I warned my readers but alas, many ignored my warning.
So all day I was flooded with stupid questions asking me to respond to western PSYOP fakes. And I have to admit, this time they pulled all their forces together: western ziomedia, Eurorodent media, the “worldwide solidarity campaign”, vodka being pulled out from US stores, etc. etc. etc. The example below was taken today from one British website, I just put the three headlines together, see for yourself what they proclaim:
I have to admit that the Russian Atlantic Integrationists, the 5th columnists and the 6th columnist are also out in force. Oh sure, only a few hundred people here and there, but the main goal of their demonstrations were achieved: the western PSYOPs will now tell you that most Russians are totally opposed to this military operation or even to Putin. Self-declared members of the supposed “intelligentsia” have joined forces and are posting open letters of protest in the Russia media. Bravo! You chose a crucial moment to make your move and the Russian people won’t forget or forgive you for this. I expect a wave of “political emigration” from Russia towards the EU to begin pretty soon. Good! The Kremlin should pay for their airline tickets and moving costs if they are willing to surrender their Russian passport before take-off.
But what do *I* do now???
I have two options:
- Debunk all of this until I drop dead from exhaustion
- Ask you to wait another 24-26 hours and revisit it all
As you can guess, I pick option #2.
So, please don’t bother asking me whether it is true or not that 3 courageous Ukie grannies stopped and destroyed an entire column of Russian tanks. If you ask the question, you disqualify yourself from getting an reply from me.
Next, here is how things more or less stand:
Not much new here from this morning. Let me rephrase that – there are plenty of developments, but not major changes to the map. The one exception if that the LDNR forces and the Russian forces from Crimea have joined just north of Mariupol. The city will be stormed and it will be very violent as Mariupol is to the hardcore Ukronazis what the Donetsk airport was in the first and second wars.
The other big news is that heavy Russian systems (MLRS, TOS-1) have been seen in numerous locations, they might be used to prevent an escape of Ukie forces from the operational cauldron in the Donbass.
In the meantime, the glorious French Navy has intercepted a Russian flagged cargo ship with cars destined for Saint Petersburg under the pretext that the bank owning it was under “sanctions” (reminder: only the UNSC can impose sanctions, all others only steal). This act of piracy on the high seas got an enthusiastic support from the western PSYOPs (see here and here).
As for our Ukie friends, they have mostly evacuated to Lvov and declare that they will negotiate with Russia “from a position of force”. Like NATO. And the EU. And the US.
Good luck with that!
I have to add that I am personally deeply hurt and offended by the “russophobic consensus” in the West. I always knew that there was a hardcore of Russia-haters out there, but I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too. Today their silence is deafening. The poet Yehuda Bower once wrote these lines:
Thou shalt not be a victim.
Thou shalt not be a perpetrator.
And above all,
Thou shalt not be a bystander.
For me, this is about modern Europe who prefers to glorify Nazis then to stop hating Russians for our two major sins: first, that we exist, and, second, that we live on your natural resources. Either that, or we are dealing with a cold-hearted indifference of a society which has no other values left than rabid consumption and hatred of the other.
Clearly, the vast majority of people in the West see us, Russians, as Snow Niggers who had the nerve to burn down their Master’s plantation and who now deserve to be lynched by “a few resolute men”.
To all those who hate us, and many of them read this blog, I have this to say: your hatred and hypocrisy say nothing about us, but they do say a lot about you: You even hate us more than you (pretended) to hate the Nazis.
All of Zone A is declaring its total, unwavering and categorical support with, and sympathy for, the Ukronazi mass murderers. Even western Jews rather side with the Banderites than to just leave Russia alone. So tonight, I can honestly say: my disgust with the West knows no limits.
Which leaves one big question: Kiev. One Ukrainian observer, Iurii Podoliaka, whose map I use above, thinks that the Russians might storm the city and establish some kind of provisional Ukrainian government over there. Frankly, he might be right, but I don’t like it. Not even one tiny bit.
I would much prefer if Russian forces stayed just outside the cities they blocked/surrounded. Let the Ukies simply stew in their urban areas for, say, a week. THEN see what your options are. All the doubleplusgoodthinking virtue signaling hypocrites always shed crocodile tears for the “innocent civilians” almost every time a war breaks out. Unless the civilians are Russians or Serbs or Iraqis (‘bad guys”), of course. But in this case, I think that in this specific case the Russians should go out of their way to minimize casualties on ALL sides, including the Ukrainian one. Here is why:
The Ukro-Nazis have basically recreated Hitler’s Volkssturm and distributed all the weapons they had to anybody willing to grab one. Which means this: in the very near future, the Ukronazi version of the Rwandan Interahamwe will soon be roaming the country. Far from looking like Somalia or Yemen, Banderastan will soon look like some particularly dangerous part of the Congo.
And, I want the Ukrainian people to clean house, not the Russians, sorry.
I do not want my country involved in Banderastan, not economically, not politically, not socially. While I TOTALLY approve of the double-goal of disarmament and denazification, I do very much hope that the Russians will kill most Nazis and destroy those weapons systems and capabilities which threaten Russia. But no more than that!
I am very sorry, but the Ukies created this ugly and bloody mess, and its for them to clean it. We owe them exactly *nothing*.
It is therefore NOT in Russia’s interest to kill or even disarm all of the Ukrainian law enforcement or even the military. And if that means to slow down to talk first, I hope that they do it.
To give you a taste of the current chaos, I leave you with a screenshot of an announcement made in a major Ukie rail-station (which I shall not identify). Check this out, along with my translation:

The Ukro Volkssturm in action :-)
Please disseminate the following amongst your contacts. N Rashist-saboteurs (Note: “rashist”: slur on Russian) have disguised themselves in Ukrainian police uniforms. They understand Ukrainian but they can be recognized because they wear an ear-piece!!!!!!! So if you see a cop with an ear-piece he is not a Ukrainian policeman. Be super careful or simply shoot them on sight.
Cute, no?
And, predictably, there are numerous reports from surrounded and even from partially occupied cities that heavily armed gangs are shooting it out with each other.
Yesterday, a Ukie Volkssturm group even attacked an SBU (Ukie KGB) and disarmed them (thanks guys, that helped Russia for sure!).
Want another crazy event?
“Ze” announced that 80 Ukrainian special forces members died defending a small island from a Russian assault. According to “Ze” – they all died heroically. Problem: in reality, they surrendered to the Russians, were evacuated, processed, fed (water and MREs) and house in dorms until their evacuation back home.
But who cares about the truth?
In a Zone A turned “massive orgy for shiteaters” where the truth does simply not matter, not even conceptually!
Each lie is “fired” in lieu of a missile or a shell, as the Anglos say “all is fair in love and war”.
Nothing really new here, Russians have been exposed to that since the Winter Crusade times.
Anyway, I will end with a few requests which I REALLY would appreciate you respected: please,
- Stop asking me to debunk western or Ukie sources
- Stop posting link to the Zone A media, corporate or social, in the comments section
- If you “feel sorry but…” or “have your doubts about…”, then please keep them for yourself for at least the next 24 hours (36 would be better)
- And if you have any love, care or respect for your own brain and neurons, STOP listening to the Zone A media. Be kind to yourself, or prepare to look stupid once you open your mouth.
Okay, I am taking off for the evening.
“See” you all tomorrow late morning with, hopefully, less “fog of war” and more real news.
PS: try to remember that this is only day 3 of the war, even the comparatively small 08.08.08 war lasted 5 days (including only three of real combat). This one should take a week or so, depending on the objectives of the Kremlin (which I am still not quite sure about).
Thank you, Saker. The people who are “”awake” in this world know the score. The rest are pretenders and shallow hypocrites who live in an altered state and will disappear in due course. Russia is doing what needs to be done. They are living in reality. Reality is staring us all in the face, directly ahead.
I have to admit that it’s little frustrating hearing all the bullshit emanating from the MSM media. But you have to remember that they (and their pimps/owners) are in a delusional state are doing and saying whatever will lessen their pain.
Russia knows exactly what it is doing. There is no chance of failure.
“I have to admit that it’s little frustrating hearing all the bullshit emanating from the MSM media”.
Not if you don’t read/listen to/watch them.
Dear Tom,
Which is why I do not, and will not possess a mobile phone. And the television set is rarely used.
But you know, our msm tells us that BS is good, as it makes things grow (in the garden)
Western leaders, functionaries, and their MSM are gorged on Excrement and Lies; such is their way of life. Western populations are fed such sludge from infancy so that they soon come to psychologically crave it – especially the assignment of a personality upon which they can pour all their venom and hate. We remember Orwell’s Emmanuel Goldstein.
However, not to worry; the brave men and women of the Russian military, the Russian diplomatic corps, and President Putin, are creating a new multipolar world even as they dismantle the fortress of shite.
𝘗𝘢𝘤𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘤𝘪𝘢 𝘺 𝘧𝘦!
It is important to remember Andrei that the MSM organs of propaganda and some of those who slavishly allow themselves to brainwashed by it, are not representative of all the people in the West. There are many who can see through the tissue of lies plus disinformation put out by it.
For example, my home city is twinned with Volgograd, because of the devastation they both suffered during WW2. Admittedly, my home city could not compare with the suffering the people of Volgograd suffered.
Another example is the Trump phenomenon or the vaccine propaganda.
Like him or not, there was a coup on election night.
The government does not represent the people. Most people in rural America see through the propaganda–although Russophobia is probably the deepest of the brainwashing.
For the grace of VV Putin we have much to be thankful for.
I think that people fall easier for this war propaganda now, because of the previous dehumanization propaganda campaigns of vaccines (if you are unvaccinated you are evil) and Trump (if you don’t vote Biden you are evil).
Their country was split for years.
And now they have an presented outside enemy, which requires for them to join forces again. They can be united in their hate now.
And they like that.
The media throws them a bone and they take it.
Dehumanized for years and now finally their media accepts them again and they can unite.
It is really looking bad for our society as a whole.
Agreed! Even my ardent pro-Trump friends online are calling Putin a “tyrant.” Nah, that’s Justin Trudeau!
Trump has always been a magnet for opportunists, like almost everyone on his immediate entourage – shape shifting neocons.
He has a knack for keeping his enemies closer than his friends.
But God bless he’s stubborn and won’t knuckle under to the most sophisticated propaganda campaign waged since the second Gulf War.
Stand your ground Mr. President!
I tend to agree with you. I’ve seen myself on a few forums, that recognized the propaganda and recognized the dehumanization campaign over the last couple years, of the Trump and Unvaccinated, But now, among that same crowd, several of them have fallen right into the Russia Demon campaign; not all of them, but a few for sure.
It’s disturbing how easily some fall prey, even when you thought they could see through it all.
The anti-Russia campaign is far older and this doesn’t surprise me. However, the recent protests in Canada sparked a recognition of propaganda in the media. Media bias was very clear. With this situation, more people than ever saw the same pattern.
The Western media, and social media may appear as if it is all in – but that is most certainly not the case. More people with my own circle are seeing another viewpoint.
Yes, this is a traditional response or, at least, one with a strong pedigree in American history.
Deal with internal stresses by finding an external enemy on which to unload the tensions and negative emotions and fears.
Much was written about this as a socio-psychological dynamic in the aftermath of the McCarthy witch hunts, when the latter were compared to the Salem witch trials (note that word “witch”), bly both sociologists and artists (Arthur Miller). A society under pressure because living on the frontier in a wild new world turns its fears inward and sets on vulnerable members of its own society.
Talk of witches kind of takes one back in time to that nasty Spanish Inquisition.
this comment has been flagged as of little/no value (possibly troll) by the saker
There was no Spanish Inquisition. It IS another fairy Tale from the Anglos, the like of “Putin Is Hitler”or “Saddam weapons of Mass Destruction”
Indeed, our Black Legend (British and Dutch propaganda psyop) still roves.
