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Poland’s stance towards Russia: pathetic, contemptible and plain stupid

Alexander Rutskoi (Major-General of Aviation, former President and Vice-President of Russia, Hero of Russia): You know, there is that saying that if a rape is inevitable, then you should relax and enjoy it.  Well, this is the kind of “enjoyment” which all of Europe is getting nowadays.  I have quoted Nietzsche in the past who said “only the strong can be respected, the weak can only be pitied, and even

International Military Review – Syria, Oct. 14, 2015: The Chinese approach

Message from SouthFront: Greetings! Due to your support this video already includes animated parts despite the recent attack on the project. The SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence team is appreciated to know that many people aren’t indifferent to the project’s future. A big thank you to the readers of The Saker blog for your support!

In the meantime, in Nazi-occupied Ukraine

The dramatic developments in Syria have somewhat overshadowed the events in Nazi-occupied Ukraine.  True, nothing truly ‘major’ has happened there, but that in itself is a major development and a case of “no news is good news”. Banderastan: Remember how close we were to a Ukronazi attack just a few months or weeks ago? That attack never materialized. This is, I submit, major news and something which most of us

SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence is Under Attack

Dear friends, The SouthFront: Analysis & Intelligence team has faced the circumstances of insuperable force. Our servers were attacked, data bases were damaged. We are working hard to restore date and information needed to produce tactical analyses with detailed maps. Nonetheless, we won’t be able to produce animated tactical analysis maps till Thursday. Till this time, we will focus on the strategic and political analysis of the situation in Syria:

Towards a Third Intifada: Why Israel has no Future in the Middle East

By Salah Lamrani (Sayed Hasan) On September 9, 2015, Sayed Ali Khamenei, Iran’s Supreme Leader, repeated the Islamic Republic’s commitment, in word and deed, to liberate Palestine and put an end to the so-called State of Israel, the last colony on Earth, just as vicious as it is anachronical. He stated that in spite of the nuclear deal, the USA or “Great Satan and enemy of the peoples”, worse than

Exclusive One Belt One Road (OBOR) Briefing From Andrew Korybko’s China Trip

Regular contributor to The Saker, Andrew Korybko, attended the second-annual Yangtze River International Forum Summit 2015 last month that brought together China’s political, economic, and social elite (to see the full program, click here). The day-long event saw the participants discuss the One Belt One Road project, which is the world’s largest-ever connective endeavor. Having received the hard-to-get permission of the Chinese government to operate at this closed-door event as

Answer to a disappointed reader

David just posted this comment on the blog: “Trying to read between your lines, Saker, has become an interesting pastime activity, from time to time. Sometimes I can make much sense of what you say, at other times I cannot make much sense at all, unless I complete the analysis with respect to some disguised or veiled purpose.  Your earlier writings and thoughts ( I have been reading you for

EU Germany SITREP October 12th, 2015 by Gepard Schröder

So far all established political parties in Germany have supported the influx of migrants to Germany during the ongoing migration crisis. With the notable exception of the CSU which is a more or less independent branch of Merkel’s CDU. The deal between the two parties is that Bavaria is CSU territory, the rest of Germany is CDU territory and on a federal level they work together in one faction of

South East Asia SITREP October 12th, 2015 by Joseph K

Perhaps the biggest news concerning South East Asia this week is the conclusion of talks between trade ministers of the 12 countries participating in the Trans-Pacific Partnership. 12 countries strike Pacific Rim trade accord, 5 October 2015 The Empire’s strategic answer to Eurasian integration, the Trans-Pacific Partnership is a “free trade agreement” that excludes China and is a central pillar of the Empire’s pivot to Asia. [source] The “largest global

Interview is with Colonel Eduard Alexandrovich Basurin

Interview by Anatolii Sharii Transcript and Translation: Alena Scarecrow Source: Basurin on the frozen Novorossiya project, Putin, war and media This interview is with Colonel Eduard Alexandrovich Basurin, Deputy Corps Commander for personnel and Zakharchenko’s (the head of the Donetsk People’s Republic) assistant on social rights of servicemen and their families. What was your pre-war occupation? Business. Polymers and PVC production. My military career started in July 2014; before
