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Guest Analyses

Police and political protests: a different look

by A. Michael for The Saker Blog The Saker was kind enough to offer me an opportunity to write a rebuttal to Mr. Mazaheri’s article about the French police and their interactions with the protesters/rioters in France. I felt the need to do so given the fact that I have been in law enforcement for 26 years now and I wanted to give the Saker’s audience a different point of

Inside the Yellow Vests: What the Western media will not report

by Ollie Richardson for The Saker Blog Disclaimer: if you think that Soros/Russia/America/Illuminati is behind the Yellow Vests or some other batsh*t nonsense, then please stop here. This article isn’t for you. Cat videos on YouTube are maybe more appropriate. While the Yellow Vests (Gilets Jaunes) protests actually began on 17.11.18, I think most are aware that frustration with the government has been building for many, many years. Sarkozy certainly

EU dilemma: how to deal with China

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times ) by special agreement with the author) Facing China’s irresistible rise all across the chessboard, and under relentless US pressure, the not exactly democratic EU leadership is on a backbreaking exercise to position itself between a geopolitical/geoeconomic rock and a hard place. The 28-member EU holds a crucial meeting next week in Brussels where it may adopt a 10-point action plan detailing,

Tragicomedy of Errors

by Jimmie Moglia for The Saker Blog The sublime Plato said that the soul has a trinitarian composition – a very coarse soul in the belly, a loving one in the chest and a reasoning third in the head. The soul is immortal, though women have only two souls, for they are missing reason. But a father attending the Council of Macon (585 AD), from across the banks and shoals

Ukraine’s Ecocide in Donbass, 1991 to post-Maidan 2019

by GH Eliason for The Saker Blog On February 26, 2019, Lugansk People’s Republic hosted a roundtable entitled “Ecocide of Ukraine: Consequences.” This provided a forum for environmental experts from Lugansk People’s Republic (LNR) and DNR to formally start addressing the environmentally catastrophic situation both republics inherited from the post-Soviet Ukrainian government. Both fledgling republics have already started addressing the vast environmental problems outlined below. Even in the middle of

New Zealand and the Positive Feedback of Violence:

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog The tragic news of terrorism in New Zealand highlights the failure of Western governments in dealing with it. In its policy of denial of addressing ISIS-like activities in the West, Western governments have inadvertently given ultra-right wing elitist Fascists the green light to take the law in their own hands to “avenge” the terrorism of Salafist/Wahhabi/Jihadi terrorists on innocent Westerners thereby driving them

Resistance report: New offensive looms as the Syrian Army prepares for a new confrontation in Idlib

By Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog It’s that time again. Jihadist forces have pushed Damascus’ and Moscow’s patience for too long. These constant provocations have gone too far and it’s time to punish them for their insolence. Damascus and Moscow are gearing up to deal with those damned terrorists again as the Russian Air Force has been flying sorties over the Idlib province, with Ankara’s approval. The Syrian Army’s

Yellow Vest week in review: March 16 to be the biggest march in months

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The fundamental problem with media coverage regarding regarding the Yellow Vests is that it fails to see it as an already-permanent movement, or even a possibly-permanent one: each week must be either the biggest one yet, or the very last one. The Yellow Vests see it similarly, but differently: for them each week is the very last one, too… because they will FINALLY

Of Demagogues and their Business of Global Asset Strips

by Chris Faure for The Saker Blog We all ask the question regarding what is next? What are we going to see and experience next in our world. What will be first: a global economic crash or a world war or a few more smaller wars? This piece will focus on the current demagoguery and adds some options and alternatives to this binary lineup of either large or small kinetic

Marco Polo is back in China – again

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times ) by special agreement with the author) All roads seem to lead to Rome as Italy expresses its love for China’s Belt and Road Initiative President Xi Jinping is due to arrive in Italy for an official visit on March 22. The top theme of discussion will be the New Silk Road, or the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). A day earlier,

Balkan Report: Pauvre Serbie, Pauvres Serbes

by Stephen Karganovic for The Saker Blog In World War I, there was a popular refrain in France and the West generally expressing sympathetic support for their gallant Serbian allies, who were standing up to combined enemy armies on the Salonica front: Pauvres Serbes… That refrain still very much resonates but is no longer exclusively confined to the moral sphere, as it largely was a hundred years ago. Today, it

Trump declares “victory” over ISIS but Washington’s foul plans in Syria are far from over

by Aram Mirzaei for the Saker blog At the eve of the 8 year anniversary of the Syrian war, the battle for one of the last ISIS strongholds in Syria is still raging. The so called “caliphate” is on its last knees as US president Trump declares that “100 percent of ISIS ‘caliphate’ has been taken back. Trump was of course only referring to the US coalitions “efforts” and didn’t

One country, two sessions, multiple tweaks

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Contrary to Western doom and gloom interpretations, China’s two sessions now taking place in Beijing offer a fascinating mix of realpolitik and soft power. Every year, the two sessions involve the National People’s Congress (NPC) – the legislative body – and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) – the political advisory body – laying down the Chinese equivalent of

Eric Hobsbawm, the joy of history and all that jazz

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) We all lose by not having Eric Hobsbawm absorb the geopolitical dementia of the early 21st century to later refine it in sharp, crisp historical analysis. A new, exhaustive biography, ‘Eric Hobsbawm: A Life in History,’ by his former student and Regius Professor of History Emeritus at Cambridge, Richard Evans – out now in the UK and in

France’s Yellow Vests: Proving cops are indeed part of the 1%

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog The demonstration for “Acte 16”, on March 2nd, was designed as a sight-seeing tour which passed by bastions of rich, traitorous criminals (the OECD, a school of luxury marketing, etc.) and so it concluded at a small roundabout in a ritzy area, Denfert-Rochereau. As protesters amassed and cops loaded up, and with time in between my on-air interviews for PressTV, I headed for

Why Only Fools Trust America’s Mainstream ‘News’ Media After the 2003 Invasion of Iraq

by Eric Zuesse for The Saker Blog Here will be yet another current example to demonstrate that all U.S. mainstream ’news’ media hide from their respective publics that the U.S. Government is lying, when the U.S. Government lies — i.e., that all of the mainstream ’news’ media in America hide the truth, when the Government itself is lying. In other words: the U.S. mainstream ’news’ media are propaganda-organs for the

Kashmir, Korea, Venezuela, Iran: hot, cold, hybrid war

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) Turning and turning in a widening gyre, the geopolitics of the young  21st century resembles a psychedelic mandala conceived by Yama, the Lord of Death. Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, fresh from a 70-hour train journey, meets in prosperous, communist Hanoi with fellow Nobel Peace Prize contender Donald Trump under the

The Other Ukraine

by arras for The Saker blog Ukraine is a country in the Eastern Europe, which doesn’t require introduction to most readers as it was and still is filling pages of the newspapers and screens of a TVs. Courtesy of ongoing geopolitical conflict between the United States and the Russian Federation there. Some say, this is a conflict between East and West and thus suggesting that it is not just a

Russian Shipyards: An overview

by Nat South for The Saker Blog Part 1 Part 2 This is the third part of a series of analyses relating to Russia transport, shipping and the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI). The existing and future strategic role of shipbuilding in Russia is not to be under-estimated despite the prevailing dominance of Asian shipyards. Currently, Russia faces a series of obstacles in relation to the overall development

A World (Still) Split Apart

By: Amir NOUR[1] for The Saker Blog “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything” (Attributed to Gilbert Keith Chesterton) The dramatic turn for the worse in the evolution of humanism and in the dizzying advances in science and technology has triggered heated debate among great thinkers and writers of the 20th century[2]. And the