It has been debunked to exhaustion, but the Latinos masses are even more uneducated than the current Spanish ones (and that’s saying something!), due to the Monroe doctrine (and pretty much every US administration ever) treating them as Tropical Niggers and interfering in their sovereignty.
The degree of ignorance and contempt in it of 90% of my fellow Spanish acquaintances is just appaling. They long to live as dictated by netflix, in some kind of US wokanda blue city.
I won’t argue about the Spanish Inquisition.
Massive red herring, if someone wants to ignore my main point.
However, I am prepared to argue about both women and men, but mostly women, being accused of being witches in a number of spurts in the course of European history.
This is well documented and fairly widely studied
Go on. Elaborate…
The hate built up here in the UK is palpably thick. Some of the things said and agreed to by the public, things that should be done to Putin and Russia, are really disgusting. I am beginning to feel a sense of danger in the air as societal hate seems to rise daily. I had forgotten how mass hysteria could build and envelop a country. And this, in my opinion, is intentional on the part of the elite and their intelligence agencies. They seem to be preparing people for real war – and not only people but circumstances as they push, push, push Russia with ever-increasing sanctions, lies and misinformation campaigns – to me it is plain they want war. God help us.
I totally agree, the hysteria appears to be at the same levels as in Nazi germany where all rational thought is discarded, anyone that says different has now gone into hiding, and a few brave people are still left trying to have debate publicly, think its only a matter of time before the book burning starts in the UK
Yes, it’s both appalling and pathetic, so easily have they learned to control minds over the past hundred years. It’s been non-stop since the CIA was chartered and of course further legalized by Obama/Portman/Murphy in 2015’s “Countering Foreign Propaganda and Disinformation Act.” The CIA of course was always breaking the Smith-Mundt Act of 1947, but Brennan/Obama just went for it and the addled U.S. public never even noticed, just like they ignored NDAA Sec 1032 in 2012—one that makes even me writing this susceptible to being hauled away without warrant or any other protection, including habeus corpus or a lawyer, for indefinite detention.
What with Bill Browder/Magnitsky and the subsequent elevation of Little Ms Nazi Chrystia Freeland in Canada, the U.S. Maidan coup, MH-17, Russiagate, the idiot Navalny, the West has been relentlessly building its “case” against a Russia which had to wait out the insults patiently until military superiority was achieved. Such unimaginable pressure Mr Putin has been under!
Well, here we are. For as long as it might be—-on so many levels.
“What with Bill Browder/Magnitsky and the subsequent elevation of Little Ms Nazi Chrystia Freeland in Canada, the U.S. Maidan coup, MH-17, Russiagate, the idiot Navalny, the West has been relentlessly building its “case” against a Russia which had to wait out the insults patiently until military superiority was achieved. Such unimaginable pressure Mr Putin has been under!
Very well put.
It is hard to conceive of the pressure that Putin is under. But he does have a very competent team behind him. Contrary to the idea of Putin as sole crazy dictator who acts on his personal whims, that buttresses “America’s Putin Psychosis,” so well explained recently by Scott Ritter at Consortium News.
And thank you for mentioning that ueber-creep Bill Browder. This guy played a very specific and nefarious role in the buildup of a “case” against Russia generally as a “rogue state,” and against trading with Russia.
Meanwhile he robbed Russia and Russians —the Russian economy and various types of assets—blind.
And the film explicating what 99% really happened, Behind the Scenes, by Nekrasov, is basically banned, although you can still view it on Youtube or Bitchute. You can read about it here:
I am amazed at how many people, softened up by the Trump psy-op, were moved smoothly into the covid op, and thence into this newest hysteria. It must be noted, though, that Putin/Russia, while reacting to Western provocation, are basically driving the calendar here.
So it is a question: Was the Western Wurlitzer as well prepared with Plans A/B/C, as Putin/Russia obviously were with Plan A (diplomatic path) and Plan B (military path)—at least that is how I see it.
Good points, all, Taffy. I’m betting on Russia’s ‘Team A’ to be far superior to those well-nested neocons who have been dug in hard since Bush Crime Family 1.0. They have always underestimated strong leadership and the relentless courage of the Russian people. Their haughty takeover in the nineties showed what they were made of as western “Christian” people. So very pious of them to cause all of that unnecessary misery on the peoples of the former U.S.S.R. They were and are all about venality and vengeance—and that for acts they themselves initiated in the early 1900s!
I’ve studied Browder until up to my nostrils in his particular stench and how easily he plies his trade and currency for and with the Western elites. The best source I’ve seen overall regarding this criminal is the dauntless Lucy Komisar with her “Komisar Scoop.” She has the trove on Browder and associates—and more.
Cheers and prayers going out to all, especially my buddy Russell Bentley, a man of true moral courage and not an ounce of give when taking the side of righteousness.
(So glad to see my comment still here after failing in my attempt to post it and having to endure some moments of trepidation until it popped back up with my thoughts still intact.) I’m wondering right now if George Galloway is going to be interfered with on his Mother of All Talk Shows which starts in 45 minutes. How may platforms will censor him if he thunders the truth of what’s going on? Hopefully EeewTube will not go into their default mode immediately…
Peace be yours, Taffy.
Good points, all, Taffy. I’m betting on Russia’s ‘Team A’ to be far superior to those well-nested neocons who have been dug in hard since Bush Crime Family 1.0. They have always underestimated strong leadership and the relentless courage of the Russian people. Their haughty takeover in the nineties showed what they were made of as western “Christian” people. So very pious of them to cause all of that unnecessary misery on the peoples of the former U.S.S.R. They were and are all about venality and vengeance—and that for acts they themselves initiated in the early 1900s!
I’ve studied Browder until up to my nostrils in his particular stench and how easily he plies his trade and currency for and with the Western elites. The best source I’ve seen overall regarding this criminal is the dauntless Lucy Komisar with her “Komisar Scoop.” She has the trove on Browder and associates—and more.
Cheers and prayers going out to all. Peace be yours, Taffy.
In America we had 4+ years of listening to the western MSM condemn Trump 24/7. Many believed the spin, many did not. Those that did not now get their news from alternate media. There are a lot of people in the west who do not buy into the MSM narrative, something they will not tell you on the nightly news.
Unfortunately, that doesn’t matter anymore. That time has past. US won Europe and they are now in an orgy of propaganda and sanctions. Hopefully, they’ll hurt themselves bad enough, that when the shooting stops, they’ll talk and come to some senses. However, Russia will no longer tolerate NATO. US crossed the line.
The russiaphobia is not real, at least for real reasons. Its the current scapegoat intellectually dishonest egos in power are directing the intellectually dishonest egos of the masses to. Ego prefers to blame other over self. Only the honest focus on what they can control, while the dishonest do the opposite. The honest are the minority of all nations, religions, ethnicities, and any external identity comprised of large numbers of individuals.
“Iurii Podoliaka thinks that the Russians might storm Kiev to establish a new Ukrainian government”.
So does the western media.
It looks like the west have given up Kiev and the territory east of Dnieper river, and are relocating the Ukro-NAZIs to run the Ze government from Lviv.
Instead of accepting defeat they claim the move enables ZE to negotiate “from a position of force”.
Today I saw an article that Ze had left for Lviv. That would make sense because Lviv is a hotbed of NAZIs, and all foreign embassy staff and News reporters dispatched to Ukraine, are now in Lviv or are reporting from Romania. Lviv gives embassy staff and reporters quick access into Poland, if Russia continues its advance beyond the Dnieper River.
Besides, you can smell the western crisis by the statement coming from Biden this afternoon.
He is pressed by the Neo-Cons to stand tougher against Russia and Putin.
However Biden gave his critics the choice between being send fight WWII, or accept the current sanctions. Biden knows full well that no American want to join Uncle Sam to Fight Russia.
Also: The US have now send a Destroyer through the strait of Taiwan, so maybe Xi will soon make the 2 Chinese Banks regret to have denied Credit to buy Russian Oil. Biden is desperate. If he succeeds in shutting Russia out of SWIFT and China continues to deny credit to buy Russian oil, it is time to shut down NS1.
Another sign. Denmark is claiming to send more military equipment to Ukraine.
However the equipment will be armored wests and hospital supplies.
Besides the change in rhetoric from military to humanitarian action, the western media is trending toward talking about how to make room for the 5 million refugees they expect to arrive in Europe from Kiev.
Now Ukrainians working in Denmark are driving back to Ukraine to bring their relatives to Denmark.
At this time the West is loading warning on the internet and blocks access if try you access RT or other Zone B media directly or via their Youtube channels. That may scare many supporters from posting at this moment, and most are trying to figure out what is happening.
So disregard the “Russophobic Consensus” blaring out of the western media.
There are 5 stages in a defeat: denial – anger – bargaining – depression – acceptance.
The west is in stage 2.
So take a good sleep Andrei, and the consensus anger will change into bargaining within 24 hours.
You should NOT believe or read into too much about “2 Chinese Banks denied credit to buy Russian oil” or any similar stories (disinformation) from the West! MSM is trying its usual “divide and rule” tricks to put a wedge between Russia and China, (pro-) Russians and (pro-) Chinese, by spreading mis/disinformation around the global.
Chinese are not stupid, we know we are on the crossfire of US/NATO. If China did not have nuclear bombs, US/UK/NATO would invade China this minute, destroy China and pillage China as they did before!
China and Chinese business have to be pragmatic in order to survive the heavy Westen sanctions already put on China and to support Russia. Unlike West, China is all about doing, not about talking.
Btw, on Chinese social media, there are millions of millons support for Russia and Russian soldiers. Although the 5th column inside China, the shill army from Taiwan/HK diehard rioters and US/UK/NATO cyber force are trying hard to spread the same dis/misinformation and lies, but Chinese netizens and ordinary Chinese do not buy into their propaganda.
Russia is not alone! Stay strong, Andrei!
Jut to cheer your up: recently during the ice hockey game between Russian women team vs US women team in Beijing, Chinese DJ put on the famous Russian song 喀秋莎(Катюша :-): https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1zi4y1Z7JA/?spm_id_from=333.788.recommend_more_video.-1
Hi saker,
Just a quiet but avid reader of your blog.
Many of our voices are drowned out by the big tech and legacy media.
Here in Canada, where the media has done a 180 regarding protests, a few days after martial laws where imposed to stop our own protests, there is significant skepticism regarding the “official” (western) narrative.
We are here and arguing against the western propaganda factory
It’s not much but hopefully it’s a little bit of help.
Same here in most of the USA, MSM not trusted. Most people get the logic of the danger in taking over a country on the border of a superpower, then trying to use it to destabilize said superpower.
Good to take the “push polls” with a grain of salt as well. The polling firms often hang up if they can’t cajole the answer they want out of you.
Russia has been cut off from SWIFT, the banking network.
@ Passerby
No, “Russia” has not been cut off from SWIFT – that would technically, and possiblibly even legally, be “An Act of War”.
What has happened is that several financial instutions and banks have been cut off.
Banks, even Central Banks (such as the ‘US Federal Reserve’ and ‘Bank of England’ for example) are Legally “Independent from the State Institutions” (in other words they are Private Companies) which are tasked or employed by the State to issue Currency (as opposed to “Money”) and to also conduct other financial matters on behalf of the State / treasury etc (such as interest rate management and inflation management). They can therefore be sanctioned without it being Legally an attack against the State.
Therefore the West has pulled thier punch so to speak – commiting what is indeed a form of financial warfare, but legally falls short of being “An Act of War” against a nation state.
However, “Russia” (the State) or “the Russian Banks” (Private companies) may choose to retaliate or even escalate in other ways in response.
