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SouthFront & The Saker video

Original video: Original article: Many thanks to “RS” for redacting the original article for this video! Now that the Neocons have hamstrung Trump, and with Trump’s planned impeachment and removal from office still in the future, the world must deal with the dangerous decline of the USA-led power bloc, because the Neocons are back in power and will do anything to reverse this trend. It is obvious that

Syrian War Report – February 2, 2018: Militants’ Defense Collapsed In Eastern Idlib The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and the Free Syrian Army (FSA) captured the town of Bulbul as well as the villages of Ali Kar, Za’ra and al-Ham from Kurdish YPG forces in the area of Afrin. According to pro-Turkish sources, over 24 YPG members were killed in the recent clashes. Pro-Kurdish sources claim that 20 members of Turkey-led forces were killed. Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan also said that

Syrian War Report – February 1, 2018: Tiger Forces Break Militants’ Defense In Eastern Idlib Government forces, led by the Tiger Forces, achieved a major breakthrough against Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda) in the province of Idlib. Government troops liberated over 15 villages, including Mushayrifah, Tall Sultan and al-Tuwaym. This advance pursues two goals: to liberate the remaining militant-held area in southern Aleppo and to prepare an advance on Saqrib. Meanwhile, Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and its allies started

US sanctions, baffled Russians, hot air and history

[This analysis was written for the Unz Review] So, finally, the suspense is over.  Kind of.  The US Treasury has finally released the list of Russian entities and individuals which could (conditional!) be sanctioned by the US Treasury in compliance with the H.R.3364 – Countering America’s Adversaries Through Sanctions Act.  These two short excerpt from the report show why I say “could”: and Now let’s translate all this in plain

Eurozone officially achieves ‘Lost Decade’ – media refuses to admit it

by Ramin Mazaheri for The Saker Blog With the recently released data that the Eurozone’s 2017 growth rate was 2.5%, the Eurozone has officially achieved a “lost decade”: its average annual growth rate from 2008 to 2017 was 0.6%. Wow…that’s bad. That’s even worse than “Japan Lost Score” bad. Japan’s two “lost decades” both actually surpassed the Eurozone’s recent performance: Japan 1991-2000: 1.4% growth rate. Japan 2001-2010: 0.7% growth rate.

Saber-Rattling, Nuclear Threat – Or an Even More Devastating War?

by Peter Koenig for The Saker Blog The World Economic Forum (WEF) in Davos has come and gone, and nothing has really changed. The wonderful people of the world struck again – blowing hot air to the four corners of the world. When in reality the poor get poorer, the rich get richer, wars and conflicts are on the rise – and humanity, at least in the western world, is

Syrian War Report – January 30, 2018: SDF Sends Reinforcements To Afrin On January 29, the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and the Tiger Forces fully secured the town of Abu al-Duhur in eastern Idlib after a series of clashes with Hayat Tahrir al-Sham (formerly Jabhat al-Nusra, the Syrian branch of al-Qaeda). Meanwhile, pro-militant sources reported that the Syrian Air Force and the Russian Aerospace Forces started conducting airstrikes in the area of Saraqib in a move described as a preparation for

Moveable Feast Cafe 2018/01/30 … Open Thread

2018/01/30 09:30:01Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

His Hatred by Ivan Iliyn

by Ivan Ilyin (excerpt from his book “Singing heart – a book of quiet contemplations) Translated from the Russian by Edvin Buday How burdensome, how almost unbearable is the feeling that “he hates me”… How strong a feeling of one’s own weakness seizes the soul… One does not wish to think about it, sometimes with success. But even without thinking, one feels that current through the spiritual ether, that stream

There are no Nazis in the Ukraine! None! Never been any!! No such thing as a Ukie Nazi!!!

What you see in the footage below is the creation in Kiev of a new totally democratic militia.  Here is how this event was presented on the YouTube channel I grabbed it from: (my own – wholly unofficial –  translation from Ukrainian) About 600 members of the organization “National militia”, dressed in camouflage uniforms held January 28, marched down Khreshchatyk in Kiev held for a swearing in ceremony before the 

Syrian War Report – January 29, 2018: Turkish Forces Capture Key Mountain In Afrin The Turkish Armed Forces (TAF) and the Turkish-backed Free Syrian Army (TFSA) used their advantage over Kurdish YPG/YPJ forces in the area of Afrin and captured Bursaya Mount, Qastal Jundu and Yazibagh. Additionally, the TAF and the TFSA entered the area of Kevire Kerr Mountain where an intense fighting was reported. On other fronts, the YPG/YPJ was able to repel attacks by Turkish forces. The Turkish General Staff released

Navy Brief 1/18 January 2018

by LeDahu The UK politicians and senior military officers at the helm of defence these days, seem to excel at outpourings of Russian scaremongering soundbites, which the UK MSM are too willing to relay, without any discussion or any criticism. I’m kind of wondering if there isn’t something in the water in Whitehall, that has led to a rash of anti-Russian outbursts of late. The UK media readily amplified the

Jabhat al-Nusra: History, Capabilities, Role In Syrian War History Jabhat al-Nusra, originally Jabhat an-Nuṣrah li-ahli ash-Sham min Mujahideen ash-Shām fi Sahat al-Jihad or “Victory Front for the People of the Levant by the Mujahideen of the Levant on the Fields of Jihad”, was founded in January 2012, when military operations between the government forces and groups of armed Syrian opposition were in full force. Jabhat al-Nusra arose with the direct support of the Iraqi cell of al-Qaeda,

Syrian War Report – January 26, 2018: Turkey Threatens To Attack Manbij On January 25, ISIS units attacked positions of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) in the villages of Kishmah and Ghuraybah in the province of Deir Ezzor. According to the ISIS-linked news agency Amaq, ISIS killed several army soldiers and destroyed two battle tanks with anti-tank guided missiles. However, the terrorist group did not overrun the SAA defense and was forced to retreat. According to the Syrian state-run media, 25

Moveable Feast Cafe 2018/01/26 … Open Thread

2018/01/26 22:00:03Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Erdogan has made his choice

by Ghassan Kadi for The Saker Blog It seems that Erdogan has already made up his mind, but the speculations about what deals have been and haven’t been done seem muddied, to put it mildly. In the Levant, the Kurds always lose in the end, and regardless of what alliances they make and with whom, they always end up getting stabbed in the back; or at least abandoned. But when

Uncle Sam dumps the Kurds (yet again)

[This article was written for the Unz Review] The drama which is unfolding in northern Syria is truly an almost ideal case to fully assess how weak and totally dysfunctional the AngloZionist Empire has really become. Let’s begin with a quick reminder. The US-Israeli goals in Syria were really very simple. As I have already mentioned in a past article, the initial AngloZionist plan was to overthrow Assad and replace

Syrian War Report – January 25, 2018: Syrian Army Prepares To Clear Abu al-Duhur Pocket The Syrian military is deploying reinforcements to northern Hama and eastern Idlib reportedly preparing to launch a military operation to clear the militant-held pocket there. According to pro-government sources, additional units of Liwa al-Quds and the Qalamoun Shield Forces have already been deployed there. The liberation of the pocket will allow the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) and its allies to eliminate the ISIS threat in the area and to

Listening to Mattis

by Auslander for The Saker Blog I watched US Secretary of Defense ‘General’ Mattis live on 19 January and I’m reasonably sure a lot of us either watched him or know what he said. Pretty good performance from someone who should know better and I can not determine if the good Tovarich General actually believed what he was saying or not. He was a political general, pure and simple, I
