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Ukraine and World SITREP January 16th, 2016 by Baaz

Novorossia Donbass 1. Interview with Janus Putkonen, chief-editor of Donbass International News Agency 2. [source] Janus Putkonen, a Finish journalist behind Donbass news agency 3. [source] Video interview with DONi Director Janus Putkonen by Joshua Tartakovsky 4. [source] VPE Special | Christmas Interview: Father Alexander. Donetsk | Eng 5. [source] In Moscow as a result of untreated severe pneumonia died a former commander of Gorlovska garrison 2014, former Deputy for

Ukraine Turkey and ISIS Overview SITREP 2015 – 2016

Turkey turned into a geopolitical hotspot after brutally shooting down the Russian SU-24, flying anti-terrorist mission over the North Syria on November 24th 2015. • Is Turkey Waging War on Russia in Crimea, the Caucasus, and Central Asia? …. Sputnik News Interviews Saker • Why is the US Hanging Turkey Out to Dry? …. article by Andrew Korybko • Russia reacts to Turkey’s attack SITREP November 29, 2015 by Scott

Congrats Germans! This Is How You Do a Putin Interview (Charlie Rose take notes)

by Alexander Mercouris for Russia Insider source: Putin used Russia’s Christmas break to give an interview for the German tabloid Bild-Zeitung (see here and here). Unusually for the Western media, the German interviewers proved to be both well-informed and intelligent and avoided cliches, giving Putin a good opportunity to explain himself concisely on a wide range of topics. The fact the interviewers from Bild-Zeitung conducted the interview so intelligently

A small reminder and clarification: I am an alien, really :-)

Dear friends, Yesterday one of you made a very perspicacious comment about my views: “You live in Florida, but you could as well have been writing from Neptune or the Moon“.   This is absolutely correct.  In fact, on the old blog, I posted the following little blurb about myself “I am a ‘legal alien’ currently living in the Imperial Homeland“.  Of course, what I mostly meant was that I was

Vladimir Putin’s interview with the German newspaper Bild

Question: Mr President, We have just marked the 25th anniversary of the end of the Cold War. Last year, we witnessed a great number of wars and crises across the world, something that had not happened for many years. What did we do wrong? President of Russia Vladimir Putin: You have started just with the key question. We did everything wrong from the outset. We did not overcome Europe’s division: 25 years ago the Berlin Wall fell, but Europe’s division was not overcome, invisible

Song about the clairvoyant Cassandra

Some events today inspired me to post this ;-) Translated lyrics: Besieged by Greeks, so many months Troy couldn’t be taken, And it remained for long an undefeated town; But had the Trojans listened to Cassandra’s statement, Then, maybe, Troy wouldn’t have collapsed and fallen down. Without stopping cried Cassandra, mad and raucous, “I clearly see that soon in ruins will Troy quake!” Despite the fact that people loathe those

Saker Podcast # 11 (ideas from a distant past)

Dear friends, Today I ask for your indulgence.  Not for the contents of the podcast which are every bit as retrograde, obscurantist and bigoted as my recent A few disjointed thoughts on the events in Cologne, but for the fact that the topic I tackled today would have deserved a carefully prepared presentation and not just an off the cuff “car discussion”.  As always, I did the best I could,

A few disjointed thoughts on the events in Cologne

Dear friends, What I want to share with you today is most definitely not a comprehensive analysis of the events which took place recently in Germany, but rather a few unconnected thoughts and memories we came to my mind when I heard about what had happened.  So here we go. First, the figures are staggering: according to Russian sources there have been over 700 hundred assaults in Cologne, 40% of

The Multi-Faceted American Bankruptcy and Beyond

by Ghassan Kadi The financial collapse of the United States grows more inevitable, and more obviously so. Thus far during the Obama tenure alone, the formal and declared American debt has doubled, sky-rocketing from 10 trillion to 20 trillion dollars. Estimates of total American debt however, and which include unfunded liabilities, are much higher and range from 150 trillion to 350 trillion dollars. But even at twenty trillion, every American