The West, by taking actions which fall just short of acts of war (such as supplying weapons to Ukraine to be used against Russia or cutting-off Russian companies – including banks – from conducting lawful and free business and trade), appear to be aimed at provoking / pushing Russia to cross some sort of threashold that would be considered by the West as being “an Act of War” and allowing them to Legally respond (in what way we can only guess).
So, for now, it may seem like the West have gone-and-done-it, so to speak, but in reality they have not – yet. They do however seem to be pushing Russia to cross the threashold in thier retaliation – a dangerous game to play.
@Crazy Times,
I agree with you analysis. Here are potential Russian retaliatory steps:
1) Cut off energy to Western Europe. This will cause the price of energy worldwide to spike. Russia energy can be sold on the spot market in off-market transactions, through digital currency, or through Chinese system.
2) Break diplomatic ties with all Western countries, Japan and South Korea
3) Re-normalize ties with North Korea (the Chinese have just done this)
4) Freeze all western assets within Russia.
5) Unilaterally leave the START treaty
6) Cut all space cooperation with the USA
7) Eliminate all material shipments to Western countries, including aluminum
This should send a message – the days of USA bullying are now officially over.
Just prohibiting western airlines from using the Russian air space would nearly ( along with sky higher kerosene prices) bankrupt them. Most flight from Western Europe to far east ( South Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan, etc) go over the Russian air space. I can not see how they can efficiently fly around it and still make any money.
That has all ready happened but a proportionate manner. The UK prohibited Aeroflot from using their airports. UK airlines are now prohibited from using Russian air space. All 11 time zones. It will make air travel more expensive and less convenient for the Brits. Opps.
What an idiotic move THAT was for UK.
So, Russia is banned from flying over the microscopic British Isles (big deal) while Brit airlines are now banned from flight over the largest country in the world, in terms of geographical area, which also just happens to stand between it and many of its most lucrative far east destinations.
Johnson is a moron.
Yeah, I thought Spanish politicians (let’s say from 2000 onwards) would keep Gold in best morons ever, but competition is fierce! Just look at Trudy, Bojoke, Micron I, etc…
Only some banks
Predictable https://thecradle.co/Article/columns/4857
White House: The EU continues to work on the list of Russian banks that will be disconnected from SWIFT. )))
– They will turn off SWIFT, cut themselves off from oil and gas and coal, that is, they will commit suicide. Inside Russia, we have our own International Payment System (similar to SWIFT), transactions will be carried out through banks in China, India, Saudi Arabia, Turkey …
But energy prices will skyrocket, gas up to $2,000 per cubic meter (it’s profitable for Russia, but the US won’t sell its own))).
And the main thing is the loss of confidence in the reliability of the US Dollar, loss of reputation and slow death. Long live Yuan! )))
Goldman Sachs’ Allison Nathan asked the question on everyone’s lips: “The removal of Russia from SWIFT – the global electronic payment-messaging system – has been referred to as the “nuclear option” for sanctions. Do you agree with that characterization?”
Eddie Fishman – the former Russia and Europe Lead in the US State Department’s Office of Economic Sanctions Policy and Implementation – responded in a fascinating way:
“No – it’s not even close to being the nuclear option… SWIFT is just a messaging service. If the US and Europe decided to cut Russians banks off from SWIFT without imposing full-blocking sanctions on them, they could still transact with US and European financial institutions – they just couldn’t use SWIFT to do so.”
Fishman went on to point out a potentially even bigger blowback consequence for the West’s actions:
“…and in a perverse way, that may actually increase the demand for SWIFT alternatives, such as Russia’s own System for Transfer of Financial Messages (SPFS).”
Cher Saker,
Soyez assuré qu’il y a encore des gens en Occident qui vous apprécient et se désolent de leur propre pays…
Yes absolutely. I order a russian flag will show it at my balcony.
Listened to CNN for a brief time today and the propaganda is going into overdrive how old people were stopping Russian tanks by using their bodies, how they were singing the Ukraine national anthem in their cellars and bomb shelters etc.
As far as the Ukrainian people are concerned, they like the Americans with their corrupt government are just as guilty as the corrupt politicians that they elect to office over and over, again making them accomplices to all the evils perpetuated in their name.
lol, 3 ukie grannys
Well…does this be permitted?? Ex Nazi country supporting neo nazi’s
Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz @Bundeskanzler Regierungsvertreter*in aus Deutschland · 26m The Russian invasion marks a turning point. It is our duty to support Ukraine to the best of our ability in defending against Putin’s invading army. That is why we are delivering 1000 anti-tank weapons and 500 #Stinger missiles to our friends in #Ukraine.
Translated from
Der russische Überfall markiert eine Zeitenwende. Es ist unsere Pflicht, die Ukraine nach Kräften zu unterstützen bei der Verteidigung gegen die Invasionsarmee von #Putin. Deshalb liefern wir 1000 Panzerabwehrwaffen und 500 Stinger-Raketen an unsere Freunde in der #Ukraine.
Ta for posting seems important
Rt has it too.
how will they supply these weapons to the Ukie army?
Won’t the Russians intercept them?
This has to be giving some Germans a most unpleasant feeling.
Russians, too.
I wonder whether there is a split in Germany between those from the (former) east vs. west when it comes to support of or at least comprehension for Russia.
Scholz’s hamfisted behaviour in his Kremlin talks ‘(Racak massacre’/Serbia destruction 1999, “laughable ” genocide in Donbass) was probably part of the tipping point for Russia’s eventual decision to enter Ukraine at last.
Very dangerous development and me as a German national can only feel shame
I too am completely disgusted with the West. Saker is right that they prefer Nazis to Russians. It’s crazy. I am worried about how Russia is going to survive the sanctions on Russian banks. I live in the U.S., but I hope Russia just stops providing fuel to Western countries.
The same preference as from 1933 to about 1944 (but really until forever; Paperclip and all that)
Voronsky, Operation Paperclip was the banker gangsters picking up a couple thousand Germans after the war: How does that compare to getting millions of other Germans killed, including in civilian firebombings and Eisenhower’s camps after the war? Then there is General George Patton: He had plans to finish off the Soviets, so why did he get into a minor car “accident” and die, then finishing off the Soviets was promptly ignored?
Saker mentioned Ex-Soviet Russia having “the nerve to burn down their Master’s plantation,” but how is that substantially different from Ex-Weimar Germany opposing the “international clique” and its “colony of slaves at the service of the stranger”? The Maidanites, in spite of their “neo-Nazi” rhetoric and logos, brought in the International Monetary Fund debt slavers the first chance they got, and Federal Reserve Act America is not firebombing them. They are getting tons of American military aid like the Soviets received via the Lend-Lease Act.
If we want to understand why so many people have trouble seriously questioning the “official” World War 3 narratives, we should consider why we have trouble seriously questioning the “official” World War 2 narratives.
@ TycheSD,
The West has always preferred Nazis to Russians. Look at what happened during the Great Depression. A number of prominent business tycoons (oligarchs) like Ford, JP Morgan, and Irene Du Pont, sponsored a coup against Roosevelt. The coup’s goal? To put a Nazi dictator in the White House. Check it out:
And we know what happened at the end of WWII. The USA enlisted the help of Nazi scientists to further its nuclear weapons and space research. Check it out:
Then there was this recently declassified and shocking reveal – immediately after WWII, the USA military drew up plans to nuke the cities of Russia in a surprise attack. Check it out:
This should demonstrate the recklessness of the USA. It always plays a zero sum game. It is trying its best to achieve some sort of victory in this battle between Ukraine and Russia. But, alas, if it holds to its guns, we all better be digging our fallout shelters – NOW.
The MSM is whining because most Americans “don’t care about Ukraine.” And yet when I come here I find that “all us worthless Americans hate Russia.” Total BS. We aren’t like the politicians who are imposed on us by the Deep State (we haven’t been a democracy in a long, long time). I never did buy into “collective guilt” BS. Get off your high horses American haters. You’re believing (and repeating) a lie. Don’t let the MSM influence you on what’s going on in Ukraine OR in the U.S. MSM “news” stories have the same lying source, no matter what lies they’re spewing.
I spent the whole day in public (in the U.S) and talked to many people. Not one person said anything bad about Russia (or good for that matter). No matter how hard the media pushes hatred against Russia it really isn’t working. Normies are indifferent. While I’m not a fan of apathy I strongly prefer it to what Saker imagines Americans to be like, foaming at the mouth with hate towards Russia.
I’m old enough to remember the cold war era and back then (in the early 1980s for example) I would quite frequently hear anti-Russian sentiment, now I rarely or never hear it even if the media is obsessed with it.
We have not been in touch for a while but I am one who supports this action as regrettable but necessary and logical in the face of US-NATO actions and the Kiev regimes provocations and threats. Here in Canada too, the propaganda is at very intense levels, and the US has arranged for our toady prime minister to demand Russia be kicked off SWIFT. They have also banned Russian vodka here in liquour stores.
I had this published the day before the operation was launched. For your interest.
Your work, effort, time and astute analysis is much appreciated in these dark times.
best regards
Christopher Black
Thank you sir, I read it carefully and unfortunately it confirms that the US will inevitably provoke a war between Europe and Russia.
They will surely try! But some of the German leadership has some trace of intelligence left Germany will leave NATO and follow a very competent advice by a former German Chancellor.
“Make a good treaty with Russia!”
( and abide by it )
The chancellor was Otto von Bismarck
The German government and intellect is like fire and water, mutually exclusive. It starts with the deranged lunatic posing as our health minister, Karl Lauterbach, who has been lying and fearmongering for 2 years straight, our foreign minister, I – like her – struggle to find the words to describe this bumbling idiot, she recently visited the line of contact in the “eastern Cocaine” (poor thing can’t say Ukraine). One could argue that Sergej Lavrov was already under sanctions for having to endure a meeting with her 2 weeks ago. Olaf Scholz… one look at him makes any explanation of his ineptitude redundant.
I don’t see a way out of this without overthrowing Berlin, hoping for some semblance of a braincell in any of these bobbleheads is a recipe for, at the very, very least, great disappointment.
Very impressive shots of vodka being poured out of bottles on the ground…. The fools, they’ve already paid for it.🤦🏻♀️
I’m pro-Russian in this conflict despite being a “westerner”. Other than posting extensively on social media (which I have done exhaustively), and educating anyone willing to listen, there isn’t much we can do. Sorry you think the silence is deafening. Those of us in the west who are actually informed and offended by the eurorodent media just don’t have a wide audience.
An American here who is fully 100% behind Mr. Putin and Russia! Thanks so much to The Saker and other posters for such great information.
Many are censored on big tech as well, so alternative sources must be used with far less exposure.
There already have been articles posted in US media screaming that many “right wingers” would never support the US if war did go down with Russia.
The media, big tech, and even the US gov created this situation by constantly bashing, harassing and even killing members of the opposing political class. So why would they support or fight for the entity that seeks to destroy them and their culture?
American here (Irish Catholic) who fully backs Russia as due the majority of my family members. I have lost a lot of sleep and worry and said a lot of prayers for both the innocent and for the good guys to defeat the Azov/Banderas/UKR loyalists.
The pentagon have 27’000 “propaganda workers”, a good number of them probably ordinary trolls, flooding the SM, furthermore countless bots and useful idiots spreading the western narrative (with mainly fake news, but uninformed people believe it). In addition to the professional mainstream media liars, of course. Plus there is the well known massive and official shadowbanning and censorship we all very well know. No wonder, the Russian narrative has been silenced. We should have gotten used to this by now, but I understand the frustration, as I’m feeling it myself.
