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Speeches, Statements and Interviews

Hassan Nasrallah: Al-Nosra Defeated in Qalamoun, Battle against Daesh (ISIS) begins (Eng Subs)

From the YouTube channel of Sayed Hasan: Political Section of the speech of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah Secretary General, on 10th June 2015, devoted to the Imam Khamenei thought. In his last speech, the Secretary General of Hezbollah evoked the latest developments of the war opposing Hezbollah and the Syrian Arab Army to the takfiri terrorists along the Lebanese-Syrian border, where the successes of the Resistance continues despite the propaganda.

Nikolai Starikov – Why Putin doesn’t recognize D/LPR as sovereign states [ENG Subs] [DE Subs]

Dear friends, Thanks to my awesome friend Tatzhit Mikhailovich I can, once again, share with you the subtitled version of a crucially important video statement made by Nikolai Starikov.  The “hurray patriots” are going to be enraged, but a lot of you will appreciate the sophistication of Starikov’s (well, Putin’s, really) strategy. Enjoy! The Saker (please press the ‘cc’ button to see the captions and the settings “wheel” to pick

Vladimir Putin Interview to the Italian newspaper Il Corriere della Sera

Ahead of his visit to Italy, Vladimir Putin gave an interview to the newspaper Il Corriere della Sera. President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Good evening. Luciano Fontana: Good evening, Mr President. First of all, we would like to thank you for giving us this important opportunity to interview you today. Vladimir Putin: It is my pleasure. Luciano Fontana: My name is Luciano Fontana. I am the new head of Il Corriere della Sera, and here with me is my colleague, Paolo Valentino, who worked for a long time in Russia

For the first time the PRC publishes a white paper on China’s Military Strategy

  BEIJING, May 26 (Xinhua) — The Information Office of the State Council on Tuesday published a white paper on China’s military strategy.   Following is the full text:   China’s Military Strategy   The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China   May 2015, Beijing   Contents   Preface   I. National Security Situation   II. Missions and Strategic Tasks of China’s Armed Forces   III. Strategic Guideline of Active Defense   IV. Building and Development

The Head of the GRU accuses US and allies of creating the transnational “Islamist” terrorist network

Dear friends, I am posting today the speech of Colonel-General Igor Sergun, Head of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Russia.  To say that his man, or the GRU is secretive would be an understatement.  Almost all the information publicly available about Sergun is in the short biography (researched by Scott) which I have placed at the end of this post.  As

“And then we have the third World War…“ -Former Commander of GDR Army warns of a military escalation in Europe

A Former Commander of GDR Army warns of a military escalation in Europa in the face of the crisis in Ukraine. A conversation with Horst Stechbarth, a former colonel general of NVA, the armed forces of GDR that were dissolved 25 years ago. From 1972 until 1989 he was deputy minister of defence and commander of the army. He celebrated his 90th birthday on April 13. Interview: Peter Wolter Translation:

Chinese President Xi On Russia’s Role in Crushing Fascism

original source: Translation and forword by Anatolii Karlin Xi Jinping  penned an op-ed in a Russian newspaper on May 6th in which, in stark contrast to the typical Western bile and hostility, he acknowledges the role of the Soviet Union in defeating Nazism and warns off against attempts to revise that outcome, be it on paper or in real life. I am translating it in full for two reasons.

President Putin’s speech on Victory Day 2015

Fellow citizens of Russia, Dear veterans, Distinguished guests, Comrade soldiers and seamen, sergeants and sergeant majors, midshipmen and warrant officers, Comrade officers, generals and admirals, I congratulate you all on the 70th Anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War! Today, when we mark this sacred anniversary, we once again appreciate the enormous scale of Victory over Nazism. We are proud that it was our fathers and grandfathers who succeeded in prevailing over, smashing and destroying that dark force. Hitler’s reckless adventure became a tough lesson for the entire world
