idea of studying the history of poor Whites in America. It’s a necessary book because it gives us a lot of badly-needed historical information to analyze the major divide in the United States today: between pro- and anti-Trump factions. Hillary Clinton denounced Trump supporters as

‘White Trash’ – A book review of our family

by Ramin Mazaheri Americans, whether you like it or not, and whether you admit it or not, this book review is about our family. White Trash: The 400-Year Untold History of Class in America (2016) by Nancy Isenberg is a book so necessary that it compelled reviews in “The New York Times” and “The Wall Street Journal” because it finally gives White Trash the place in American history that they have

Moscow accused Trump of lack of professionalism

by Mikhail Moshkin translated by Eugenia Source: Donald Trump, having believed the rumors about the Russian deployment of cruise missiles in violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Force Treaty (INF Treaty), promised to touch upon revision of the previous agreements in the upcoming talks with Putin. His intention “to make America great” in nuclear weapons could start another round of the arms race. Anyway, only four years are left until

Who is Francois Fillon and should we still care?

by Ramin Mazaheri I know that if you’re on The Saker you have a ton of great stuff to read, and I don’t want to waste your time, so: Fillon is a French presidential candidate, and no you do not have to care about him anymore. Are you still reading? Well then, we must be related! (Send food/money/fewer pictures) I have put off writing this article for so long that

Letter from Tehran: Trump ‘the bazaari’

The Iranian Parliament just hosted its annual conference on Palestine and, among the dignitaries – that included Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and President Hassan Rouhani – and the 700 foreign guests from more than 50 countries was Asia Times columnist Pepe Escobar. by Pepe Escobar for the Asia Times The art of the deal, when practiced for 2500 years, does lead to the palace of wisdom. I had hardly

American Fascists Co-Opt Trump Protests Hiding Inside Civil Rights Movement

by GH Eliason Over the last couple of years I’ve written volumes on fascists making inroads into American politics and civil life. With civil and human rights it starts with understanding a little about what’s known as the Four Freedoms. And there are many legitimate civil rights groups today that go under that banner. In 1941, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave what became known as the Four Freedoms speech. He

What does the Tao say about Europe and Islam?

by Ramin Mazaheri Look, we are just butting heads here, we Muslims and Europeans. Constantly arguing over whose ideology and culture is superior. And all the while the 1% of families who own 99% of the world’s wealth are just looking down and laughing at us as they read their stock tickers. And that 1% is multicultural, multiracial and practices multiple religions. They don’t care about European or Muslim or

National Anthems – a comparison

by Christine Marais Although involved in many wars, there is no indication that Greece, Persia, Rome or the Ottoman Empire ever had or needed national anthems.  When we look at their history, they conquered countries and overtook people but once settled, they pretty much allowed them to go on with their lives with little interference.  They conquered the land but not the nations. The mere concept of national anthem appears

There’s a Deep State in America?!

by Ramin Mazaheri Imagine my surprise when, on my flight back from San Francisco to New York, that’s what my trusty New York Times revealed to me. My first thought was: I can’t believe how this horrible Donald Trump has set up a Deep State in less than a month?! Surely Russia was involved in its formation. Then again, I strangely find myself thinking a lot about Russia these days.

Venezuela – Washington’s Latest Defamation – To Bring NATO to South America?

by Peter Koenig The Trump Administration has just accused Venezuela’s newly appointed Vice-President, Tareck El Aissami, of being involved in drug trafficking, thereby dishing out the usual criminal spiel – illegal sanctions against a foreign dignitary with travel bans and asset seizures. This is Washington’s abject behavior at its best, as are so many others around the world of similar nature. Therefore, let me say upfront: We can protest as