I have given up convincimg people on SM a while ago because it’s pointless. What I do is talking to people in personal encounters about narratives and techniques of propaganda. Not everyone wants to hear that, but on the other hand, often people listen carfully as they have never given a thought about it before. Two days ago, a work colleage said to me: “You have really shaken my view of the world”.
Fighting propaganda sponsered by billions of dollars is hard work, but not entirely impossible. I only wish Putin’s 100 trolls in St. Petersburg were a bit more successful in their job. )
Yes, talking to folks one at a time is effective. I carried a large poster of the Pyramid of Capitalism for talking to fellow workers. People get it right away.
I am happy to “Work for All” and “Feed All”, but I prefer to eat for myself, thank you very much.
(see wikipedia.org/wiki/Pyramid_of_Capitalist_System)
“but I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too. Today their silence is deafening.”
We’re here, and I for one doing what I can to fight the propaganda and disinformation, but you have to remember that most of us who hold oppositional views in the west (formerly described as “rational”) have been deplatformed, censored, and silenced.
So it’s not that we’re //being// silent, it’s that we’ve //been// silenced.
That, and also there are a lot of people here who, despite knowing full well the media provides nothing but disinformation and propaganda, are still helplessly addicted to it and thus it still distorts their perceptions. Especially when they’re being drowned out by a chorus of “Russia bad”.
That certainly explains the situation here in the US. Most people are not aware of what the people in the Donbas have been experiencing the last eight years. Also, a lot of people still believe the discredited lie that Russia interfered with the 2016 election. The end result is that Russia is blamed for everything and people believe it.
I have complete confidence in Russia and her people! What they endured during WWII shows you what they are capable of.
Czech universities were known to actively hunt for bright Slavic students, from ex USSR and COMECOM in general
I heard rumors that now professors in Czechia prohibit Russian students attending their lectures and seminars, just because they are Russians
I wonder if those are tru e or not, but at least they seem to be in line with Western overall racism
Was one specific teacher who proposed this publicly and was promptly forced to retract.
Is not an official policy. “Just” an idiot with an axe to grind.
hope it would stay this way
however, “retracting” a public policy does not mean he would not enforce it using underhanded methos while university administration would play OSCE SMM impartiality
Obviously, Russians in the West are a valuable psy-ops material, especially top sport personalities, intellectuals, students, rich emigre families. The system will try to co-opt them for its anti-Russian propaganda. Therefore, the authorities will clamp down on freelancing russophobes who would throw in a wrench in the plan.
Actual state of free speech in Czech Republic: Anyone, publicly supporting or accepting the actions of the Russian Federation or praising of the leaders of Russian Federation, can be sentenced to up to three years’ imprisonment unconditionally. From the official press release of the Supreme Public Prosecutor’s Office of the Czech Republic. February 26, 2022
I must admit that it’s a little frustrating to hear the MSM bullshit. But you have to remember that they (and their pimps/owners) are in are in a delusional state and therefore are doing and saying whatever lessens their pain.
Russia knows exactly what it is doing. There is no chance of failure.
Happy Holidays !
On February 27, the Russian Federation celebrates the Day of Special Operations Forces.
“Work brothers !”
(Hero of Russia – posthumously – Magomed Nurbagandov)
We are working, brother!
My Dear Saker, know that for some of us who’s hearts are true, who have put forth the efforts to learn, can see truth from lies and fact from fiction. God Bless VP. Russia is the hope of the world. We may be quiet, might not post but we are here. Watching & Praying.
Yes, the community is your victory!
yeah, stop reading western MSM. Boris Johnson gave a televised speech whereupon its completion he spoke in Ukrainian. ‘Glory to the Heroes’ he said. This is the level these people are at. Nobody’s ever heard of the Azov, Right Sector etc. I’ve spent two days trying to explain this on social media, forums etc. hopeless. Those Hitler haters the British are now all out in love with the Ukies, dumb *****. Impossible to deal with… and the dimwits call Putin Hitler, could the West be any dumber .. yeah course they can, I saw a yank, a regular on a blog I read, trying to warn everybody about Putins Nazis by posting a link to the Azov Battalions wikipage. (corrected now of course) So, so hopeless.
On a lighter note the xenophobic anti immigration UK have opened their bleeding hearts to Ukie refugees (that’ll last a week if we’re lucky) so hopefully the nazis will end up in london at some point, raping and a killing and forming fully armed nazi gangs terrorising the streets with all those arms the US gave them, we can all laugh at that one if it happens but preferably, i’ll forgo the laughs for Russian military ending them all on home turf.
The Nazi groups/leagues grass roots are all Zionist controlled in Europe and if all the exits are cut off, Russian troops will find Mossad Commanders, so watch for any Special Ops to get them out, like the US does in Syria airlifting their IsIsrael Commanders. Be smashing to see NATO’s best and brightest chain ganged on their way to debriefing.
A rare voice of reason in the Western media.
Tried to read article would not allow without subscription.
I read the article and aside from some unexpected insights, it is a well-tuned piece of propaganda for vastly increasing military spending in europe.
We might get into world war 3 !
REPORTER: “Putin said the West will face consequences greater than any you have faced in history. Is he threatening a nuclear strike?”
BIDEN: “I have no idea.”
Ah jeepers man don’t let the MSM grind you down. It is disgusting but otherwise they lose their jobs. The only thing keeping print and TV alive is government propaganda money. Otherwise they all go under.
To me the big story of the Ukraine is Sevastopol. Would the US willingly give Norfolk to ISIS? So how does Russia just casually walk out of Crimea. Oh the US needed a port and they have been so friendly that we happily obliged.
For me the idea of Ukrainians taking up arms against their Nazi oppressors will not be covered as it will probably be a very local thing, where did all these bodies come from. But the locals will know without having to check their phone either.
All the best. It got cold again -24c not so bad but the wind, yikes. My sister is in FLA they keep our weather on their phone just to feel superior. My dogs running free in the snow is all the beauty I need.
Thank you for update Andrey. I feel completely the same way. I had a select few share sympathy for me. Though I feel contempt for the West in its entirety now. You are right, Nazis Banderists and AL Qaida before Russian.
It must be frustrating with questions. I hope people remember the Syrian campaign. There were ebbs and flow of battles. Palmyra was won, lost, and won again. People questioned every move.
The world has permanently changed. It is Money, power, perversion, and lies vs the power of truth. I stand with Russia. I will not hide it.
Ukraine was beholden to American influence and had NATO embedded the 8 years they tortured Donbass. This is either the liberation and/or destruction of true nazism.
We are not in any operating room and in the fog of war. Photos of death from both sides are displayed for demoralizing effect. At this point, Andrey is correct, we have to wait.
The noise, propaganda, activism, circling liberal democratic wagons is their impotent rage. Do they behave themselves this way for Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan? Do they denegrate Paraguay? Who stands in their way? What are the deeds of these people? Epstein, hair sniffing Biden, crackling Hillary “we came, we saw, he died, Obamas wars and revolutions, Bush Iraq, Afghanistan, Georgia revolution.. Know them by their fruits.
The sanctions counter measures will strike at the heart of the Zionist and Marxist hive mind. Many western governments have been corrupted beyond recognition by their own people. The people will welcome a return to responsible government and a multipolar world system.
I dont read or believe anything our goverment is telling us. Our smallest country in the world wants te be tough en sends 200 stingers to Ukraine. My very big concern is this, we all know Schwab en The Great Reset. With all of this maybe a Swift ban for Russia, cuts Europe of gas en creating a very big energy crisis. Could it be Saker that this is a plan to destroy the economy of Europe and strip people from all of their assets? I cannot believe this is happening and i feel you…i feel the same hate and i am really in full shame for the country i was born in. So i want to apologize for the crazy goverment off the Netherlands. Your analyses are a lifeline in these dangarous and scary times.
God bless you.
The ‘reset’ agenda is not a conspiracy theory & has not gone away. The oportunity to push it forward under ‘its Russias fault’ propaganda will surely be exploited. As the western press bays for sanctions, I get shouted down on social media for pointing out two simple truths – if hydrocarbon exports to the west are disrupted significantly, we will see a monster recession – If Urea / Amonium nitrate and Potash fertilise components stop being exported from Russia, modern Agri biz production in Europe, US & South America will collapse.
Sadly I long ago stopped being suprised how prone to propaganda so many people are. Most can now perform the Orwellian feat of ‘doublethink’ without realising. This is to hold two ore more beliefs, which can not possibly both be correct, without questioning either. We are in a lot of trouble.
So many smart, good moral people on this site. if only we could make a difference; but at least we can let Saker & russia know they’re not alone.
Same here, also from the country of ‘klootjesvolk’ with the most corrupt government of any western country ever. Our king is not truly the king, the country does not have a valid constitution and is in fact still under German occupation. But the government is so full of it that they keep all of these scandals under the rug and lie so well to this population of sheeple that the Dutch have become that they get away with anything. I’m frustrated about the lot except for the rare exceptions. Very pro-Russian here, for many years now, and very open and direct about it to anyone.
The news that Russia was cut off from SWIFT is very alarming. In 2015, there was talk of cutting Russia off from SWIFT. Medvedev said if that were done, Russia’s response would be “without limits.”
I’m still studying this, but it appears the exclusion from SWIFT will apply only to Russian banks that have *already* been sanctioned. Banks not hit by current sanctions will not be affected. Don’t know what the effect of that would be, but Russia has non-kinetic ways of retaliating against the West that would be very painful for all society. The cut off of natural gas to Europe, cyber attacks and cutting the underwater trans-Atlantic cable connecting the U.S. and Europe are some examples. I don’t think the average person understands what effects any of those could have. I also don’t think many in government and many so-called experts understand that either. Many seem to think the West can do whatever it wants without any consequences at home. I hope this escalation doesn’t spiral out of control.
I’d like to have a better understanding of what is going on, but it is clear there is a lot of misinformation being spread. No choice but to wait and watch.
I pray for all people, the end of this conflict and peace and justice for all. In the meantime, I withdrew some cash from the bank and will buy more food and non-perishable goods.
I don’t know if this will reach you or not, but here’s one Yank that’s never bought the anti-Russian propaganda.(I’m in my sixties). The West’s stupid refusal to build a cooperative relationship with Russia after the Soviet era is a monumental failure. I suspect, however, that it may be a matter of evil rather than stupidity. As with most of what has come out of Washington during my lifetime…
Truly grateful for the work you do.
Keep strong as always, I believe and know, you are the good guys!
I’m Portuguese, born in Angola, and I’m just making the point that I’m not russophobic, and I have many friends in Portugal and in Angola that are not russophobic either.
The western media is relentless. This show of despicable lying propaganda is the worst it’s EVER been! I am ashamed to be a human being b/c I hate it so much. The American sphere of influence MUST stop now or we are all doomed….
I suspect the Russians have fair amount of sympathy among the Deplorables. We get the same mountains of bullshit from the same sources.
A significant minority in the West are not anti-Russian, but they are drowned out by the globalists. You don’t believe their propaganda on other issues, please don’t believe them on this subject.
As is stated “the first casualty of war is the truth”. Never more so than now that the uppity Russians have decided to defend themselves from the clear cut aggression of the west. As is also said, actions speak louder than words so I will take my information from events as they finally play out and will leave the dross and drivel to those who wish to consume it. Time will tell the tale.
This website as well as that of Andrei Martyanov are beacons of sanity in a world that is rapidly disappearing up it’s own backside. Where much of it belongs to be brutally honest. Things are not always how they seem, and if you are getting your daily dose of propaganda and disinformation from the western media, you will be as terrified as you were all those other times they drove people crazy with saturation fear porn. Good news doesn’t sell print. Russia will prevail; that much is assured and those nations that were utterly humiliated by third world states will do nothing to change that fact. Sure, they can continue to throw fuel on the flames as they always do but what would happen if by some miracle the shipments of those weapons they intend to donate were to be hit with a missile as soon as they arrived on Ukrainian soil? They’re fair game as far as I am concerned.
