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Trump chooses his master

“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon”.  (Matt. 6:24)

How the Fed Abdicated its Independence to White House Geopolitical Strategy on Russia For Nearly Two Years

[Note from the Saker: I take no position on the thesis presented in this article, but I do find it very interesting and I therefore decided to submit it to you all for discussion.] by Brandon J. Ferro for Only Price Matters In the chart below I plot crude, the Russian Ruble (RUB) and OPEC production. From 2012 through mid-2014 all three print sideways. However, to the day beginning on 7/29/14,

A ray of light?

 This comment was chosen by Mod ZZ from the post “Lavrov: The Americans now understand that they can do nothing without Russia.” The moderator believes this comment is a great piece of English writing.  Almost novelist quality in style. The moderator was very impressed, by not only the facts, but the commenters ability to get them across in a concise, clear and effective manner. The comment questions the blind anger

Car trips across Russia: from Irkutsk to Moscow

Car trips across Russia: from Irkutsk to Moscow Trip First: Irkutsk – Moscow via Highway M7 Fly to Irkutsk Landing in Irkutsk International Airport (UIII), Russia Irkutsk Aerial view Irkutsk in motion 2016 Car trip from Irkutsk to Moscow on highway M53 Part I out of 20 The Russian route M53 is a federal highway in Russia, part of the Baikal Highway: Novosibirsk-Kemerovo-Krasnoyarsk-Tayshet-Irkutsk, 1860 km. Car trip across Russia from

The Iranian political system, the 2016 elections & consequences

By Aram Mirzaei Three weeks ago, the first round of the Iranian parliamentary elections & Assembly of Experts elections took place. The elections for the clerical institutional body known as the “Assembly of Experts” is considered to be crucial, as they are believed to be faced with the choice of selecting a new Supreme Leader. Understanding the complexity of Iran’s political system requires a historical insight. The historical political landscape

Kurdish Autonomy – partition or master plan

by Ghassan Kadi No one can claim to understand what goes on within the Kurdish mind except the Kurds themselves, perhaps not all the Kurds do either. It is rather amazing that non-Kurds expect Kurds to have one voice, one aspiration, one political orientation, and as if all other nations are united in a manner that is manifested in a single voice. How interesting! Is there a single nation on

Important crowdfunding appeal: Newsbud – a new media type (UPDATED)

Dear friends, I consider Pepe Escobar not only as an absolutely fantastic journalist, but also as a friend.  I have the utmost admiration and respect for Sibel Edmonds. [UPDATE & Sidebar: I was not aware of Sibel Edmonds’ anti-Russian, anti-Putin and anti-RT nonsense – frankly I had not heard of her in a long time – and today I was made aware of this crap. Oh well, this is very

The City Of Ryazan was founded in 1095 in Russia [Updated]

The City Of Ryazan was founded in 1095 in Russia People and places of Ryazan – Visit Ryazan Bike ride across Ryazan A young woman, Yulia Lazareva, long haul truck driver en route from Crimea to Ryazan Old Russian Waltzes. 60 minutes of wonderful music 01 – On the Hills of Manchuria (I.Shatrov) 02 – Birch (E.Dreyzin) 03 – Forest Fairy Tale (B.Bekker) 04 – Remembrance (A.Dzhoys) 05 – Orchid

Week Twenty-two of the Russian Military Intervention in Syria: Putin announces new strategy

This article was written for the Unz Review: These are amazing times indeed. Only two weeks ago I outlined the likelyhood of a dramatic escalation of the war in Syria, and this week Vladimir Putin announced the withdrawal of what I would call the “tactical air strike” component of the Russian task force in Syria. How is that possible? How could the Russian warn about Turkish troops poised to

Rostov-On-Don Russian port near the Sea of Azov was founded in 1749

Rostov-on-Don is a port city and the administrative center of Rostov Oblast and the Southern Federal District of Russia. It lies to the southeast of the East European Plain, on the Don River, 32 kilometers from the Sea of Azov. City was founded by the Empress of Russia Elizaveta Petrovna in December 15th, 1749. Rostov-on-Don Areal View Winter and Christmas in Rostov-on-Don   Rostov-on-Don   Cool car trip from Rostov-on-Don

Germany SITREP March 19th, 2016 by C.

In the context of my previous SITREP, you can see that I am totally opposed to a lot of German policies in general and to the German policies regarding the refugees and the migration crisis in particular. When I say that the German people have an obligation to help, I mean that the German people as a community of individuals have an obligation to help those in need, because all

Moveable Feast Cafe 2016/03/19 … Open Thread

2016/03/19 11:30:02Welcome to the ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’. The ‘Moveable Feast’ is an open thread where readers can post wide ranging observations, articles, rants, off topic and have animate discussions of the issues of the day. The ‘Moveable Feast Cafe’ will have two new open threads each week. The Saker stated moderation policy will apply eg ‘no caps’, no obscenity … etc to all post. The Cafe is now open for

Russia’s Syrian initiative: over but not out

by Ghassan Kadi The enemies of Syria have been gleefully watching Syria getting dismembered, its people killed and its infrastructure destroyed for five long years. Every time an icon was destroyed, they leaped with joy. Every time they conjured up a plot to widen the scope of the war and involve NATO, they impatiently sat in front of their televisions waiting and bracing to hear that the presidential palace has

Your thoughts on Israel’s threat to vaporize the holiest sites of Christianity, by Scott

Before the end of his term the President Barak Obama is determined to undo what many see as the greatest injustice of our time. He wants to bring Israel back to its 1967 borders according to the UN resolution and to make Jerusalem a capital of two countries, Palestine and Israel. As the Israeli media puts it: “Obama to use UN to divide Jerusalem.” Michael Bulgakov, an author of “Master
