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Messianic Process Began with IAF Airstrike in Syria, Will End With Israeli Elections

Messianic Process Began with IAF Airstrike in Syria, Will End With Israeli Elections By Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz January 22, 2019 , 2:40 pm “Indeed, my God does nothing Without having revealed His purpose To His servants the Neviim.” Amos 3:7 (The Israel Bible™) Featured image (Credit: Breaking Israel News) Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky, one of the most prominent rabbis of this generation, made a shocking statement, claiming that the Messiah will

Russia’s Stealthy Strike UAV. Deadlier Than Expected

Russia’s Stealthy Strike UAV. Deadlier Than Expected Written and produced by SF Team: J.Hawk, Daniel Deiss, Edwin Watson Introduction While overall the Russian Armed Forces display remarkable effectiveness and demonstrated a wide range of modern weapons, a number of gaps in Russia’s arsenal are also evident. Arguably the largest one is the absence of attack UAVs of any kind, comparable to either the propeller-driven Predators and Reapers intended for operations in

Army Ambushes ISIS Terrorists, Seizes Loads Of Weapons

Syrian War Report – Feb. 15, 2019: Army Ambushes ISIS Terrorists, Seizes Loads Of Weapons On February 14, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) ambushed an ISIS unit in the Damascus desert killing several terrorists. SAA troops also capturing a large number of weapons and equipment, including a Konkurs anti-tank guided missile launcher, several RPG-7 launchers, several machine guns, mortars, a satellite communication system and two vehicles. According to SAA sources

The West’s Home-Grown Threat:

by Ghassan and Intibah Kadi [George Soros has recently said that Chinese leader Xi Jinping poses the biggest ever threat to free society ie the West. The statement was met with varied responses, the most interesting of which was the Chinese response saying this statement is not worthy of a response. ] Mr. Soros is perhaps right in saying that Mr. Xi Jinping is posing a threat to

The Tulsi Gabbard phenomenon as a diagnostic tool

[This column was written for the Unz Review] Ever since Tulsi Gabbard announced that she will be running for President in 2020 her personality and candidacy have been a subject of heated debates and after I posted a rather small message from her, I have been getting panicked emails warning me that she is a fake and that I should not “jump on her bandwagon” or otherwise endorse her. So,

An insight into the mind of diehard Trump supporters

No, I am not referring the folks who voted for Trump.  That was the right thing to do. I am talking to the diehard idiots today who still are pretending that MAGA will happen. They are the kind of infantile ignoramuses who will delight in such animations… The Saker

Nazi Racialist Ideology in Service to Trump Derangement Syndrome

by Norman Ball for The Saker Blog   A full year ago, as it was dawning on most reasonable people the Trump-Russian Collusion narrative was a hoax drenched in donkey-fied Goebbelian misdirection, I noted with alarm (here on The Saker Blog) how Never Trumpism, in its manic excesses, was retracing a very dark chapter of Nazi racialist ideology.   In a disturbing instance of enantiadromia, this very same faction was accusing

Petro Poroshenko and the Spanish Toad

By Rostislav Ishchenko Translated by Ollie Richardson and Angelina Siard cross posted with source:   There is an old Spanish fairy tale about a “hurrying toad”. It spent 7 years climbing the high stairs to a house, having a rest after each overcome step. It fell from the last one and started to complain: “Why am I in a hurry every time”? The descendants of Visigoths and Moors laugh together

The “Second Phase of the Revolution” Statement addressed to the Iranian nation

On the Occasion of the Fortieth Anniversary of the Victory of the Islamic Revolution. February 11, 2019 In the Name of God, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds, and peace and greetings be upon our Master and Prophet, Ab-al-Qassem Al-Mustafa Muhammad, upon his pure and immaculate household, upon his chosen companions and upon those who follow them in charity

Trump’s State of the Union address, more obsolete than great

by Denis A. Conroy for The Saker Blog America’s obsession with its role in the world is becoming more embarrassing by the week. This year saw Donald Trump performing as Lord of the Rings while addressing the Fellowship of the Ring…STATE OF THE UNION address, 5 February 2010. The occasion confirmed the fact that patriotism is an essential component in the economic wars. As co-conspirators privileged to be included in

Putin’s Lasting State (translated by Dmitry Orlov)

Modern Russian Governance Explained Foreword by Dmitry Orlov: We interrupt our regularly scheduled programming to bring you this translation of a very important article that describes the nature of modern Russian governance. It is written by one of Vladimir Putin’s close advisors who is a political expert of considerable stature. It has been widely (though rather toothlessly) reviled in Western press (as well wannabe-Western Russian liberal press) but without quoting

US Sets Up New Base On Iraqi Border, ISIS Threat Grows In Desert

Syrian War Report – Feb. 14, 2019: US Sets Up New Base On Iraqi Border, ISIS Threat Grows In Desert On February 13, the Syrian Air Force conducted a series of airstrikes on ISIS hideouts in the area of Kiribat al-Hosn in the Damascus desert. The airstrikes reportedly came in response to a recent increase in the activity of ISIS cells in this area. The Damascus desert as well as

New Israel Strikes And ‘Secret Missile Factory’ In Tartus

Syrian War Report – Feb. 11-13, 2019: New Israel Strikes And ‘Secret Missile Factory’ In Tartus Late on February 11, Israeli forces struck positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the province of Quneitra near the Golan Heights, according to local sources. Shells and missiles reportedly hit at least 8 buildings and positions, including the Quneitra city hospital and an observation post near the al-Shaab Mount. Later Israeli media

Cuba – “The Equilibrium of the World” – and Economy of Resistance

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog The Forth International Conference for “The Equilibrium of the World” took place in Havana., Cuba from 28 to 31 January 2019. The Conference, organized by the José Marti Project of International Solidarity, was sponsored by UNESCO and a number of local and international organisms and NGOs. It coincided with the 60th Anniversary of the Cuban Revolution and as such was also a celebration

Moveable Feast Cafe 2019/02/13 … Open Thread

2019/02/13 15:00:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Iran looks East amid US trials and tribulations

by Pepe Escobar (cross-posted with the Asia Times by special agreement with the author) On the 40th anniversary of the Islamic Revolution, this past Friday, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei made an effort to express Iran’s geopolitical stance in simple terms: ‘We have good relations with all nations in the world, we don’t want to break relations with any European nation’, and an explanation of the slogan ‘Death to America’. The