Russia must however have a get out plan, and from what I have observed over many years, I expect she does. Take the high ground and let the bottom feeders feast off their own excrement. It is after all their natural environment.
Dear Andrei, I just watched my country, Wales – which was the first country to be dealt with by the Anglosaxons.
(Our royal blood lines were ALL hunted down and killed and our history wiped – all parish records destroyed} –
play a rugby match against England. Both sets of supporters were invited to applaud the West’s stand against
the ”Russian invasion of Ukraine” and to cheer on Ukraine – which they did.
Their ignorance and trance-like blind acceptance of the given narrative is quite scary, and those who search for
truth and justice must be exceptionally forgiving – almost Christ-like! Disgust and contempt at ignorance is
natural, yet the spirit of love is above natural. I love Russia and send you Hwyl fawr (great Spirit).
Iurii Podoliaka, Yura of Sumy, was Orange Maidan functionary, who got dissatisfy with the outcome (it did not make Ukraine better, only worse)
My memory may be wrong, but i believe in late 2014 he tried to incite active intervention of Russia, together with outh then prominent bloggers (like Leo Vershinin AKA putnik1). It was speculated they want to be haulaters but on Russian bayonets, not American, wagging the Russian dog for their benefit.
Whether this speculation is true or not only hte m know for sure, but we must remember, for Yury the benefit of Ukraine is what matters, and Russia is only a tool. I think in this regard he is very similar with Paul Craig Roberts, who for years demands Russia to bitchslap USA into senses, with zero regard to the cost it would incur on Russia.
Since 2014 i was heavily reading his LJ blog, especially as his Maidan functionary experience was providing very interesting angles and insights on the then events. I have to admit that later (2017?) not sure i almost totally stopped reading him. My gut seems saying somethign is getting more and more rotten in his blog. Or maybe just my insterests shifted, dunno.
Anyway, when reading Yury one has to remember that his “rank” among anti-maidan ukrainian bloggrs and benefit of Ukraine (however he sees her) for him would always outweight interests of Russia and Russians.
His most public stunt for me wa s when he and some other “audequate small ukrainians” were trying to “force” (using AIM/anonymous jargon) Right Sector activist Eugenia Bilshenko as a pro-Russian poet.
So, while Podoliaka indeed often compiles many material and sometimes produce interest angle to view at them, but still, caveat emptor.
Dear Saker,
I see that you are still young enough for the stupidity of the ignoramuses to still inflict pain. But it is worse. as even many of those who start to comprehend are still inflicted with the drugs of deceit injected by the media.
That is something I’ve witnessed for twenty years, and there is naught you can do for them that cannot comprehend and I speak from experience.
Residing in Australia, and uninformed of so much, I’ve enjoyed the illumination you have placed before me, and some of the better commentators, and I’ve preferred to keep my mouth shut until I have something worthy to say, and in reality, all I can say is that I recognise your pain.
Thank you for keeping us properly informed.!
If you want to talk online/in person to fellow Aussies of similar ilk email greenwizardsmelb@22112.co
I think that Putin plays a long game. Delay Ukraine as much as possible. The West under its own propaganda has to up its sanction game over and over again.
So, what will happen when the west plays all of its economic cards?
What will US do if Russia bombs the missile sites in Poland and Romania? Even Invade Latvia for fun? Kill a few US soldiers?
Start a nuclear war or do what???
Is the empire so insane that it will start a nuclear war to save face?
To tell you the truth, I’m not so sure. But I believe that the bear is angry enough to call the bluff. To tell you the truth, I’m scared.
UAE are leaving gently the orbit of uncle Shmuel. Then Quatar will follow, then the Seoud. The domino will fall regularly . In 5 years the empire will have no fund more to renew his army. The franc CFA will fall also. And Paris will be like Frisco a shit hole.
“In 5 years the empire will have no fund more to renew his army. The franc CFA will fall also. And Paris will be like Frisco a shit hole.”
Not five.
More like one, two at most.
Yes, I agree. Iit looks like the end of the American saeculum has arrived (a la Howe, Straus and the Romans) , the one that began circa 1945.
Yes – the USA will start a nuclear war to save face. The “brinksmanship” has been happening for a long time.
In the words of Caitlan Johnstone: “The solution to a crisis that was created by brinkmanship is not more brinkmanship. The solution to a crisis that was created by brinkmanship is detente.”
The USA and Ukraine have refused detente. Why do we think this will change?
I believe the scenario will go something like this:
Russia acts to prevent the seizing of one of its vessels by any of NATO’s naval forces. It shoots a missile that either harms the ship or sinks it. Lives are lost. The USA and NATO declare a state of war and begin to attack Russian Naval forces throughout the world. Russia responds in kind. NATO goes to Defconn 3. Russia goes to a similar alert stage (as does China and North Korea). USA and NATO move rapid forces to border of Russia and Ukraine. Turkey closes the Bosporous Straits. USA orders a bombing campaign on Russian forces and military installations. Russia does the same, and this time continental USA military bases are hit and severely damaged. USA and NATO move to Defconn 2. They nuke a Russian military establishment. Russia responds in kind. USA nukes six or seven more. Russia responds in kind. Again tit for tat. USA decides to launch everything and the world ends as we know it.
The key to stopping this scenario is for Russia to quickly take control of the Ukraine and make it impossible for the USA and NATO to return. Thus Ukraine is a pawn on the global chessboard that is removed. It will also provide time for hopefully saner people to prevail. But I don’t like the Biden and his crew of warhawks. Didn’t like Trump and his crew of warhawks. So I’m not sure it can spiral down. I am sure it can rachet up though.
No.It will be more like this.
US/NATO try and capture a Russian ship under the pretext of sanctions.
Russian navy/air force turns up and issues warning/
Warning is ignored.
Russia fires munitions close to but not enough to cause damage.
US/NATO run away and then complain loudly about the Russians.
Hi, Kansa, Biden has nothing to do with the US “decision making”: The Jewish “cliques” in charge have ONE main objective: preserve the purchasing power, the world reserve currency status of their printed wealth, the USD. (90% of the Western credit is theirs & 95% of the liquidities also). So, they ABSOLUTELY need wars, chaos, destruction in order to hold the tools for the enslavement of humanity. The day is not far away when the “God´s elected” will call upon the USA in the following terms: “Let´s go, fellow Americans, defend our American way of life, our greenback, our wellbeings”. Which boils down to preserve the tools of supremacy of the Jewish Tribe. And risking throwing the US under the nuclear bus.
You are more than okay in my book. I can tell you this is bothering you, deeply. So let me pass on something on the positive side. The BS storm is reaching a peak but, normal stuff when somebody who is really bad news is going down hard. Don´t let them take your smile, your laughter or the good sense I often see you display. Here it goes.
People known to me and my family in the US, with Ukie and Polish roots, are being confronted with something undeniable. They are in contact with their families in Ukraine. Their families still have phone usage, lights, water and the rest. They have not been carpet bombed, dragged into the streets and run over by Russian armored vehicles. They have not been threatened and were basically passed by in peace. This is basic reality of what we have been discussing here and they are seeing the difference between that, what is on the boob tube and what their families are telling them. It is far different than they had fearfully imagined.
I am somebody with deep roots in the US military, with many family members volunteering for service, generation after generation and then returning to civilian life. Yet, I am here backing up you and the people of Russia, because the truth demands this. It is part of my oath, to confront all enemies of my country, foreign and domestic. Nobody gets a pass. It was an oath to the people of my country.
We are in the heat of the battle, the eyewall of the hurricane, it is going to be rough. I said it would be last week on here. That said, many will turn away from the narrative. Many will go to the pols and the bums will be peeled back a few notches. This turn of events is centered around the families, again as I recently posted here.
You´re not wrong Saker. You are not losing either. Millions even among the population of the US are turning away from the narrative and whatever stunt or stunts they try to pull, it will not change anything for the people who truly caused this situation.
Welcome to the walls of Rome. Boa descanca para você guerreiro.
Been looking at Weibo, the Chinese equivalent of Twitter, the last few days. I want to let you guys know that most Chinese social media users understand what’s going on and are supportive of Russia, at least to some extent. There are some who are coming out of the woodworks hand-wringing about “aggression” and being “anti-war”, either due to ignorance or disingenuousness. However, they are getting reamed in their comments, for the most part. And a lot of regular people are getting quick educational courses on the Azov Battalion and the events of the last eight years. Chinese people have not forgotten the 1999 Nato bombing of the Chinese embassy in Belgrade, nor the fact that Azov goons were sighted in Hong Kong during the 2019 riots.
A small tidbit to cheer people up a bit: yesterday, the Ukrainian embassy’s official account actually posted on Weibo begging for donations. It appears that they ended up locking their comments under that post, though. One may guess the reason: under the other account that reported this bit of news, it appears at about 70% of the responses were “reported them for attempted fraud”…
My wife and daughter reporting the same. Very high level of Chinese support for Russia.
Confirmation … – to back up my words (I removed a lie calculated at a height from the article)))
NATO rushing to resupply Ukraine by land; no-fly zone all but ruled out
… With the skies now largely occupied by Russian fighter jets and Ukraine’s military airports destroyed by rocket fire, Allied resupply was forced to shut down a highly publicized air bridge carrying Javelin jets and Stinger anti-aircraft missiles to Ukraine. recent weeks. From now on, Ukrainian forces will have to make do with a series of more modest truck convoys.
But these slow-moving convoys are also vulnerable to Russian attacks, even in the far west of the country, where there has been no vicious fighting so far. And as they slowly move east towards the front lines, they will have to travel mile after mile of potentially contested territory. (?!! – we will destroy it)))
While several NATO allies have publicly declared their commitment to continuing to supply weapons to Ukraine, the US has been more circumspect. “We continue to provide them with ways to protect themselves,” Pentagonsman John Kirby told spokesmen Friday, declining to elaborate.
The road option comes with a lot of risk. Any truck convoys moving along these roads will have little protection from the sky, as NATO has practically shut the door on the idea of a no-fly zone over any part of the country.
Despite repeated requests by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to “close the skies” and Prime Minister Denys Shmygal on Friday demanding that “NATO, Europe and the United States close the skies over Ukraine,” there is little willingness in the West to do so.
UK Defense Secretary Ben Wallace vehemently dismissed the idea on Friday, saying sending planes to enforce the no-fly zone would mean placing “British fighters directly against Russian fighters” and “NATO would have to actually declare war on Russia because that’s what you would do .” .
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby was not so categorical in dismissing the idea, telling reporters on Friday that President Joe Biden “made it very clear that US troops would not fight in Ukraine,” while saying that any no-fly zone would be a no-fly zone. NATO. solution.
No-fly zones are inherently dangerous, and the Obama administration has refused to introduce them in Syria in the midst of the Assad regime’s campaign against its own civilian population, citing the Syrian air defense system and Russian jets in the skies.
If the US and its allies were to issue such an order in Ukraine, the Air Force would be forced to undertake “a military mission against invading Russian forces and … US forces would be forced to fight Russia’s high-level air defense system,” said Emma Ashford, senior fellow at the Center for Strategy and Scowcroft’s security. Launching US aircraft into the skies over Ukraine would effectively entail the decision to “engage in a military exchange with Russian forces, with all the risks of escalation that entails.”
However, after two days of intense fighting across the country, the Ukrainian military’s need for resupply is real and growing.
For now, a land bridge seems the only viable option, as western Ukraine, bordering NATO members Poland, Slovakia, Hungary and Romania, has been relatively quiet and these countries could ease the movement of goods.
