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Foreign Policy Diary – The Violence in Middle East (in-depth analysis) + APPEAL FOR HELP!

If you are having trouble viewing this video, go to the Youtube version at Message from SouthFront: Unfortunately, I want to ask you to help SF one more time. Our team has been continuing to balance on the razor’s edge while continuation of production of exclusive video and graphics products including as big as Foreign Policy Diaries drains our resources. We’ve got $344,69 since August 25. As a result,

War On Syria; Not Quite According To Plan Part 2. The Plot

by Ghassan Kadi Before we move on describing and analyzing the events on the battleground in Syria and what has led to the current situation, we should insert in here a quick look at the events that culminated in the decision making of waging the “War On Syria”. After the infamous New World Order (NWO) came into existence following the demise of the Soviet Union, a global “order” that virtually

Tribute to a wonderful friend

I am writing this this because a person who has been a big part of this blog has not been here for almost three months, and has not given us much explanation for her absence. KK – a person completely dedicated to the cause of Novorussyia.  And a strong and educated moderator at Saker’s Blog, KK gave in-depth, passionate comments on this blog concerning Novorussyia and its fighters..  Everyone came

A Tale of Two Pictures

Knavery’s plain face is never seen till used. Othello, act 2, sc. 1 by Jimmie Moglia We take it for granted that deception is to the art of government, what the brush is to the art of painting. But there are instances where deception oversteps even the more tolerant bounds of disgust and nausea. I refer to the heart-rending picture of the little Kurdish dead boy (Aylan Kurdi), strewn on

Serbia and Balkans SITREP, September 2015

Note: It is my pleasure today to submit to your attention a “Serbia and Balkans” SITREP which will be regularly written for the Saker Blog by Marija.  Since this is a first run, please make sure to share your comments, suggestions and criticisms with us.  I believe that a Serbia-centered SITREP is warranted because while the current regime in power is rather uninspiring, the Serbian nation has not exhausted her

So What Are the Russians Really Doing in Syria?

(Note: this column was written for the Unz Review I think that a week after Ynet broke the story about a Russian military intervention in Syria we can confidently say that that this was a typical AngloZionist PSYOP aimed at inhibiting the Russian involvement in the Empire’s war against Syria and that it had no basis in reality. Or did it? It turns out that there was a small

Ukraine SITREP September 10th, 2015 by Scott

Neo-Liberal ideology is a suicide note for Western civilization. [here] and [here] Some Jewish Orthodox sources point out that someone, who should not be named, is organizing the collapse of the US stock market and the US banking system in retaliation for Obama’s regime agreement with Iran, and the EU’s push for a separate Palestinian state, and for the division of Jerusalem. When I wrote about this 6 months ago,

Yakov Kedmi: Ukraine, NATO, and “moral values” of New York Times (MUST WATCH for Jew-haters!)

Note: This video is not only interesting by itself, it also is an excellent example of the real diversity of opinion amongst Jews, including Israeli Jews.  In this case, this shows that even amongst Zionists, in the strict sense of “supporters of Israel” (as opposed to the wider sense of the word in my personal usage). there are those who hold generally pro-Russian views and who are most definitely anti-Neo-cons. 
