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Another day on the road (and maybe a podcast?)

Dear friends, Today will be another day on the road for me as I need to drive across the Ocala National Forest to bring my daughter back to college.  We have a few heated exchanges going on in the comments section and I have 15 emails that need answering.  I apologize to all and ask you to wait until Monday. Cheers and hugs, The Saker PS: I might try to

Scott’s rant January 10th, 2016

In today’s Scott’s rant: • the US & EU Power Structure • How ‘Obscure’ US Bureaucrats Foment Wars • How the myth of American “exceptionalism” is perpetuated • Is allocation of Developed vs Developing permanent? • What the fate of Russian teenagers of the “Young Guards” at the hands of Germans in 1943 has to do with the Islamisation of Europe in 2016? • The West had a perfect plan,

A beautiful Hindu chant from the 8th century

Dear friends, I wanted to share this with you for a long time already, but I just did not have the time or opportunity to do so until now.  Today, I can finally share with you one of my favorite texts and chants.  My problem now is that I don’t know how to introduce it without writing a very long text, so I will try to be very concise, but

Sexual Terrorism In The Heart Of Europe

by Andrew Korybko The festive revelry of New Year’s celebrations abruptly turned into a horrible nightmare of sexual terrorism for at least 100 German women in the city of Cologne. The large-scale attack seems to have been planned well in advance and coordinated among the nearly 1000 “refugees” that took part in it, and the widespread fear that it instilled in the population is leading to a backlash against the

‘Who’s On First’

This comment was selected by Mod HS from the post “Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah – Speech – January 3, 2016 – Shaykh Nimr Assasination”. The moderator thought it would be good to have some light relief published here in the commenters corner for the weekend. Enjoy! The original ‘Who’s on first’ comedy routine is here. Comment by Anonymous Well it is hard for the ordinary people of this world who hold

Saker’s Technology Sitrep Threatens NATO’s Precious Bodily Fluids!

This comment was selected by Mod KL from the post “World SITREP January 8th, 2016 by Baaz”. The delusions of NATO members and a bit of  humour for the weekend. Yeeha! Comment by Marco   Hey Saker, I just stumbled upon an article in an Austrian magazine called Contra where they reference your article on the German language Saker site. Get this: they explain that a Russian technology called SITREP

Execution of Nimr al-Nimr, Saudi Arabia and Iran: religious or political conflicts?

By Salah Lamrani Source : Translated from French by Jenny Bright “Since our birth, we are subjected to oppression, intimidation, persecution and terror, so that even the walls frightened us. Even the walls! Is there anybody who has not suffered injustice and oppression in this country? I am over 50 years old, that’s half a century. Since I was born, I never felt safe in this country, in no

Good news!! Domain name problem *solved*

Dear friends, Good news!!  Thanks to a good friend (AK) who contacted the right person, our domain name problem is fixed.  We have now take the needed steps to make sure that it does not happen again. I want to thank my IT guys who had to deal with a rather crazy situation and who all went out of their way to find a way to fix this problem: they

World SITREP January 8th, 2016 by Baaz

This week reviews, analyses and news Europe 1. [Source] State of emergency: the gravediggers of the French Republic 2. [Source] Oil and the ISIS: Another US-NATO War on Libya is Imminent by Stephen Lendman 3. [Source] Kosovo: NATO’s Success Story? by DAN GLAZEBROOK 4. [Source] SERBIA’S CHANCE FOR FREEDOM Slavisa Batko Milacic 5. [Source] Serbia: President Nikolic attends Orthodox Christmas service led by Patriarch Irinej 6. [Source] Hilarious Christmas greeting


Dear friends, I was hoping to avoid having to report this to you, but we might have some major problems with the blog in the near future.  This is not critical, but it could be a major headache.  Here is what is going on. The company with which we registered the domain name “” has basically been totally unreachable for over a month now.  We tried emails, calling them in

Swords to Plowshares

This comment was selected by Mod KL  from the  post “Does Erdogan really intend to eliminate all Kurds from Turkey?”   The moderator believes that even if there is some anger, or maybe even some signs of despair in the comment, it fundamentally shows a fighting spirit which is refreshing and encouraging in these difficult times; when many people just give up, stay passive, silent and wait. Why are they

Playing With Religious Fire

This comment was selected by Mod TR  from the  post “The truth about Islamic Fundamentalism”. The moderator believes there have been so many debates going on about Islam/Daesh on the Saker site over the last week, bringing forth many passionate views from all sides of the argument.  This comment – an excerpt from an interview with religious scholar Hamza Yusuf  in the Cairo Review – gives a very interesting perspective

Ukraine SITREP January 6th, 2016 by Scott

Happy New Year to everyone! Friends – Happy 2016! Fascists and banderivets – happy 1945! Pro-globalists liberals, and comprador politicians – happy 1937! Members of the Parliaments – 1917! The international backdrop for this week Ukraine SITREP Twitter is full of loaded statements of the Western “experts” on a subject of Russia naming the US a “threat” in its new National Security Strategy. No, Russia’s New National Security Strategy Doesn’t

Tank expert “Kakaouskia” offers to make a Q&A with Saker readers!

Announcement by “Heavy Metal” Kakaouskia: To all the Saker community, I saw with great pleasure that my article “Heavy Metal – A comparison of Russian and Western armour” generated quite a bit of interesting comments. I wanted to come back with “Heavy Metal – Part II” comparing ammunitions, but as specifications on these are very hard to come by (the real stuff, not what the brochures say) I decided to
