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If you understand Russian and German

Dear friends, Yesterday I had to go for a long night drive and since one of you (салам БП!) was kind enough to send me some music, I discovered “DJ Russak ft. Kasach” and what I think is the title of either a recording or their group – “Heimweh” (homesickness)  I had no idea was this was, but 30 seconds into the first song I was already laughing and by

SouthFront’s US Carrier Strike Group Locations Map Sept. 4th 2015

Introduction from the Saker:  I am happy to publish today a map of the current locations of US carriers which is something we definitely want to keep an eye on, especially if a serious crisis erupts, for example, in Syria.  The question “where are the carriers?” should always be on the mind every analyst because no US carrier move is innocent, even though in port are there for a reason. 

4.09.2015 Crisis News

If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at

Poroshenko’s address to Ukrainian people and people of the World in connection of 70th Anniversary of the end of World War II.

Note: the text below was posted on the official website of Poroshenko, but only in Ukrainian, not in English or Russian.  Which is especially interesting since it it addressed not only to the Ukrainian people, but also to the “world community”.  Thanks to “AA” who translated this from Ukrainian into English I can share with you this most interesting speech.  As you will see, Poroshenko wants to create an international

The Capitulation of “Grand Liban”

Foreword by the Saker: It is my pleasure to share with you an exceptionally well written and interesting report by Ghassan Kadi about the situation in Lebanon and the dynamics in the region.  I am also happy to report that Kadi will now regularly write for the Saker blog and share his insights and analyses with us.  I have also agreed with him to follow up today’s article with an

The most anticipated showdown in recent history or a load of bullcrap? (Saker rant)

So now we have the ‘evidence’. First, we have 4 grainy photos from an al-Nusra linked Twitter account: Second, we have this confirmation from the White House via Zero Hedge: Then earlier today we got the closest thing to a confirmation from the White House itself which confirmed that “it was closely monitoring reports that Russia is carrying out military operations in Syria, warning such actions, if confirmed, would be

The Moscow-Beijing Express: From May 9th in Moscow to September 3rd in Beijing, the Anti-West Order Comes Full Circle

By: Jeff J. Brown, 44 Days Radio Sinoland Cross linked with 44 Days and Sound Cloud: Russian President Vladimir Putin (left) was the only person during the entire Beijing V-Day parade who got face time with Chinese President Xi Jinping (right). This speaks volumes about China’s intended message to its people and the world. (Image by 44 Days Radio Sinoland) On May 9th, 2015, in Moscow, Chinese President

What if there won’t be any war, or the second referendum in Donetsk

Source Author Rostislav Ishchenko (Ростислав Ищенко) Translation Seva A sensible politician always respects his opponent and assumes that if to him (sensible politician) something appears obvious, his opponent took this possibility into account, and, if that option is undesirable for him (an opponent), he is looking for (or possibly has already found) an alternative non-obvious solution. Americans have lost several geopolitical rounds to Russia for the simple reason that

Will Stepan Bandera III Allow Kiev to Destroy the Bandera Legacy?

by GH Eliason In a bizarre twist of fate, this article maybe the only warning Stepan Bandera III receives that he really needs to get a running head-start. Part of the Ukrainian Diaspora is trying to cast the crowning achievement of his grandfather “the real Stepan Bandera” to the ash-heap of history. This move is geared to crush the hope for freedom of generations of Bandera supporters. In an effort

Poroshenko: New Military Doctrine is based on the duration of threat from Russia and demands full compatibility of the Armed Forces with NATO standards

(Note: I don’t have the time to turn this pidgin English into something better, sorry.  So I have left this text “as is”.  The Saker) The new Military Doctrine of Ukraine officially states that the Russian Federation is a military adversary of Ukraine and sets a task to redeploy military units and formations and establish proper military infrastructure in eastern and southern regions,” Petro Poroshenko said opening the discussion of

On Russian military interventions (or lack thereof)

My recent article about a possible Russian military intervention in the Syrian conflict triggered, amongst mostly rational reactions, a few angry and frustrated one from folks who were apparently disgusted with the Russian refusal to get militarily involved in Novorussia and Syria.  Since such angry protests are also often echoed on other supposedly pro-Russian blogs and websites I think that it is worthwhile to address the substance of these criticisms

Ukraine SITREP September 2nd, 2015 by Scott

The Russians have been so successful in gathering their country together because they come to other people and ask them about their needs, wants and dreams. Preferably in their own languages. Americans come to other nations and dictate what they want, need, and dream all in the English language. The West is not far behind. Here are the Russian anonymous person’s commentary on the “commentary” of the EU institution, not

President Putin’s interview to TASS and Xinhua news agencies

Ahead of his visit to the People’s Republic of China to attend celebrations of the 70th anniversary of China’s victory in the War of Resistance Against Japan and the end of World War II, Vladimir Putin gave an interview to the Russian news agency TASS and the Chinese news agency Xinhua. Question: This year marks 70 years since the victory over Nazism in World War II. Both your father and the father of China’s President Xi Jinping fought in that war. Your memories of the war are both your personal, family memories and the memories of the whole nation. After Xi

1.09.2015 Military Report of Novorossia

If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at Message from SouthFront: Dear readers, The essence of SouthFront’s approach is a free distribution of content such as you will never find for free from other sources. Our team showed, is showing and will show that ordinary people, volunteers equipped with the newest ideas and technologies can do what only government- and oligarchy-linked organizations were