Betsy Woodruff Swan contributed to this report.
What happens if Russia announces that Russia would consider any supply of weapons to the Ukie army as a hostile act ?
Thank you, Sake.
I would like you to know that in Brazil, Latin America and all over the world there are people who know the history of Russia, the determination of its people not to allow the horrors of the past to be repeated and their long patience in the face of all the Russophobic propaganda poured into our homes and smartphones daily.
For my part, as a Brazilian, I consider Russian claims to be fair regarding their security and I see that for the warlike and Zionist West Putin is a bad example that should be punished exemplarily.
I trust in the professionalism of the Russian Armed Forces and I hope that the objectives entrusted to its high command will be achieved as soon as possible and that the Nazi plague will be swept away once and for all from the Russian borders and, perhaps, the world.
Dear Saker,
RE: I have to add that I am personally deeply hurt and offended by the “russophobic consensus” in the West. I always new that there was a hardcore of Russia-haters out there, but I also thought that there was a generally pro-Russian part of the public out there too. Today their silence is deafening.
In 2016 your father’s home country voted down in an referendum the European Union Association Agreement. The agreement was changed a bit and finally approved WITHOUT AN NEW REFERENDUM. After that this specific country abolished the referendum law.
In the parliament in that country this week the same people who caused this referendum (the referendum was the starting point of their new party) are saying. We warned you and we told you so.
So please do not give up on all of us.
People of Serbia are with you! So strongly that even Vucic was more afraid of us than of his western masters and their retaliation for not complying with their bullshit narrative!
Thank you for this realistic and sensitive analysis Saker. You are pissed off and so are we. Here what is happening here:
My wife (Russian) and I (Canadian) closely followed the events related to the Freedom Convoy, hoping that this extremely peaceful and legal demonstration to return our lost freedom would bring positive results. The way our little Hitler reacted, and the support of the Canadian parliament quickly convinced us that Canada had become just another nazi by-product.
Everyone’s attention switched to Ukraine and we started to read editorials and comments from the same freedom lovers who so much defended love and fairness. And what? Russian aggression everywhere, ukro-nazis turned sacro saints, etc. etc. Suddenly everyone was signing along with Trudeau and Freeland.
We became so turned off by all this nonsense that we both, spontaneously and without consulting each other, started to cancel our subscription to many of the sites that a few days earlier captured our attention. I could add more, but you get the picture.
I finally concluded that the West, including Canada, was on a path of total disintegration (financial, economic, political, social) and people simply do not have the ability nor the will to reverse this trend. Very soon we will be receiving planeloads of ukro nazis (before they get caught by the Russians and killed or taken to court) who will add to the current payload and contribute to turn Canada into another Ukraine.
Perhaps Russia could finish the work started in Ukraine and pay us a short visit?
Not to worry Robert, Canada’s vaxx mandates forced many retirement age school janitors to quit work. There are piles of garbage and no shortage of toilets for Ukie neo Nazi’s to clean. They’ll get the White Helmet treatment.
Cheers M
sad part, it’s on my tax payer dime
Yeah but could this be the beginning of a de-weaponization of the planet culminating here in the states in say 70 years or sooner.
We were found guilty of making too many weapons of destruction.
I refuse to listen to Zone A media–just the snippets that I see in headlines are enough to trigger revulsion. The usual psy-ops are in full effect; if you have a different opinion than the “two war party consensus” line you are a dreaded Nazi-communist-traitor who should be expelled from the country. It seems there is a little curiosity to investigate what might be happening. It’s better to have a smug, self-assured certainty that all Russians are bad and Ukraine is the most tragic country in the world. (Now, Ukraine is a tragedy, it’s just that they have the “why” misunderstood.)
Yo vivo en la zona A, vivo en España, una colonia de Estados Unidos, con un sistema político neo fascista cuyo origen es la dictadura franquista de 40 años. Yo apoyo incondicionalmente a Rusia y el trabajo de desmilitarización y desnazificación de la Ucrania nazi. Yo soy un soldado contra la información de los medios de propaganda occidentales. Amigos de Rusia : no estais solos. Somos miles, somos millones en la zona A esperando la oportunidad para destruir este sistema occidental fascista y anti humano. Un abrazo Andrei, y gracias por mantenernos informados y decirnos la verdad en este Occidente de mierda.
“Yo soy un soldado contra la información de los medios de propaganda occidentales.”
Un trabajo arduo e insalubre, y que no siempre paga bien.
Gracias por tu esfuerzo.
Yandex translation from the Spanish:
I live in zone A, I live in Spain, a colony of the United States, with a neo-fascist political system whose origin is the Francoist dictatorship of 40 years. I wholeheartedly support Russia and the work of demilitarization and denazification of Nazi Ukraine. I am a soldier against the information of the Western propaganda media.
Friends of Russia : you are not alone. We are thousands, we are millions in the area waiting for the opportunity to destroy this fascist and anti-human western system. A hug Andrei, and thank you for keeping us informed and telling us the truth in this shitty West.
¡aquí otro!, pacientemente exponiendo a los que le rodean a más información que la que ven en los medios para que piensen por sí mismos.
Soporte incondicional a la posicion geopolitica y espiritual de Rusia.
“Today their silence is deafening.”
Yes. The people who are knowledgable enough to understand the situation. These people are also knowledgeable enough to understand that you NEVER stand up to a mob. And you absolutely, absolutely, do not do it with an argument. The mob will stump your argument into the ground. Along with you.
You have likely underestimated the fear ordinary people in the West have these days to speak up. And that is even outside the current mob hysteria driven by the media and PSYOPs which most people in the West DO believe in.
Do not judge men by what they say with a gun against their head. You will get false impressions.
Nough said.
In my article, “Drawing The Only Plausible Conclusion: The Outlaw US Empire is Fascist”, that was written around Strategic Culture’s outstanding editorial, I stated that Putin’s invoking the UN Chater’s Article 51 for its self-defense against the NATO/Outlaw US Empire’s aggression was also done in defense of humanity as a whole since the Empire’s #1 goal of Full Spectrum Dominance threatens the entire world. A few days ago you wrote that this was but one episode in an overall process, an idea in which I concur as I’ve also written a few articles related to that theme. The economic Blowback will exacerbate the Empire’s domestic crisis that’s already escalating prior to Russia’s countersanctions. The question in many minds: Will Russia’s operation finally force the Outlaw US Empire to cease its global aggression? IMO, it’s too soon to give a definitive answer; but for the moment, yes, it’s stopped.
I have many big picture questions but those can always be answered after the fact.
My immediate concern is with the city of Odessa. Why is it being left?
Is there no military base near there? Or was that taken out but the city being left for now due to:
a) Ru expects little resistance, when the general tide turns in a couple of days the Ukrainian forces will liberate/takeover the city themselves
b) Ru expects a LOT of resistance, therefore they need to finish Nikolaev and consolidate around the neighboring regions before even trying. Despite a large force (somewhere from 100K which magically turned into 150K into 175K into 200K+ over the course of a couple of days/repetitions in the media), they are simply spread too thin right now
c) ???
Black Sea Fleet maybe can’t execute an amphibious landing because there’s probably hostile subs, vessels, and planes in the international waters of the Black Sea that have to have an eye kept on them?
“For me, this is about modern Europe who prefers to glorify Nazis then to stop hating Russian for our two major sins: first…”
Saker, I would add “Third, we are a very powerful warrior culture which has repeatedly kicked their ass, and Fourth, we have a Faith and spirituality which shames them when juxtaposed with their deviant hypocritical and greedy worldview..”
“China and North Korea to cooperate under ‘new situation’” just after US Navy sent a warship through the Taiwan Strait. A Korean-Chinese Stavka being formed and a second front being opened?
Absolutely, I totally agree. The Russians are great warriors and you have kicked ***.
However the Ukrainians are great warriors too.
I get the impression that:
1.The Ukrainians and Russians are a brotherhood and have no desire to kill each other (except for the Nazis who want to kill everyone)
2. The Russians are making an extreme effort to diminish civilian casualties, in contrast to the German Wehrmacht rolling over Europe, and thus this blitzkrieg isn’t that fast.
I am Irish, of Viking ancestry (as they say are the Rus), and looking at so-called neutral Ireland today, I suspect that the best of the Irish have already emigrated.
On Gab and Telegram in America everyone loves Russia!! We are all cheering Russia on. We realize the Jews Mafia Oligarchs are running bio labs, child trafficking and drugs through the Ukraine. Thanks for your updates so much. Thanks so much!!!!
Not all people in the west believe the russians are evil…..I understand what Putin is doing and I hope he succeeds. I hope all the neo-nazis are taken care of, I hope that the deep state assholes are all caught and punished, I hope that the Ukrainian money laundering ring is rounded up and all the people using it are caught and dealt with (Soros, Biden and family, Romney and family, Pelosi and family, et. al), and I hope the Ukrainian military surrender and join the russians in that effort…this effort is a part of a larger effort to get rid of the deep state around the world…this is only the beginning….If Putin really wanted to start WW3, he would over run all of europe within a month or 2 tops….nato wouldn’t be able to stop them period…..I feel sorry for eastern european nations thinking/believing that europe and/or the US is going to come to their defense…..the commiecrats are not going to come, you are on your own…..Poland should remember 1939, Britain/France didn’t lift a finger, so much for the mutual defense treaty that was signed….I could go on, but I think I’ve made my points….
What Russia Wants From Its Invasion of Ukraine—and Why Zelensky Is Evil
To confirm my words
Deputy Head of the Security Council D.A. Medvedev threatened to revise relations with countries that have imposed sanctions
Dmitry Medvedev
Here, sanctions were imposed against all members of the Russian Security Council. As I write this post, I’m almost in a panic. It’s a shame.
And what are we going to do now?
But for history I want to note the following.
1. First, about the main thing. These wonderful prohibitions, of course, will not change anything. This is clear even to ignorant people in the State Department. Including the decision to conduct a military operation to protect the Donbass. It will be carried out in full, until all the results that the President of Russia spoke about are achieved. Nothing more and nothing less. As, by the way, it was in a similar situation in 2008.
2. I believe that it is obvious to all smart people: sanctions are a myth, a fiction, a figure of speech. I am deeply indifferent to these widely advertised restrictions on rights abroad. I can say it more strictly, but I will refrain😂. I am a citizen of Russia. And that’s it.
Well, sanctions are being taken for an obvious reason. From the political impotence that arose on the basis of the inability to change the course of Russia. And also – in the hope of justifying themselves for shameful decisions, such as a cowardly flight from Afghanistan.
In general, our partners in the US and the EU are doing great – nothing consolidates power, management elites and, to a large extent, citizens of our country, like love for Americans and Europeans. So – wait!
By the way, for reference. Neither I nor my family members had and do not have any foreign accounts or any property abroad.
3. There is also good news.
Sanctions can be an excellent occasion for a final review of all relations with those states that have imposed them. Including to interrupt the dialogue on strategic stability. It is possible, after all, to renounce everything in principle, including the START-3 Treaty, concluded by me with B. Obama and extended by V. V. Putin with the current head of the United States.
Why is it now, under such and such conditions, especially signed by sanctioned persons? It comes out somehow awkward.
Yes, and diplomatic relations, in principle, are not particularly needed. It’s time to close the embassies with barn locks. And contacts continue, examining each other only through binoculars and weapon optics.
4. Now we are driven from everywhere, punished, frightened, but again we are not afraid (almost like L.N. Tolstoy in a certain situation). The Council of Europe and PACE have now suspended Russia’s membership. Wild injustice.
Although a good reason to finally slam the door and forget about these meaningless almshouses forever. And they entered something foolishly once. By youth.
