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I am NOT Charlie

Okay, let’s be clear.  I am not Muslim.  I oppose terrorism.  I don’t even support the death penalty.  I loathe Takfirism.  I oppose violence as a means to make a political or ethical point.  I fully support freedom of speech, including critical speech and humor. But this morning I am most definitely NOT Charlie. In fact, I am disgusted and nauseated by the sick display of collective hypocrisy about the

Welcome to the new Saker blog!

Dear friends, Christ is Born! Welcome to my new blog! There still might be kinks here and there, especially in the archives before 2014, but generally it looks solid to me. Most of the work on the new blog was done by Gevorg from Armenia who did an absolutely *phenomenal* amount of work which included many, many hours of hard labor including patiently tutoring me on the capabilities of the

Saker schedule update + 2 open threads

Dear friends,Today Orthodox Christians like myself celebrate the Eve of the Nativity (aka “Christmas”) and tomorrow will be a major feast day for us (Orthodox feasts always begin on the previous evening). Icon of the Nativity On Thursday I will have to spend the day on the road to drive my daughter to college so, God willing, I will be back only on Friday.   I have a hotspot in the

Not a Buk-M1 missile – full report and analysis of fake evidence

Dear friends, I have recently informed you that the Dutch blogger Max Vanderwerff had posted a very interesting analysis debunking the Buk-M1 “missile plume” theory.  Today I am posting his full research online which I encourage you to download from the following to locations:  Both of these services offers to read the PDF file online.I think that it is absolutely crucial that we not allow the truth about MH17 to

About the murder of Batman

Dear friends, I want to remind you all that WE DO NOT HAVE ALL THE FACTS!! (sorry for the “screaming” CAPS).  I will be the first to admit to this about myself.  Colonel Cassad is doing some stellar reporting about this on his blog, and he also is very very cautious (I don’t share Cassad’s political views, but I have learned to admire his intellectual honesty and his excellent reporting).

Innocents Abroad

by MJ On New Year’s Eve, a true story of “babes in the woods” appeared in the news: two sweet, innocent-looking, and very young Italian women, had disappeared into Darkest Syria, and had reappeared, as prisoners of the al-Nusra Front, humbled, eyes turned to the ground, wrapped-up in black shrouds. It all started when Greta Ramelli and Vanessa Marzullo, 20 and 21-year-old university students, discovered Syria’s humanitarian crisis. They become

Batman’s murder in Luganks is very bad news for Lugansk

I deliberately waited a few days before addressing the issue of the murder of “Batman” (Alexander Bednov) in the Lugansk People’s Republic but I am getting too many questions to remain silent any longer.  So first, let’s look at the fact Batman What is more or less established: Batman had been traveling in an armored car for a while now because he feared for his life.  Near the city of

Open Thread

As requested – here is an open thread.I will be back, God willing, tomorrow.Cheers,The Saker

Past Russian wars: a quick look at history

The number of well-informed commentators, politicians, blogger and observers who are predicting a war – or at least of a serious risk of war – between Russia and the USA is sharply rising.  Though I myself am rather inclined to believe that the US will use the Ukrainian junta to attack Russia rather then risk a direct confrontation,  I would not go as far as saying that I find a

The US cannot start a major war in Ukraine

By Nikolai Starikov Translated by Val from Osa How long the West is willing to pay for the crumbling economy of Ukraine without guarantees of the beginning of its war with Russia? The Western strategy rule says: lost control over the territory – create the Antithesis. It is possible to understand what is happening in Ukraine, it is much more difficult to evaluate and forecast the development of events.

Ramzan Kadyrov offers Putin his own *personal* volunteer Chechen special force

Amazing video, thanks so much to all those who translated it in less then 24 hours!!  The video begins by showing the Chechen special forces equipped with Russian military and police special forces uniform.  Notice that the average age seems to be in the 30s.  You can tell that these are hard core, experienced fighters.  Will Putin actually use them and, if yes, how so?  It is hard to tell. 

2014 “End of Year” report and a look into what 2015 might bring

Introduction: By any measure 2014 has been a truly historic year which saw huge, I would say, even tectonic developments. This year ends in very high instability, and the future looks hard to guess. I don’t think that anybody can confidently predict what might happen next year. So what I propose to do today is something far more modest. I want to look into some of the key events of

Not BUK-M1: new video proof

Check out this excellent report by Dutch journalist Max Vanderwerff who debunks the reports allegedly showing a  video of a Buk-M1 launch: There is no doubt my mind that MH17 was shot down by a Ukrainian SU-25, possibly one of several Su-25s patrolling the skies that day to intercept a civilian airliner the downing of which was to become the “surprise” Poroshenko promised and which Kolomoiskii probably organized.The Saker

Rewarding the criminals: how global capitalism preys upon the poor

by Jiwan Kshetry Corporations wiping out large chunks of biodiversity and killing people with impunity in Honduras and Brazil in collusion with the corrupt state machinery, are being rewarded for their contribution to ‘clean development’ as are those throwing hundreds into abject poverty and total unemployment in India. At the end, however, their projects are not ‘clean’ with no net gain for environment in terms of carbon emission. In its

Europe Beware! – WWIII could destroy Europe for the third time in a Century

by Peter Koenig Washington is hell-bent on a war with Russia. It is part of the PNAC (Plan for a New American Century) to take over the world. After Russia, China would follow. That’s the plan. China is being encircled as we speak. Never mind that Russia and China have recently concluded a pact, a close financial and military alliance – which to defeat will be next to impossible. Unless

Why America Can’t Stop

by Mikhail Khazin Translated by Roobit Or an attempt to describe how US problems correlate with international security. On several past occasions I have written that the United States is deliberately destroying the entire system of international security, the same system that they had built together with the USSR. Why did they start dismantling the international security system is also understandable, in the 1990s the generation of “victors” came to

Blog news update: short break, BIG plans for 2015 and a small request

Dear friends,Over the next couple of days I am going to try to “life the foot off the gas pedal” and only concentrate on one thing: an “end of year report” combined with an assessment of possible events in 2015.  Other then that, I will not post anything written by me.I have high hopes that by the Orthodox Nativity (January 7th) the “new new blog” or “new blog v 2.0″

Rethinking Politics: The Irresistible Lure Of Socialism

Dear friends, Today I am posting a first article in what I hope will become a series about “re-thinking politics”.  By that I mean the following: we are told that communism is dead.  I am not so sure at all, but maybe.  I would argue that what we think of as “European social-democracy” has died this year after a long and painful agony.  The US is only a republic or