In addition, this is also a good opportunity to restore a number of important institutions to prevent particularly serious crimes in the country. Like the death penalty for the most dangerous criminals, which, by the way, is actively used in the United States and China.
Exclusion from the OECD is also an insanely scary thing. I don’t know what to do now. Although they didn’t want to see us there for almost eight years. And they don’t want to again. Well, you won’t be forced to be nice …
Further on exceptions “from everywhere” in the form of punishment – according to the list. Involuntarily, you will only think about the time spent in these structures in vain.
5. They also threaten to seize the money of Russian citizens and Russian companies abroad. Just everyone, without any sanctions. Completely. Kind of bad.
But this will have to be answered quite symmetrically. The arrest of funds of foreigners and foreign companies in Russia according to the country principle.
And maybe – and the nationalization of the property of those persons who are registered in unfriendly jurisdictions. Like the USA, the EU states and a number of singing countries of the Anglo-Saxon world that will take part in this.
Fortunately, we have rich experience and we have a law on this topic. Strict. So the fun is just getting started…
PS forgot about the denunciation of the Treaties, in particular On the shelves with the US and Norway. As well as non-fulfillment of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF Treaty), from which the United States withdrew unilaterally. Now they are begging for a resurrection.
And we will send them to hell with the military Cosmos, especially since they don’t want to negotiate!
Will there be a point when Russia will cut of the gas supply to the US and Europe? Anybody want to guess?
It’s strange to read this question on the forum for the fourth time. ))
Answer: It depends on “Europe”. Specifically, from each (non-sovereign and occupied) US vassal in the Western Cape of the Eurasia continent.
By the way, not only gas, but coal with oil and much more.
Have you not understood that the United States is killing you, as in 1941.
Everything is according to patterns, we fight, we die – they get richer and prosper.
I am an administrator of the original Vladimir Putin Fan Club on Facebook. All posts have to be approved by an admin. Today we have received about one thousand posts. Most are simple statements of support for Russia’s actions. Here are some examples.
We also received a lot of hate mail, like “go fuck yourself P*tin!”. The positive responses lead about 10 to 1. All the hate comes from North European Westerners, while the support comes from the third world and Southern Europe.
I am from Spain
and support for Russia
from Asturias with love
Eight years of waiting patiently for the Minsk Agreement is surely enough to realize that the intention to solve the security problems (national security as well as personal security) was not there. I’m from Switzerland.
With 57 years of life in America I can definitely confirm that although the political left in the nation was quite fond of Soviet Union most normal, decent people just hated communism, not Russians.
Beginning shortly after the collapse of the Soviet Union media coverage began to evolve into a far more hostile framework and public opinion soon followed.
For at least the last twenty years the vast mast majority of Americans have been literally trained to despise Russia and the Russian people in general. The deep seated hatred of and bitter, psychotic contempt for Vladimir Putin however is for all practical purposes universal in the U.S.
It’s demonic and I NEVER hold back when someone shares their mental illness fueled hatred for either Russia or Putin. I nearly always share facts and realities regarding our own governments vile and inhumane actions, particularly post 9/11.
God bless.
I concur. My experience is pretty much the same as you describe. Then I moved to Poland 15 years ago and the Russophobia here is thru the roof. I’ll never forget when RU hosted the winter olympics in 2014, I’m no big fan but I watched the closing ceremony, and it was breathtakingly beautiful. Immediately the media here ranted, “Oh it was so overdone”, “Oh they spent way too much money”, blah blah blah. Freakin’ joke.
I spent the past few days arguing with people in certain internet forums. I had one ignorant Eastern European call for nuclear strikes on Russia. He said he would rather the world be destroyed than have to co-exist with Russia.
I was quickly labeled a “Russian troll bot” and banned off the forum.
There wasn’t a single person out of a few dozen who had the courage to listen to anything I tried to write. They openly side with the Neo-Nazi’s while calling Russians terrorists. When confronted with the massacre of Donbass people they just respond “Good.” I join the Saker in my absolute and sheer disgust.
This world is in deep, deep trouble. I fear the west is crazy enough to go to ww3 with Russia over the long run. The problem is the mass media. It absolutely must be annihilated completely if we are to have a future.
God help us all.
My concern (echoed by the few I know locally who do not believe the propaganda) is that the sheer intensity and volume of anti-Russian hysteria and venom circulating around Zone A might be sufficient to allow the spineless political class to contemplate “a nice short war” which may very quickly escalate to something far, far worse. Once this sort of ball starts rolling there’s no stopping it.
We will certainly get our answer, good or bad, rather soon I suspect.
“Today their silence is deafening.”
on what platform do you expect people who have sympathy for russia to voice these opinions?
the past 4 years all major social media outlets have purged large swaths of the right.
Parabéns RÚSSIA em todos os sentidos.
Oh, I think the supporters are out there. It’s just that this utter blizzard of disinformation is of biblical proportions. And since we’re not certifiably insane we’re just sitting tight for the moment until the blizzard slows a bit before we pull out our snow (or other s-word) shovels.
Dear Saker
I’ve read your analises for years now and have always found them both informative and enlightening.
My heart goes out to you and to what you must be feeling as the “Western world” has now completely revealed its utter contempt, disdain and sheer hatred for Russia and its civilization. I knew it was present, but must admit to having underestimated the depth of the phenomenon..
Unfortunately we are witnessing a crossing the Rubicon moment and things will never again be the same. There will be no pacific co-existance between Europe and Russia. The fact that the Netherlands, Germany and France have all agreed to urgently ship weapons to the Ukraine as events are unfolding while they did nothing for 8 years for the people of Donbass speaks volumes. May it serve as a wake up call for those in Russia who still had any hope for a rapprochement with Europe; they want to destroy you!
Well, present-day European nations, including the three you mentioned (Netherlands, Germany and France), are occupied by the US, and as satrapies thereof, they don’t have independent foreign policies. Do you think these attacks on Russia, however indirect, are in the best interests of those European nations?
I am from South America. I agree with your perception of most westerners and their absolute lack of moral compass. However, the power of their media cannot be underestimated. The 24/7 bombardment of fake news definitely has an effect on most people I would say, even those who consider themselves well-educated and even intellectuals. After all, how many people in a society can be said to have critical thinking skills? Now and then, I read a blog led by an expert who maybe because of his age loves to humiliate the ones who disagree with him. A few days ago, he was more or less rational, but today he is encouraging criminal actions on the part of the US government. He is probably willing to die for a stupid reason, but he shouldn’t talk on behalf of millions of others. A few days ago, many criticized Ukraine’s neo Nazi thugs in and out of government, and now they are “I am Ukrainian”. I cannot understand this zombie-like power the media has over most people everywhere.
Well sure a huge number of people around the world love and respect Russia, particularly now that they are trying to get rid of the western -supported neonazis who have taken Ukraine as a hostage.
I love the Russian People and leadership. You are once again defeating fascism in Europe. God bless you, your fallen sons and their grieving mothers. They will be remembered in my heart from Syria to Ukraine. Dont stop what you are doing. You give all of the people around the world under the boot of tyranny hope. Love from an Iranian. I wish the IRGC would support you, but you would be getting horrible media coverage then.. Hurrah Tavarish!
😀 Thank you, beautiful words for all.
The propaganda is in overdrive. While some truth about current events are breaking through the Internet, sadly the subject of Russia is one that remains under absolute domination by Western elites.
We are surrounded by nothing but lies. It is no surprise that most people have their opinions formed by propaganda. Personally I oscillate between understanding and resenting them for it. I broke out of the matrix, why can’t everyone else. It is literally a choice.
I know some Ukrainian immigrants. They are good people. But I am bothered by something. They are upset about the current events. But they seem to be totally oblivious to the nazi elements in their state. As a matter of fact, they seemed totally unbothered by the civil war up until Russia decided to end it on Thursday. Why couldn’t they see what I see? Do people not seek the truth about their own home? Are they as propagandized as everyone else? I generally place the number at about 50% of the population that cannot think for themselves. I suppose I have no reason to believe it is more or less different in any other parts of thew world. Sorry if this comment is coming off as tangential.
Saker, thank you for being a portal in to reality.
SG, I would put the number nearer two thirds…65-70% can’t think for themselves and will obey authority.
The in/famous Milgram experiments came up with a similar figure. In my local village, I’d put the figure nearer 90%!
Jon L,
I’m 61, and American, but I’m under the impression the figure is closer to 90%.
Years ago, after 9/11, I had a conversation with a family member about how all our media are just different propaganda organs. His response was to say that he is aware of that, but then said something to which I didn’t know how to respond; that he “likes the propaganda.” As time went by, I kept waiting for my now estranged father to snap out of it, but over the last two decades he hasn’t budged from his position, except only to dig-in his heels. These days he is filled with disdain and hatred for anyone who questions the propaganda. His position is shared by every one of my family members. All of them have abandoned their natural ability for discernment. All react emotionally. Critical thinking is impossible for them.
Like my family, the bulk of the Americans I know prefer the lies, ignore history, reject logic, and will never question their own convictions. In my opinion, because to do so would be to examine their own roles in perpetuating the carnage, and no one likes to think they’re part of the problem. It is depressing as hell, but until reality smacks them in the face, most people are just fine with living in denial.
Steve De’ak
Letter from Britain: don’t pay any attention to the Daily Express – it’s pure clickbait and the one national newspaper that I refuse to look at at all. It’s not just that some of its stories are far-fetched or say different things from the headlines – they all do. It’s a conspiracy theorist’s gossip channel.
FYI, RT’s London studios have lost several of their British staff who no longer want to be associated with brutal “Snow Niggers.” Some of the Brits on RT’s international service also sound somewhat apologetic on-air. I think there may be a few more defections in the coming days. In the UK, RT have employed people based on their CVs. They should instead have picked people based on their politics. This is how Zone A media works. RT is a politically naive organisation.
Link please. Mod.
Sorry, Moderator
I don’t have a link. I personally know people in RT London, including some who quit. I discussed this with them. They are young (under 30yrs) and feel embarrassed and vulnerable. They were never friendly to Russia and would rather have worked for the BBC. If I see this reported I will send a link.
Dear Saker, I’m an avid german Reader of your Blog and want to thank you for your invaluable work. Many people in Germany are strongly opposed to the freakish MSM frenzy but are silenced and or ostracized. Many strongly disagree with the spineless, docile, yet aggressive vassals forming the powers that be who set out to ruin europe. The US will jubilate… Shame on them all!
Hoping for an end of open hostilities as soon as humanly possible.
As a citizen of NZ and (in my case anyway) an unwilling participant in the Anglo Axis, I can’t begin to say how humiliated and embarrassed I am that a country with an alleged liberal (in the proper sense) history and allegedly led by a democratic socialist party has just breathed in and accepted all the revolting narratives perpetuated by the West.
Our indigenous Foreign Minister seems to have no understanding of the irony and contradictions of loudly denouncing the so-called “invasion”. Like our involvements in Vietnam, Afghanistan etc were anything else other than outright military intrusions in the affairs of others.
Like all things this will pass and we can afford to be patient and let history, not the Western Jackals be our judge.
May peace visit all those affected sooner rather than later.
As a fellow New Zealander I wholeheartedly concur. I just hope we have the sense not to sail out too far on a ship (the West) that Russia and China are likely to send to the bottom, with our economy among the casualties.
I was born in, and have always lived in, the U.S. I am 78 years old. I have watched the quality of leadership of this Country deteriorate during my entire lifetime. This rapidly accelerated with the election of Reagan in 1980. We used to have at least a minimal level of competence in our State Department. I think of George Keenen and Jack Matlock. The people who have occupied that department during this entire Century are not competent to run a snow cone stand. All they know is to spout neo-con garbage. From Condoleezza Rice to Antony Blinken, we have had ignorant, incompetent people acting as Secretary of State. Putin has correctly observed that this Country is “not agreement capable”. U.S. foreign policy is easy to understand because it consists of one rule (to which it has applied the fancy label of the “International Rules-Based Order”) – Follow U.S. Orders. This, of course, is an explicit rejection of international law. I have no confidence whatsoever that these fools have the sense to make good decisions. Their history, especially in this Century says otherwise.
Yeah it’s nauseating to watch but that is to be expected from a five eyes vassal state.
Now we see brave Ukrainians running around Wellington waving flags, seriously they should be waving azov flags instead , still yellow/ blue but with nice swastika included.
Now the poodle govt waffles on about sanctions like it actually means something.
I have already sent an email of support to the Russian embassy suggesting that Russia government should send that package they sent to Germany and Washington ( prompted by herr Scholz ) to all UN members including our govt.
They should be shown their hypocrisy and coming from a diplomatic angle holds much weight ( I suppose everyone will know once the war crimes trials start)
Over the last few days I have been mulling over the idea of sending letters to various political parties presenting the facts and urging them not to support or associate with nazis.
Grey cardinal Peters would be a good place to start given that he’s imbedded himself in parliament, probably Christopher Luzon as well and of course the current government.
I think this is a good strategy for all concerned New Zealanders (not many of us).
protests are not so effective as you need large numbers and also plays into the media’s hands.
It is widely understood that the recognition of Donbass changed the world and I think in more ways than people realised.
The polarisation of truth (vs lie) spread like a shockwave and became very apparent.
I think this is the anvil that will make or break countries.
If we know the truth then it’s our responsibility to be the conscience of our respective nations (that is what truth demands), reminding them as best we can – after that it’s on their heads.
As Saker would say “let us not be the silent voice”
Must be going now have a letter to write
I’m not debunking the claims but I am amazed at how carelessly MSM channels are spewing them out. I’m not going to post a link in most cases, just do a google search.
For your consideration … 1. ‘The ghost of Kiev shoots down 6 Russian Jets’
2. ‘Russian tank runs over car in Kiev with passenger inside’
3. ‘Ukrainians retake airfield’, ‘Ukrainians retake bridge’
4. ‘Russians shell apartment building in Kiev after claiming to avoid civilian targets’ (Russian army says it was a Buk AA missile that misfired)
5. ‘Jews seek refuge in Synagogue’ https://news.yahoo.com/ukraines-jews-seek-refuge-synagogues-100018433.html A masterful switching between ‘Ukrainians’ and ‘Russian’ based on whether or not something good or bad happened to the Jews, truth not required.
6. Combat footage portraying Ukrainian victories and Russian atrocities are footage from the M.E. People pointing it out or Russian bots. https://www.middleeasteye.net/news/russia-ukraine-war-videos-misinformation-middle-east
Thank you once again, Andrei!
As for me, I continue to feel frustration because there is no information available anywhere on the Internet which speaks to Ukie casualties. The must be some international censorship on that news. At least in the US and Europe.
Twitter is now overrun with pro-Ukie journalists, social influencers, and trolls. The only news emanating from that platform is anything reflecting negatively on the Russian war effort. Much of it is speculation treated as fact.
Interestingly, the Ukie defense ministry’s claim that it had shot down two Russian Antonov transport planes full of troops has been debunked. At first, numerous Twitter accounts claimed that the alleged shoot-downs were confirmed by US government sources. But today, the US government denied confirming either of these shoot downs. Several independent military analysts on Twitter pointed out that there is no hard evidence substantiating the Ukie military’s claims. No photos, no videos, and no plane wreckage in the areas where the shoot downs supposedly occurred.
200 Nazi corpses, losses of the RF Armed Forces – 0.
And this is a fact. Yesterday, at a briefing by the Russian Defense Ministry, the Moldovan nightingale, political officer Konasheknko_, reported to the whole world
100 Russians (Pskov paratroopers of the Special Forces) against 53 mechanized brigades of the National Guard of Ukraine. I already wrote here … here’s a link for you – https://tass.ru/armiya-i-opk/13860819
Part of the “deafening silence” of the American public is that the average citizen knows nothing of the history which led up to this current mess. Their only information source is the television news. The other part is that those who have a more nuanced grasp of the situation have seen what happens when dissenting opinions are voiced too loudly.
They know, on some level, the history of their lives, oppressed, programmed, under the thumb of satanic oligarchs
,,,but they learn it and know it (on the level) as children.
The bile from the msm was predictable….the pious pontifications of politicians of all stripes toeing the line was also predictable….sickening, but predictable.
The sheer ignorance of most of the public, especially a lot of local ‘alternative’ media sure caught us by surprise, and, as Andrei says, the Russophobic bullshit out there…….we try our best on Social media ( along with a ( very) few others, but with the abuse and even death threats…..and we’re now both on Facebook bans of 30 days…again, even with highly diplomatic language, so……..from here in rural Aus, all we can do is watch and hope…with a further diminished respect for the community we live in. I’m a born cynic, but it’s sure opened my wifes eyes…….
Keep up the good work Andrei, and all the others like you out there – it’s a beacon of reason against the onslaught of crap…
With all due respect to fellow readers of this priceless site, anyone who reads/engages with western media and feel disgust is like someone willingly looking for dogshit on the street and getting close to smell it then shouts: It stinks! Well my dear you deserve it. As my grandma always told me : dont touch shit, it stains.
If God blessed you with an above average understanding of the state of the world and you are able to recognize a lie do yourself a great favor and stop dirtying your soul with the western crap. You will feel better and get more free time to do productive things. Thanks for reading.
Well said. I read a little Western media (in small doses) to see try and decode the propaganda, looking for clues to their real motives. Their focus on Kiev, for example, makes me think it isn’t a target of this operation and won’t “fall” while their completely ignoring the southern front means that they have abandoned that entire area.
If pro-Russians feel bad then imagine how any Palestinian, Arab or even worse Iranian feels about their portrayal in the Western media for the past few decades!
Chill dude, at least you now know, if you didn’t before, how FM Lavrov feels fending off/deflecting horseshit from every direction. Still, he’s more than capable and receives a nice salary, 1st class travel & accommodation plus a platinum pension plan for dancing with sleazy unqualified diplomats and BBC presstitute sorts.
My letter to the Times of London today by email, titled: ‘Is James Forsyth a journalist or a shill for hire?’
I very rarely read your propaganda any longer, but my 87 year old mother likes doing your Sudoku puzzles, so from time to time I expose myself to your infectious propaganda. Today it was James Forsyth, doyen of Winchester-Oxford-Westminster climb the greasy pole wordsmiths. I repeat more succinctly: James Forsyth is not a journalist.
He quotes uncritically Stoltenberg claiming that what is going on in Ukraine ‘is of a scale and type we thought belonged to history’. What history? The history of Libya? Of Iraq?? Operation Shock N Awe saw salivating psychopaths printing their evil all over the UK Press, making out that the murderous destruction was that of conquering heroes. The million dead across the Middle East was ‘just one of those things’. But miraculously now, less than 1000 dead is on that scale?? Forsyth doesn’t even have first-week-out-of-college fact-checking skills, because if he did his Stoltenberg quotation would have been followed by a sardonic: ‘Iraq, Mr Stoltenberg? The Balkans, Mr Stoltenberg?’.
Forsyth brazenly pushes aside the reasons for Moscow’s decisions but claims that Europe must boycott Russian oil and gas. Right Mr Forsyth: you sell your London home, take your children out of private school and hand over your pension to help pay the sky high bills you would impose on the British/European people. You take the hit, you traitorous, unprincipled US lackey. The USA is STILL buying massive amounts of Russian produce, but tells Europe to self-immolate. Where are you getting off kissing US backsides? You are a traitor to British people, even if you still get invites to Rishi’s for supper. It’s time to tell the USA that NATO is dead and that Europe will continue to secure gas from Russia.
‘We have no permanent allies, only permanent interests’: did you learn that quote at Winchester, Mr Forsyth??
Now, Mr Forsyth: you are going to explain why bombing the most prosperous nation in Africa to a rump, just because they wouldn’t sell oil and gas in dollars is something you did not oppose with your very life.
If you can’t, you are a genocidal prostitute to US interests and are unfit to ever work in UK journalism again.
That’s right, resign, you unprincipled little lickspittle.
Stand up for human beings, not the Winchester parasites, for once in your life.
For those not au fait with the UK, Mr Forsyth went to school with the current Chancellor Rishi Sunak, has never worked outside the Westminster bubble but is world’s greatest analyst on places like North Korea, Russia and Ukraine…..
Over the years, I’ve talked with Slavic people from the Balkans, Ukraine, Belarus and Russia and I’ve never found the ones I talked to any different to any other country’s people who would spare any time talking to ‘an over-intellectual less than dexterous maverick’ who ski-ing colleagues once referred to as ‘the Mad Professor’ (I never became a Professor in my life lol). They all in the main loved their families, hoped to get married and have children and had a healthy non-idealistic attachment to their home countries.
I’ve always found it impossible to hate whole nations or races, found it much easier to hate individuals who abuse positions of power and responsibility to cause great harm to others.
I’m afraid my country the UK has long had the capacity to generate instant hatred: when the Falkands war started I was in my late teens and suddenly half the boys at school were raving haters of Argentines. None of them had ever met a single Argentine in their lives.
The way you overcome such ignorance and hatred is to ensure that travel is as widespread as possible. Of course, the elites who wish to foment such hatred decade after decade want nothing better than to restrict international travel of the dupable masses. We all know what the effects of the ‘global pandemic’ were, don’t we?
So, I see: when Russia do preemptive operation against NATO plans, immediately, on day 1, hundreds of protests erupt in the world. When NATO illegally bombs Yugoslavia for 87 days, no protests! (I wonder, who organizes these protests?)
Russia had no choice. Either, take care of business in the Ukraine. Or, have many bio-chemical factories along the Russian border. And, eventually, the Ukraine stoked with heavy arms.
Look, I am an American, born in USA and well-educated. I understand the history of the Ukraine and followed the events in 2014 very closely.
90% of Americans do not know where the Ukraine is. They do not care about what is going on there, so long as it does not impact their daily life.
For what it is worth:
I was drafted at age 23 in 1966 and wound up becoming an Infantry officer with the 101st Airborne in Vietnam. The bottom line for every combatant is simple: It is not for you to reason why, it is for you to do or die.
There are no heroes in wars. Just survivors. Too many names of my friends are carved on the Wall in DC.
Also, for what it is worth: I negotiated a deal with Yevhen Shcherban for a client in NYC. He flew back to Donetsk. Met by assassins, disguised as police officers, andwas killed with his entourage at the Airport.
I have a small understanding of how thing happen in the Ukraine.
I’m just old enough that I watched the older brothers of my friends go off to Vietnam. And stood next to my best friend at his older brothers funeral.
I learned at an early age that my government had no problems with issuing orders that could lead to my death. And that if I followed all the rules, I’d have no choice but to march off to die. Didn’t have to make that choice, but I think I’d have liked Canada. Saigon fell first. I left that hillbilly town far behind in any case.
But, I never forgot what that taught me about my government and the small regard which it held for my life, dreams and aspirations. The last couple of years, I’ve been reminded to live by Yossarian’s Law.
“The Enemy is Anyone who is trying to get you Killed. No matter What Uniform they are wearing.”
— character Yossarian, “Catch-22”, by Joseph Heller.
I saw a reminder today that the total claimed civilian casualties in Ukraine is still less than the one day death toll in America from a preventable and containable disease. The enemy is anyone who is trying to get you killed.
Thank you and stay safe!
Don’t stay safe! Stay free!